4 COPS REPORTED KILLED, OTHER PIGS WOUNDED - FELONS & FIREARMS LAWS FAILS AGAIN - CONGRESS CAUSED IT OFFICER DAN ROCHA DIED BECAUSE OF UNCONSTITUTIONAL FELONS & FIREARMS LAWS - YOUR BILL OF RIGHTS & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE UNDER SUSPENSION August 13, 2019 FELONS & FIREARMS - RIVERSIDE SHOOTER WAS PUSHED TO USE GUN BY TRAFFIC STOP THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE - CONSULT YOUR CROOKED B.A.R. LAWYER FOR LEGAL ADVICE THE PRESS KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED BUT DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT A gunbattle reportedly erupted between cops and a guy near or in Riverside, California yesterday with one cop dead, two cops injured, and a dead suspect, and no one wins again. The mainslime media press is saying they cannot figure out what caused the shooting in Riverside, Ca. where a CHP officer and a suspect were shot dead, but they are lying and know exactly what caused the deaths. Cops have detection equipment that can see through the metal of a vehicle that can detect firearms and other equipment and that was probably focused on the shooter's truck at the time of the traffic stop. The shooter reportedly was a felon or ex-felon, and, knowing that cops never stop investigating felons, and, knowing that cops take great exception and pay special attention to assault rifles and their owners, it figures that the cops targeted this man for the traffic stop because of the gun and felons and firearms laws and executed the stop to bust the guy for the gun. Not wanting to go back to prison and not wanting to be made a fool of in an unjust court system of UnConstitional laws he probably just snapped and decided to use the gun on the cops, suicide by cops. SHOOTER WAS PROBABLY UNDER HEAVY FREQUENCIES Shooter was dressed in black, indicating he may have suffered under infra-red radar, radar applied by cops, just as breast cancer victims suffer surveillance radar. This would, of course, have increased his anger to a boiling point, but cops don't care about that ...until the bullets fly. This kind of conflict of felons and firearms can erupt near you at anytime. People simply don't want to lose everything they have and be made a fool in an unjust court system so they figure they have to use the gun, and it's a suicide by cop, so the stupid corporate laws of felons and firearms are really endangering the public, but on it goes; the stupid U.S. Corporation expects the cops to keep confronting felons with firearms as in this fatal incident. So the U.S. Corporation, with its stupid, unlawful, UnConstitional, ineffectual laws is doing the opposite of protecting the public - IT IS ENDANGERING THE PUBLIC. If you are so brainwashed into believing that felons should not have firearms you have lost the battle for understanding and will probably believe that there should be a ban on assault rifles. As long as cops have assault rifles citizens should have them, too. UNJUST COURT SYSTEMS If you prohibit citizens from owning firearms you will have a civil war and many people will die from it. If you pass assault weapons bans you will have another civil war, maybe of smaller proportions. As far as court systems, lawyer Gerry Spence said it best. He said he had not prosecuted one case in his whole career that the prosecutors had not used some unfair tactic, etc.. I might add that cops are not supposed to structure your lives for you and they are not supposed to constantly go about investigating persons with criminal records. Those persons should be treated the same as other persons, but cops need business, you know and will start in on a person with a criminal record. Today's corporate cops are real assholes, pieces of excrement. They are not like cops of old but are corporate pieces of $hit, following a line issued by The U.S. Corporation, a corporation of Admiralty Law. We are supposed to have God-given inalienable rights, rights which cannot be taken away, but just as the late George Carlin pointed out, anytime the corporate government decides to unlawfully suspend them the rights are taken away. Persons with criminal convictions should be allowed their full rights restored once doing their time and/or paying their fines, etc., but the corporate law system has decided to overrule citizens due to being able to violate holders of a social security number. If Trump is such a great president why hasn't he changed the laws to allow felons and ex-felons to apply for their full and complete rights? If he is a just president he would do this and make it impossible for such a ruling to be removed or altered. THE POOR DEAD COP...OF CORPORATE ROYALTY Cops are no better than other people, but the way the slanted mainslime media bemoans a dead officer you'd think they observe cops as royalty. They are, in fact, CORPORATE ROYALTY, but are still not bullet-proof. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before - another dead cop, and, until this law of felons and firearms is removed there will be many more dead cops. The question is: do you want more dead cops? Gunman in Deadly Riverside Shootout ID’d by Family, Described as ‘Desperate Man’ Who Served Time in Prison previously-served-time-in-prison/ EVERY TIME SO-CALLED LAWMAKERS DECLARE AN EMERGENCY THEY HOLD MORE OF YOUR RIGHTS FOR RANSOM, SUSPENDING CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS. TRUMP DECLARED AT LEAST THREE EMERGENCIES OVER MEDICAL HYSTERIA IN THE FIRST PART OF 2020. EVIDENCE SHOWS THERE IS A MOVEMENT, AN ORGANIZATION WHO WOULD RATHER DEPRIVE ANY AND ALL AMERICANS OF THEIR RIGHTS, NOT JUST DEPRIVE EX-FELONS OF THEIR RIGHTS, BUT ALL AMERICANS OF THEIR RIGHTS. I WOULD SAY THAT MOVEMENT IS LEFTIST AND HAS RECENTLY COME TO THE VIEW OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. IT IS A COMMUNIST MOVEMENT WHICH IS SWEEPING AMERICA. YOU MAY BE LOOKING AT THE END DAYS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PEOPLE WHO SERVED THEIR TIME IN PRISON AS IN THE ABOVE EXAMPLE SHOULD HAVE THEIR RIGHTS RESTORED AFTER PAYING THEIR SO-CALLED DEBT TO SOCIETY BY INCARCERATION. YOU ARE NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE DENIED YOUR RIGHT TO HAVE GUNS TO DEFEND YOURSELF WITH. YOUR LEGISLATORS ARE CROOKS IN UNISON THAT HOLD YOUR RIGHTS FOR RANSOM. THEY VIOLATE YOU CONSTANTLY. THAT'S ALL THEY KNOW HOW TO DO. NEVERENDING WARS FOR PROFIT, DOPE WARS, UNLAWFUL TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, PHONEY WAR ON DRUGS, CHEMTRAILS, FLUORIDATED WATER AND THE LIST GOES ON...AND COPS REPRESENT THEM. COPS REPRESENT CROOKS. Infoeditor THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE - CONSULT YOUR CROOKED B.A.R. LAWYER FOR LEGAL ADVICE
Officer Dan Rocha, Executive Chancery court THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE - CONSULT YOUR CROOKED B.A.R. LAWYER FOR LEGAL ADVICE OFFICER DAN ROCHA DIED BECAUSE OF UNCONSTITUTIONAL FELONS & FIREARMS LAWS - YOUR BILL OF RIGHTS & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE UNDER SUSPENSION July 14, 2024 About a year ago in Seattle Why wouldn't law officers and legislators want everyone to be on the side of the law? Answer, because they need a class of persons they can incriminate for possessing certain items so they can perpetuate the Law Enforcement Growth Industry. Such felons and firearms laws are unconstitutional and therefore illegal, but the stupid buttholes in your do-nothing insider trader congress cannot change the laws and they keep people with a record from ever regaining their lives, guaranteeing a tragedy down the road. They need more law business, and they are sure going to get it in spades! People who have been handled by these U.S. crooked court systems know they have no chance at getting their rights so they are going to use the gun on the cop when caught. They know they are headed for jail and a crooked Executive Chancery court ordeal so they just snap! It is the officer who also pays the price sometimes just as in this case of Officer Dan Rocha who was informing the suspect, Richard Rotter, if he had a real firearm instead of a BB gun he was not free to leave. So they tussled and the suspect managed to shoot the officer and reportedly disable him long enough to run over him as he fled. Felons and firearm laws are a tragedy waiting to happen. People know you cannot survive out there without a gun so they are going to break this unconstitutional law a lot of times and often it is the cop who pays for it with his life. Go ahead and believe that former criminals are 'bad people' who should not get their rights back and you, too, are as stupid as a box of rocks and destructive, also. Right now the Bill of Rights and Constitutional rights are under a form of suspension while media and lawmaker assholes proclaim we live in a free country. Just a bunch of shit from a bunch of shit-asses! They absolutely want a class of individuals to remain criminal and guarantee more law business. What a bunch of assholes you have for your so-called LAW ENFORCEMENT GROWTH INDUSTRY lawmakers. R.I.P. OFFICER ROCHA - YOU WENT ALONG WITH ENFORCING UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS WHICH VIOLATED MR. ROTTER AND YOU ARE UNFORTUNATELY DEAD FOR IT. MR. ROTTER STILL HAD AND HAS HIS GOD GIVEN INALIENABLE RIGHT TO THE SECOND AMENDMENT WHICH YOU IGNORED AND VIOLATED. GOODBYE. Infoeditor Bodycam video of suspect's arrest shown at murder trial for killing of Everett police officer |