Jan 28, 2018
Fathers Arrested
When Trying to Remove
Daughters From Pedophiles
When fathers are arrested when they try to remove their daughters from
houses of ill repute it rather makes such a government look like they
sponsor the pedophiles, eh? That's reportedly what happened in at
least one case, allowing the pedophiles to walk free.
The British Police were actively trying
to cover up this Islamic gang
scandal. Leaders have reportedly stepped down over this.
Notice how some of these people in these stories are associated or
mentioned as being
with The Monarchy, The
British Intelligence is
linked with U.S. Intelligence
The R.I.I.A., The Royal Institute of
International Affairs is said to
be a casual liaison between the C.I.A. and England. Do you see
where this pedophile stuff is coming from? Rotten to the core.
Texas Bombing Backlash U.S.
in Syria
Are The Austin & FEDEX
Bombings Backlash Of U.S. Occupation Of Syria? You Reap What You Sow!
The U.S. Corporation can only go so far
with the phony terrorism bit! The nations of the world are
calling the U.S. on it. It would not surprise me if the Austin,
Tx. bombings and the recent bomb which reportedly exploded at the FEDEX
facility in Texas were backlash from the U.S. occupation of
Syria. We have no business there, telling a country what to
do! This goes back to what our forefathers warned against, the
"entangling alliances".
The U.S., steeped in neo-colonialism, is far overextended, and set for
a fall. They chose Texas to start the bombing, of course, since
it was George W. Bush of Texas who started the mideast destabilization
with the Iraq war and phony anti-terrorism. This editor cannot
believe President Trump would be in agreement with the phony
anti-terrorism and continue the occupation. He would really need
to have his head examined to continue this madness and to continue the
war in Afghanistan.
The stooges who are pimping for the U.S. fraudulent money carousel know
they are living and selling a lie and they are doomed to
lose. Shame on you, Nikki Haley!
Whether military, diplomatic, or
law enforcement, those persons
who realize the U.S. is a phony corporation, selling a fraudulent set
of values and schemes should abandon their positions at once before it
is too late!
Please see the excellent article by Lion at Rumormillnews.com
Video: U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley Only Lies When She Opens
Her Mouth
Posted By: Lion
Date: Tuesday, 20-Mar-2018 07:48:35
____________________________________ bombs to
military installations
Bombs Being Sent - This Time Directly To Military Installations
March 27, 2018
Packages With Explosive
Material Sent to Military Installations In DC Area
So they didn't get the only bomber out there when they got the one in
Austin, Texas. It looks like someone or some persons really have
it in for the U.S. and U.S. Military. You reap what you sow and
it looks like the warmongers and High Priests of War are about to
This comes on the heels of the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats.
Many people, some Londoners, have been stabbed to death in the United
Kingdom. Reportedly, some of the trouble comes from the Somalians
and Somali gangs. We all know who is responsible for the
stabbings, Theresa May and her brain-dead policies and political
correctness. Let's call the stabbings the Theresa May stabbings!
The least Theresa May could have done is equip responsible citizens
with Smith
& Wesson Model 15's, the Combat Masterpiece pistol in 4"
barrel to offset the many recent stabbings in London. She doesn't
give a damn about her people or she could end this madness now.
Tough punks wielding knives come up against a real gun and it's game
The Combat Masterpiece Model 15 in .38 Special, a very safe weapon, is
not overly powerful but is an adequate stopper, especially with plus +
P ammunition. It may be possible that a great lot of these could
be purchased at one time because many police agencies that used them
moved on to autoloading pistols.
A sort of special squad could be deputized in great numbers to let
people know this madness is over with and any suspects who attack
people with knives are going to be shot or held at gunpoint to be
arrested and prosecuted, and, if applicable to migrants they would be
What the hell is Theresa May doing besides twiddling her thumbs as more
Londoners bleed out?! Oh dear!
The Brits could stop the stabbing madness anytime they choose!
Simply issue firearms.
Patrick J. Buchanan Trump Sells America Out
To Israel - CHEAP! The Art Of What Deal??? Tom
October 17, 2019
Elijah Cummings
by Tom
Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
of America -It
can be reported that the death of Democratic Congressman Elijah
Cummings (D-MD) is under U.S. Military Court for the District of
Columbia investigation and the evidence points directly to the fact
that Cummings was murdered, a victim of medical poisoning while at a
local Washington D.C. area hospital.
We can now
divulge that Cummings actually came into possession of the
noted Democratic National Committee server that showed direct
correspondence between CIA stooge Hillary Clinton, British Prime
Minister Tony Blair and Bush Crime Family bag lady Victoria Nuland.
communications dealt with a Turkish arms deal that was being negotiated
through the noted American-Turkish Council in Istanbul with British
Serco defense contractor being the middle man.
communications and the negotiations were being done through the
infamous Benghazi, Libya unregistered CIA diplomatic outpost with
members of British Intelligence present.
communications also dealt with the fact that the Ambassador to the
unregistered outpost, Christopher Stevens, was
opposed to this Turkish arms deal because he felt that it was illegal
and a money laundry to benefit the Clinton Foundation and corrupt
elements tied to the nation of Ukraine.
The Chinese government
has a horrible human rights record. They
are accused of arresting people and harvesting their organs, against
the wishes of those arrested. It looks like the Coronavirus might
be a bad case of flu which Chinese communist authorities are
using to arrest dissidents or wealthy people and kill them, maybe after
harvesting their organs. The desperate woman in this video is
quite fed up
with the Chinese government and pleads with her people to revolt.
I believe she is telling you how things are in China and how restricted
the people of China are and how the Chinese police are everywhere to
them when they try to speak out.
up All China Citizen
!!" she said https://youtu.be/Ot1ejwUeFpI
Trump, jew-lover Trump,
Trump murders
Yemen, Yemen war, U.S.
war on Yemen, Trump
eternal jew, jew warmonger, Trump Saudi
Coalition bombs Yemen
As one writer said,
Trump has done some good things but he has done
some stupid things. Right now Trump's war on the country of Yemen
has costed many lives, and for what? The U.S. continues to
support a Saudi coalition that drops bombs on Yemen. Why?
Why does the U.S. support war on helpless people? Just like
firebombing Viet Nam, just like other actions the U.S. must attack,
attack, attack a relatively helpless people. Instead of bringing
help, food, water, and aid to these starving people the U.S. bombs
them? Why does the American Taxpayer have to fund Trump's
jew-loving, Israeli-loving murder of the people of Yemen? Why are
your tax dollars spent to kill helpless people in a foreign land?
Is this what America to be remembered for? Trump should be
stripped of all power and fired! Will no one speak up for the
country of Yemen and their suffering? I have no doubt that Trump
is doing this for Israel!
Trump should not be
your next president but Biden would be even worse.
Trump has become a jew warmonger, typical neo-con. As usual you have no
choices to amount to a damn for a presidential candidate. This
jew-loving Trump is among the worst. Trump, a jew-loving,
Israel-loving asshole.
It would be better to
disqualify Trump and put Al Gore in as president.
Mr. Gore's presidency was stolen by Bushfraud!
Justin Trudeau of Canada cannot accept the defeat by all the truckers
who have firmly established a rejection of this wimp-assed
bastard. What a bully whiner of an asshole
Trudeau is. In
fact he looks worse than Biden, calling the truckers a fringe
minority. I actually wonder if this asshole has ever worked a day
in his life.
He's lost the faith of the people and is desperately trying to hold
onto the emergency, any emergency, just so he can remain the
dicatator. How far will he go now that he has made such an
asshole of himself before the world?
Now he is threatening to shut down bank accounts with this martial law,
has threatened to give truckers criminal records and jail them so they
cannot get a job. What a damn asshole this bastard is! He
stands up there whining and bullying people around so he can remain a
dictator when there is not an emergency now.
This asshole, Trudeau, is a big loser of an asshole - AND WHAT AN
William Sullivan, FBI, assassinations, HSCA,
vaccine company CEO
Just as some seven or so FBI agents subpoened and scheduled to testify
to The House Select Committee on Assassinations were killed or died in
accidents within about 4 months, it may be possible that the CEO's of
vaccine manufacturing companies and other related corporations are in
danger now of assassination since the defective vaccines have been
Agent or former FBI agent William Sullivan was shot with a high-powered
rifle by Robert Daniels, 22 year old son of a state policeman on or
about Nov. 9, 1977 when he was allegedly mistaken for a game animal. A
30 caliber rifle with a telescopic sight, which produces a clear image
of the field of view, was used in the shooting. Sullivan was
reportedly shot in the neck. Do you really believe it was an
accident? He had reportedly told Robert Novak that someday Novak
would probably read about his death in some kind of accident, but not
to believe it because it would be murder. Surely Mr. Sullivan
would have probably told the House Committee on Assassinations about
Mr. Hoover's special secret rifle teams kept in Mexico, out of the
country, and the activities of these crackshot rifle squads. A
large part of the whole illegal conspiracy would have blown wide open,
but they got Sullivan before his testimony could be heard.
It works like this: anyone who can link and/or identify controllers at
the top are an extreme liability to 'the owners' who orchestrated this
vaccine madness that has killed many people. The CEO's
undoubtedly know "where all the bodies are buried", so to say.
Any such CEO who is still hanging around and has not left the room may
ultimately "leave the room" for good.
You can start looking for the bodies to turn up......very dead.
PS: I cannot believe Justin Trudeau is still hanging around! He
isn't a vaccine company CEO but he
has handlers, no doubt. Mr. Trudeau, will you please tell the
court who are your
handlers??? Hmmmm???
UNITED States of America - It can be reported
as Constitution patriot, year 2000 DULY ELECTED now
inaugurated United States President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage,
Tennessee continues to fully enforce 28th Amendment Application and
Thomas Jefferson Declaration, which will lead to total American
de-nazification and liberation, U.S. Naval and French Intelligence were
able to recover massive files from the Canadian Embassy in Washington
D.C. showing that lifelong pedophile and child sex trafficker and
worldwide foreign currency embezzler CIA employee Jeffrey Epstein did
not commit suicide but was illegally transferred from his cell at New
York City's Metropolitan Correctional Center while he was awaiting
trial on federal sex trafficking charges to his own private residence
established for him in the state of Israel by Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu.
Epstein was murdered last night on the instructions of 9/11
co-conspirator Netanyahu with the full knowledge of former Trump-Drumpf
(original family name) U.S. Attorney General William ‘Iran-Contra’
Barr, current U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland along with former
and current illegitimate White House occupants Joseph BidenFRAUD and
child rapist Nazi German junior George W. BushFRAUDScherff.
does the U.S.
support Israel while they murder thousands of
Palestinian children and citizens? Instead of calling for a halt
to the murder the U.S. lends support and billions of dollars to Israel
when we should be giving that money to Palestinians for medical and
military support and to rebuild their war-torn country. I am
literally ashamed of The United States for aiding Israel with weapons
and money to murder children in Gaza and Palestine.
Instead, the
murderous U.S. blindly supports Israel and the murder
continues. Absolutely low-life murderous U.S.A.! I wonder
how many children Trump killed with his bombing of Yemen. The
U.S. truly is a piece of crap murderer of children. The U.S. Congress is
directly responsible for the
murder of these children. They are too busy with their
trading and '4 more whores' at their swimming pools to care about the
murder of these children. They are just a bunch of hooligan
reprobates concerned only with their selfish desires to have just a bit
of heart and care about these children.
I could not go to my
grave knowing I had not tried to help these children in some way. What
kind of person could watch all these kids murdered out and dying and
turn a blind eye?! You congress bastards will some day pay for
your disingenuous support of Israel and all these murdered kids.
You are the ones who gave Israel all the weapons and money to kill
Palestine with, you did it and you are responsible for it just as sure
as I am the Infoeditor.
As Russia declares victory in their war on Ukraine it may be a
short-lived announcement as Ukraine will undoubtedly continue a
campaign of bombings and sabotage against Russia far into the
future. Ukrainians can back off to surrounding sympathetic
countries and continue launching drones, etc., and Russia will have to
enter these countries doing hunt and destroy missions which will draw
them out and expend more of their resources. This is a protracted
war from hell which can continue for some time, contrary to the wishes
of Putin.
Ukraine wanted their autonomy and to go with the west, and, insecure Russia said no and began war against them.
Ten years from now Russia's refineries could suddenly explode on
fire from bombings of entrenched hidden Ukrainian forces. Russia actually
made a big mistake invading and going to war against Ukraine. It
is going to cost them dearly in so many ways, for Russia has created a
permanent enemy who has many sympathizers who don't like Russia, a land
many think of as a bully.
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