Are Real
Assholes - Cop Shoots Man's Dog
For No Reason.
POLICE ARE STILL SHOOTING INNOCENT UNARMED PEOPLE Cops Totally Out of Control - Cops Kill Woman Who Reported Crime July 17, 2017 To add to the injustice of the Philando Castille murder by cop is the recent shooting death of an Australian woman who was set to marry an American. She reportedly had called 911 about a disturbance in the alley and the police responded by shooting her to death. Dressed in only pajamas and reportedly carrying no weapon the police gunned her down and she died. Minneapolis cops reportedly shot a woman to death for reporting an assault. What with criminals shooting people and now police shooting people, it is a circus, a three ring circus of mayhem. The woman was identified as Justine Damond, 40, still in the prime of life. Only when the cops are prosecuted as murderers will they stop shooting people. Philando Castille killed by cop and the cop got off and received $48,500 to leave the department, paid off for killing Philando. Probably you would do better to avoid contact with any law enforcement. If you do not object and put a stop to this it could come around to you. -minneapolis-police-after-calling-to-report-possible-crime.html Justine_Damond_shooting Australian
woman fatally
shot by Minneapolis police Damond Cops have claimed another innocent victim. Larken_Rose Larken Rose Police & Military Are The Worst Criminals In The World Very few persons are willing to admit the truth about cops because they are fearful of cops and cop retaliation, but Larken Rose has the courage to tell it like it is. Cops Are Cowards |
cops SOME U.S. COPS ARE REALLY ON THE BALL! CREDIT WHERE DUE - BUT COURTS RELEASE DANGEROUS CRIMINALS 6-6-22 Credit where credit is due - some of our U.S. cops are really on the ball! Take a look at what must be an undercover cop ramming his pickup into a suspect's vehicle who has mowed down and tried to kill a mom with a baby in a stroller. He blocked the murderous thug who tried to escape that had deliberately used his vehicle to run down 2 people. I'm sure there are many devoted law enforcement people out there who could bring order to America but the courts often release the criminals, even murderers, allowing them to go out and commit more mayhem. These so-called prosecutors who release criminals are committing treason against our country in a quiet way since not everyone can see their actions so they go about destroying America by putting dangerous criminals back on the street ensuring more violence against homes and citizens. It is a miracle this mom and her baby were relatively uninjured. Like one guy said, "God was watching". For attempted murder this kid should at least do a 2-5 year sentence or 10 years in prison. They have him cold on video camera but so far received no jail time and simply went to a probationary youth camp. Infoeditor |
Viral video shows mom and baby hit by car |
enforcement back up COP-BACK WOULD BE AN APP FOR COPS TO IMMEDIATELY GET BACK UP BY PRESSING ONLY ONE BUTTON August 7, 2022 MARCH 13, 2023 - This article has been deleted by the Infoeditor out of consideration for the public because of the cowardly fatal police shootings since this article was originally posted. Infoeditor |
Allan, Farmington,
Utah, Farmington Utah coward cops, corporate (unlawful) law, coward
corporate cops, murderous coward cops UTAH MAN MURDERED IN A HAIL OF POLICE BULLETS FOR NOT PRODUCING CORPORATE STATE I.D. Police have reportedly shot to death law student Chase Allan in Farmington, Utah in this month of March 2023 for allegedly having a gun and refusing to produce corporate state I.D.. Apparently this young victim's mother was involved in the same sort of incident where, as a sovereign citizen of Utah, she claims to not be under the jurisdiction of the corporate laws that rule over Utah and reportedly has a standing lawsuit over her incident. So these coward corporate cops murdered this innocent guy for not producing corporate I.D. and now you see why some people shoot the police as soon as the traffic stop happens. Victim quoted actual law to police and got himself dead. This is a classic example of when cops know you are right they may revert to lethal brute force and murder you so it doesn't get to court. That way they figure to maintain corporate (unlawful) law and 'win'. The cops must have already had it in for the victim and his mother over the previous court incident which apparently dealt with sovereign status vs. corporate state law.. This victim's mother should sue them for $100 million dollars for wrongful death and depriving The United States of America of a college graduate potentially important asset. The body cameras fail to show the moment the victim was shot so we really don't know what happened. It has become customary for cops to immediately shoot and murder 'subjects' when a gun is even visible. It may be legal to own the gun but cops can use it as 'evidence' to falsely claim they were in imminent danger. It took five Farmington Utah coward cops to murder one young fellow whose gun appeared to be on the floor, and who had the right to have a gun in his car. I sincerely hope Farmington, Utah and those murderous coward cops go bankrupt and dry up and blow away. How much money do you think these murderous officers made for killing this kid and getting him out of the way?! Is his mother next? Infoeditor Police fatally shoot man during traffic stop after he allegedly reached for a weapon THIS IS NOT AN INSTRUCTION IN LAW. GO TO YOUR (CROOKED?) BAR ATTORNEY FOR YOUR RIGHTS UNDER LAW. |
COPS TO OVERRIDE THE LAW. This victim who was shot to death would probably not have been killed if not for Trump's Emergency Declarations. It works this way: the law student was informing the cops of the law but the cops know that the emergency powers, enabled by Trump, would probably supercede that law the law student was reciting to them. Cops can and do murder people because they are apparently using the emergency powers laws to override the law and assume jurisdiction, so, Trump's emergency laws are still literally getting people killed and the crooked cops and crooked politicians like Trump will not let go of their precious emergencies. First it was a declaration of war when "The War on Poverty" was declared as an emergency, then the undeclared Viet Nam War was an emergency, and so on and the Iraq War and Afghanistan war emergencies, then the, not one but three, emergencies declared by ASSHOLE Trump. These emergencies are killing people by letting the cops run rampant over your rights. Now that the scam-demic is over why don't they stand down Trump's three emergencies? They won't because they want power over you by usurping the jurisdiction by using emergency declarations. To make matters worse, if Biden hasn't declared the Ukraine war an emergency he probably will do so before fall, another emergency. Now you see why the president and congress constantly declare wars and emergencies - it allows them to maintain war powers over "We The Forgotten People", usurping what's left of our rights! WHAT A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES! What an unelectable buffoon Trump is - pushed a clot shot that killed millions, and he did it for money, and now he reportedly (according to Heneghan) is enjoying his secret accounts in the Caymans from all the money he made pushing the deadly clot shot. He ruined countless small businesses in the U.S. labeling them non-essential, put us in a phony lockdown and gave millions to governments and hospitals to claim patients died of covid. What a complete asshole Trump is. This emergency powers stuff is one reason I don't go anywhere anymore. What joy is there in doing things with a big threat hanging over your head that allows police to murder you? The putrid, shitty, asshole U.S. Corporation has maintained a stale police state air over us for quite a long time. Every year these crooks re-declare some national emergency. |
cops 'When Corrupt Cops Realize They Are Done For' VIDEO - COPS OUT OF LINE IGNORING LAW As you watch this video you will understand and realize that many cops simply override law and bully the public with police procedural side-steps which are totally unlawful, wrong, disgusting, and, they do it under color of law at gunpoint - the constant coercive threat of handcuffs, imprisonment and shooting you. No doubt there are zillions of cop shops with individuals who go out to bully the public like gangsters, oblivious to laws. |
police kill ARKANSAS STATE POLICE KILL - RUN DOWN INNOCENT MOTORIST - MORE COPS EARNING THE HATE Arkansas State Police Kill Innocent Man Because They Can - Earning The H 10-11-23 This is just pitiful. The cop pursuing an out of sight car refuses to slow for the motorcyclist who was obeying the law trying to yield to the right side of the highway in accordance with safety rules. Cop was going so fast he could not avoid hitting the cyclist and reportedly killed him. Cops should have to obey speeding laws to prevent them from endangering the public so much in wild, out of control chases. They can track a motorist on radar, by satellite, and with roadside hubs, so why do they need hot pursuit anymore. It isn't cool, not safe and the public is completely at risk from these chases. Infoeditor | Arkansas State Police Kill Innocent Man Because They Can - Earning The H |
Perez, Melissa
Perez murder by cops, San
Antonio Police officers, San Antonio Police
officers murder woman PIGS MURDER ANOTHER WOMAN AT HOME IN HER APARTMENT - 3 SAN ANTONIO COPS CHARGED WITH MURDER - PIGS NOW FILTHY MURDERERS FEB. 12, 2024 INCIDENT DATE - JUNE 23, 2023 JUST IN 3 San Antonio Police officers reportedly murdered a woman at home in her apartment. Melissa Perez apparently sought refuge in her apartment after fleeing cops outside. These officers have been charged with murder just like the filthy criminal official murderers they are. Like I said, they will murder you in the streets and murder you in jail and they will murder you at home. Believe me now? UPDATE MELISSA PEREZ UPDATE - 2-14-24 - THE SAN ANTONIO WOMAN MURDERED BY 3 PIGS WAS LIKELY KILLED OVER ACOUSTICS, ILLEGAL WARRANTLESS SPYING UPDATE Feb. 14, 2024 - The san antonio woman murdered by 3 pigs was likely killed over acoustics. She was suspected of cutting fire alarm equipment out at the pole, etc. and that equipment is likely related to the acoustics the pigs were running on her, so if they didn't have a warrant to do surveillance, which they usually don't, and if they were 'running sound' on her they were frantic to access her and compromise her somehow, maybe by arresting her, before she could get help and file on them, etc.. The pigs are supposed to have warrants for all these probable causes they dream up, but they don't usually have them. It's all illegal so she probably just went out there to cut the wires and stop that horrible whine coming through her house-apartment. You'll notice in the video she was yelling something like "you ain't got no warrant" so she was onto the legal angle of this attack on her. The pigs can run independent sound with infra red laser but the general acoustics that whine through the house can also be related to fire alarm equipment. That's why when you are in a motel room you may hear a disgusting buzz or whine coming into the room. For this reason I haven't stayed in a motel or hotel for many years and probably never will again. She was disabling the pigs and cutting them out so they grew frantic and couldn't do anything with her in their desperation and killed her. It appears the pigs were desperately trying to manage and handle her and she was wise to them and out of their control. RIP Melissa Perez. I have to admire this feisty, courageous woman who attempted to defend herself against 3 murderous coward pigs. It's too bad more Americans are not like her. So congress will not force the cop pigs to obey the law on requiring warrants to do electronic surveillance and searches and the cop torture continues unabated. This never ends well. It is like Murder Incorporated, run by officials and cops. Some bum commissioner tells the cops "go over there and get on her" and the cops obey, illegally of course. Congress is a piece of crap who could end the warrantless illegal spying overnight but sits on their insider trading and lavish swimming pool homes and limos and does nothing for "We, The Forgotten People." Also see my post on 'acoustics': THE NEW TORTURE-MURDER SURVEILLANCE OF AMERIKA Also see my post on: UTAH MAN MURDERED IN A HAIL OF POLICE BULLETS FOR NOT PRODUCING CORPORATE STATE I.D. Infoeditor Three San Antonio police officers charged with murder after shooting woman in her apartment |
MAN SHOOTS COPS OVER TASER MAN FINALLY SHOOTS 2 COPS FOR TASERING HIM, KILLING ONE COP FOR ELECTROCUTION March 9, 2023 Cops around the U.S. have been bullying and torturing and tasering people now for decades. I wondered how much of this crap people would take before they started shooting cops. Well, it has started. A man who apparently did nothing wrong had refused to exit his vehicle and was reportedly tasered 3 times for something like 18 seconds. When the female cop ordered the other cop to "hit him..." again the man, Kenny, screamed in agony and apparently pulled a firearm and fired a barrage of bullets at the cops and must have killed one cop and wounded the other. As you will see in the video, the cops are very concerned about their own safety and welfare but when you are injured or shot they likely could care less, just put you in torture cuffs and let you bleed out. Don't count on getting to the hospital if a cop shoots you. This is why some motorists shoot the cops first, just as soon as the cop approaches because they know the police scams and know they will not be dealt fairly with, so they think they must shoot the cops before being placed in torture cuffs or tasered or shot. That's how bad it is now and it will get worse. It appears the cops just stopped him and she stated she smelled marijuana when no weed was present. The cops may have just made it up on the spot as an excuse to traffic stop him and if so they got what they deserved. She likely thought it was funny to electrocute Kenny until the bullets started flying. Unfortunately this is usually the only thing cops understand. Their so-called qualified immunity is getting them killed because it's too tempting to push people around. Infoeditor |
Miami-Dade Police
Department, Thug
Miami-Dade Police Department THUG COP TRESPASSERS SHOOT DAD DEFENDING HIS PROPERTY - THUG MIAMI-DADE POLICE DEPARTMENT 3-17-24 - 2 weeks ago In this video the cops had trespassed onto the homeowner's property and when he responded they apparently shot him on his own property by shooting through the windshield from inside their vehicles. The kid is screaming "the cops shot my dad." Actually you are allowed to have a gun on your own property in most states. but the cops use the gun for a reason to shoot you. It may be likely that the cops had hired gang members or other thug cops to plant drugs, etc. on the homeowner's property for probable cause for further police actions. Otherwise this might have been a pre-arranged home invasion, a robbery backed up by none other than the cops themselves. Notice how of all these cops on the scene not one of them take a moment to render aid to the victim, just letting him bleed out, no tourniquet, no pressure, nothing. Miami-Dade Police Department apparently wants him dead. Cops are big on "our lives are in danger", yeah the danger that they create. All this kind of crap is why I don't go anywhere anymore. This is the vile putrid LEO crap that you are up against out there and this is the kind of crap that gives so-called law enforcement a bad name. THE MOST DANGEROUS THING IN AMERICA TODAY IS AMERICAN POLICE DEPARTMENTS |
Undercover Cops OFF Man Defending His Own
Property |
Laramore, Buck
Laramore murder, pigs without
warrants, pig murder
McDonald's worker, Sergeant Mascorro, Sergeant Mascorro murderer PIG GETS SHOT AFTER HE HOME INVADES MAN - KILLS MCDONALD'S WORKER & SURVIVES April 15, 2024 In this article the pig, Sergeant Mascorro, apparently did not have a warrant to arrest and enter a man's home. If the man had a mansion or upscale home the cop probably would not have broken the door in but since it was a mobile home, trailer, the cop bashed the door in and got shot twice for it. The McDonald's worker shot the cop twice with a 45 caliber pistol and the cop returned fire about seven times and later as Buck Laramore peeked out from the back room the pig shot him dead and survived. If you must use pistols to fight with I always recommend to use at least two pistols if involved in a life or death situation. Buck must have felt sorry for the pig and stopped shooting and it got him killed. Do you feel sorry for pigs who break the law and violate your liberty and rights? Yeah, that will probably get you dead, anyway. Do you think it's okay for pigs to use no knock warrants or enter homes without warrants? Some folks are not going to give up their liberty so easily. When cops put you in torture cuffs it should be for a real reason instead of just 'officer safety', a bunch of cowards. Just when you think it's okay - jack boot thug pigs with qualified immunity may knock at your door ....and ruin your day. R.I.P., Buck Laramore. You stood up for your home and liberty....against tyrants. Infoeditor WARNING - THIS VIDEO SHOWS VIOLENCE AND SHOOTING OF LAW OFFICER AND VICTIM. DO NOT WATCH IF YOU THINK IT WILL MAKE YOU ILL.
Gonzalez, Mario Gonzalez
murder, pigs torture citizens, citizens shoot pigs POLICE KILLED MARIO GONZALEZ - RULED A HOMICIDE AS PIGS CONTINUE TORTURE & MURDER OF CITIZENS April 18, 2024 Pigs continue torturing people the way they tortured me, crystallizing the bones in my neck, leaving me serious arthritis for simply telling them you don't need to yank on me like that. This victim may have had a mental episode, but the way the cops restrained him evidently killed him. The pigs have a method of restraining people that apparently cuts off their circulation and breathing and I think this man's death was ruled a homicide by the coroner. Notice they don't show when they took him to the ground. Unfortunately, when police approach armed citizens the citizens sometimes automatically start shooting at the cops because they know what a clown police court 'Executive Chancery' court system we have in the U.S. and they don't want to end up like this man who died from being restrained, and, many citizens don't want the 'torture cuffs' (handcuffs) put on because they shackle your hands behind your back. That's apparently what caused a woman's death recently when the officer's car drove into the water trapping her. Is your life worth anything to you? Do you want the 'torture cuffs' placed on you with your hands behind your back? Evidently there are people who will not allow that and so they just start shooting because their liberty is important to them. Infoeditor |
Police body-cam video shows death of Mario
Gonzalez while in custody |
AUGUSTUS, violent
pig assaults Vivian Augustus, violent pig assaults
high school girl BULLY PIG SLAMS LITTLE HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO PAVEMENT WITH FALSE CHARGE - MORE ASSHOLE COP BULLIES - VOTE RFK JR. April 20, 2024 This cop should be in prison for false arrest and assault as she tried to surrender her license to him but it fell on the ground when he body slammed and assaulted her. A couple miles over speed limit is not a jailable offense as is one headlight out not a jailable offense. These are warning citations. The pig conveniently didn't capture the body slam on his body cam and the videos available show he completely lied. Just what we need, more asshole cops in the U.S. world of big asshole cops. This is why I don't want Trump again for president - he'll give the cops even more qualified immunity. Trump is just another big asshole cop who charges two million dollars for a pardon, according to some sources. VOTE RFK JR. Unfortunately, more and more people who are approached by cops are shooting cops because of this kind of pig behavior. They just don't want to deal with it and don't want the torture cuffs and the dungeon, nor the POLICE COURT EXECTIVE CHANCERY CROOKED COURT SYSTEM, so they start shooting. Keep it up pigs and you'll die for it. GO TO JUSTICE FOR VIVIAN - BECAUSE VIVIAN AUGUSTUS REALLY SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN TREATED LIKE THIS. THIS VIOLENT COP BEHAVIOR ASSAULT WILL BE A LASTING SCAR ON HER LIFE SHE MUST BEAR FOREVER. May God Bless you, Vivian, and may your journey through life be a happy, peaceful and pleasant one. Run for office on a platform of ending Terry vs. Ohio, and reform these pigs by removing their so-called qualified immunity. You need to sue the hell out of this so-called cop and his cop shop, too, for violating your rights, false arrest, false charges, assault and anything else you can get them on! UPDATE - Report of this cop was fired almost immediately and all Vivian's charges were dropped. 'My VIDEO Gets Cop FIRED in record time! | UPDATE!' Infoeditor |
Cop SLAMS High School Girl at Traffic Stop
- Her DAD Shows Up!
LA deputy shot in back LOS ANGELES DEPUTY SHOT IN THE BACK AT STOP LIGHT - RETRIBUTION FOR COP BEHAVIOR? April 22, 2024 A Los Angeles deputy was reportedly shot once in the back while waiting at a traffic light and is surviving because he was wearing a bullet-proof vest. This is an ambush attack which represents the hatred people have for U.S. law enforcement. Some cops are very abusive and do not necessarily represent the vast majority of U.S. cops. Hopefully, this will not become a popular fad but many people simply hate cops and don't even want to see them. As soon as an officer approaches some people they immediately start shooting at the officer because they don't want torture cuffs and a dungeon and an unfair Police Executive Chancery crooked police court system. They know they will not be fairly treated, but hey.....that's the best your butthole do-nothing criminal congressmen and congresswomen can do for you. Infoeditor |
LA deputy shot in back while waiting at stop light |
Officer Luis Huesca, Officer Luis Huesca killed CHICAGO POLICE OFFICER SHOT MULTIPLE TIMES, KILLED ARRIVING HOME - ANOTHER AMBUSH Officer Luis Huesca was reportedly shot multiple times and killed as he apparently arrived at home, so here is another ambush style shooting where the shooter was lying in wait. This is an ambush attack which represents the hatred people have for U.S. law enforcement. Some cops are very abusive and do not necessarily represent the vast majority of U.S. cops. Hopefully, this will not become a popular fad but many people simple hate cops and don't even want to see them. As soon as an officer approaches some people they immediately start shooting at the officer. Cops have overstepped their jurisdictions because they represent Executive Police Court Chancery police courts. Lawyers and congress should have demanded that citizens get their rights instead of Executive Police Court Chancery police courts which they should have done away with by now, but your butthole do-nothing congress continues on, letting cops get shot, letting citizens get shot and it will get a whole lot worse until and unless they return to Common Law. This is not legal advice. Do not consider anything on this website legal advice. Consult your crooked BAR lawyer for advice. Infoeditor
Hernandez, Felipe
Hernandez murder cop COP WHO SHOT WOMAN IN BACK FINALLY CHARGED WITH MURDER...3 MONTHS LATER The butthurt cop, Felipe Hernandez, who apparently shot a woman in the back has reportedly finally been charged with murder. Apparently the cop was butthurt because the woman evidently tried to just drive away not following his orders. This makes cops judge, jury, and executioner. This cop shop appears to be hiding or covering for the murder cop and doesn't want to answer questions and it's been months since this happened. How will they get their boy off? As the investigator asks questions they refer him to a person at a number who also gives him the run-around, effectively stonewalling murder charge investigation. The public is owed some accountability! It is not acceptable when government offices withhold necessary information on vital happenings which they caused, but, that is what they are doing in this matter of the murdered-by-cop woman. The authorities apparently think this issue will die down and be forgotten, but, when so-called officers of the law needlessly take a person's life they should be found, charged, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Their so-called immunity should not get them out of it. This poor woman victim has lost her life and cannot regain it, apparently because of this stupid bastard cop. Cops are out of control, to say the least. The offices here closed and shut off the lights and fled immediately after the investigator left. Infoeditor |
Federal case filed against the Las Cruces Police Department
assholes, crooked military, CO2 device, 30 millimeter shock wave gun,
alloidal property, Army Lt. Colonel, gall bladder attack, violent CO2
burst, X-ray machine, disrupt organs, military dope running drops,
cerebral hemorrhage A PISTOL MIGHT HAVE SAVED MY DAD'S LIFE - HE HATED PISTOLS - C.I.A. BURPING DEVICE - TRUE STORY June 6, 2024 My dad lived on a small rural acreage that a former Army Lt. Colonel wanted and had offered him $10,000 cash for his property like that was supposed to be a lot of money. The land was situated against other family land and on the other side it bordered a lumber company tree farm so it was preferred because of no neighbors. It was essentially like allodial property since Dad didn't have to pay property taxes on it. Dad literally hated pistols claiming someone could stick one in your ribs too fast but you could see if someone was holding a rifle or shotgun. Having done work since he was a kid (his father cut the plow handles off when he was about 8 so he could reach them) he was the strongest person I knew in life and could probably have killed a man with one punch, a former rodeo cowboy he was tough as nails and feared nothing. When he retired from the refinery he went up the woods to his little farm and was enjoying planting his garden and bailing hay, etc. as he was still pretty fit, but, a former school teacher of mine, a retired Army Lt. Colonel kept badgering him to buy his little farm, probably for the military dope running drops. One day as they sat in my Dad's pickup, probably coming back from nearby town, I believe the Lt. Colonel held a device up to him and burped him after which they delared he'd had a gall bladder attack. I'm using the word 'burp' to describe a shock wave or sound wave that can emanate from a hand-held CO2 device. The CO2 gas can escape like when fired from a CO2 BB gun and make a sharp sound or shock wave. It must be a higher powered device than a regular 12 gram CO2 device in a BB gun. The 'burp' can damage or disrupt organs if held close enough to a human body and I believe it could actually destroy the heart muscle, killing a person with such a violent CO2 burst. This is one reason I no longer like crowds or people getting real close to me. This device must be like the 30 millimeter shock wave gun or stun gun you don't see or hear much about, pretty much secret and in the hands of retired military officers and intelligence agents. If that ex-military asshole had known that my Dad was always armed he probably would not have tried that attack, but, Dad hated pistols being as strong as an ox and did not believe in them. The lesson is - nowadays we live in such a world of crooked military and ex-military assholes and robbers and killers, etc. that it pays to be armed. I am pretty certain that a high-powered CO2 burping device like this could cause a cerebral hemorrhage if activated close to the brain which may then be listed as a burst aneurysm. There's the plausible deniability. I believe this to have been an attack based on questions and answers with my Dad after we got him home from the hospital, and, this very brave tough-as-nails Dad was immediately very afraid of the retired Lt. Colonel. Dad held his spot for 40 years at the refinery, had participated in rodeos and was very strong but was suddenly afraid of this retired Lt. Colonel. It was clear he'd had some kind of traumatic experience involving the retired military asshole. It is so pitiful to see something like this happen when you cannot prove that an attack happened. Dad was pretty useless after that and never was able to go back to his little farm and enjoy it anymore thanks to this greedy Army S.O.B. who had taught me in school. My Mom and I were beside ourselves. Who would believe this story that the Lt. Colonel attacked my Dad? You see, even though he didn't kill Dad on the spot he caused him to be hospitalized where they opened him up and removed his gall bladder leaving a vicious wound incision behind which he never recovered from and began having one stroke after another after that. I always wondered if the hospital visit did something strange to him. Finally we had to take Dad back to a local clinic in this rural town where they eventually left an X-ray machine at his bedside aimed at his chest. He waived it away so I told the nurse he didn't want it hanging over him. She rolled it back for awhile but I couldn't stay up 24 hours and naturally fell asleep. They X-rayed him so much I'm sure they put a hole in his heart or destroyed his heart muscle. Seems like after he was hospitalized he just couldn't get any relief, like he was on a condemned list. He went back to Mom's home for awhile and I had to go back to work but Mom called and said he'd gotten much worse so I had to drop one of the best construction jobs and go home where he finally died in that God-forsaken clinic in 1982. This is a true story. That retired Lt. Colonel finally died in 2015. He never got my Dad's property. Mom sold it to someone else for a pittance to pay for her medical bills. This ex-military bastard caused us a heap of expense, trouble, loss of life, time, and nearly caused me to lose a piece of land I was buying. You'd better watch whom you let get close to you. What's in their hands? Infoeditor P.S. Right now I have the 'Havana Syndrome' whine blasting through my current property and I think it ran my neighbors off. |
TYREEK HILL ARREST COPS DON'T ALLOW PEOPLE TO FILM TYREEK HILL'S ARREST WHILE ROUGHING HIM UP 9-10-24 During the much publicized arrest of Tyreek Hill there were people trying to film it as close as possible to show the police manhandling Tyreek but the cops didn't allow those people to get close and tried to pin and keep them in their vehicles. It appears cops literally want the right to rough you up if they so desire and need the cover in order not to suffer lawsuits. Video shows unnecessary roughing of Tyreek Hill when not wearing a seat belt is not necessarily an arrestable offense. This yanking of people out of their vehicles is out of control all over the country. It looks like Tyreek Hill was targeted by a whole gang of cops who intended to give him a good going over. It also appears that many cops act as gangs of thugs, the most danerous kind of thugs, thugs with that POLICE COURT EXECUTIVE CHANCERY behind them. Infoeditor |
‘They Got Tyreek!’: Full Bodycam of Tyreek
Hill Handcuffed Before Miami Dolphins Game |
ARE BULLSHIT COPS ARE COMPLETELY FULL OF BULLSHIT NOW Dec. 2, 2024 DISCLAIMER - This is not an instruction in the law. Consult your crooked BAR Association (British Accredited Registry) lawyer for instruction in law. The current trend in so-called law enforcement's demand for state I.D. is obviously to force people completely off of Common Law jurisdiction and into Admiralty Law - Police Court Executive Chancery and violate them contrary to The U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately they are getting away with it sometimes by threatening, jailing, and shooting people who do not comply. These so-called officers of the law are most likely injected with all the shots and are clearly impaired and maybe half crazed judging from the stammering and stuttering exhibited by not only the detaining officer but by the dispatched supervisor on the phone with him. They are having trouble communicating with each other while the phones look like they are working fine. Anyone who has been injected with shots, vaccines, etc. should be considered unreliable or possibly completely mentally ill and crazy and dangerous. I'm sure this detaining officer has heard that if a person has not committed a crime they don't have to produce I.D. but he overbearingly pushes on the occupants of the vehicle taking it a step beyond the law. That's why.... POLICE AND SO-CALLED LAW ENFORCEMENT ARE COMPLETELY FULL OF BULLSHIT! |
cop kills black woman 62 YEAR OLD BLACK WOMAN DIES FROM POLICE ABUSE - COP KILLS BLACK WOMAN DEC. 22, 2024 This older woman was manhandled like a rag doll and apparently stroked out and died later due to police roughing her up. She passed out and was relatively motionless while the officer squeezed and jerked her around. She later died in a hospital and they blamed it on a pulmonary embolism. Because of the Supreme Court decision Terry vs. Ohio pigs think they have the right to grab, hold, twist and apply pressure to you and it can be fatal. Obviously she needed medical care before the fatal incident but was abused by the police instead. Scroll to about 53:16 minutes in this video to see and examine this incident and the holds this pig used to stop her breathing. Pigs don't care about you or your rights, especially if you look poor and/or homeless. TWO REAL QUICK VIDEOS Thanks to youtuber Delete Lawz |