THING asset
forfeiture laws, corrupt U.S. government,
asset forfeiture laws, The Patriot Act, drivers are refusing, FBI
agents at Waco, Davidians, Trump kill shots, phony foreign wars,
chemtrails, IRS unlawful
There is no doubt that asset
forfeiture laws have contributed to public mistrust of police and law
enforcement. Recently a combat veteran citizen's life savings
were seized simply because he had the cash with him. He had to
actually file suit to get his money back in a country, the U.S.A.,
where you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Is it
any wonder that thousands of drivers
are refusing to pull over for traffic stops, in effect simply flipping
off the cops? This is happening not only in Minnesota, but
reportedly in California, too, and possibly other states. Why
would drivers have any respect for the law in the U.S. after they've
seen stores looted, burned and the cops stand idly by and watch?
The U.S. government has already lost control. This is but one
example of citizens refusing to comply.
In police-defunded
Minnesota, thousands of people are now just flat out refusing to pull
over for cops
Why would you trust a government whose FBI
agents at Waco said "This is not an attack" while they were killing the
Why would you trust a government that issues Trump
kill shots telling you they are for preventing the virus when the shots
actually kill and maim people??!!!
Why would you trust a government that began an IRS program of voluntary
taxation when the IRS deems their tax mandatory and will take your home
or business if you don't comply? The IRS is an unlawful piece of
Why would you trust a government that uses asset forfeiture so-called
laws to seize the wealth of citizens before trial?
Why would you trust a government that engages in phony foreign wars, some that are not
declared, but still holds a draft??!!!
Why would you trust a government whose past president says congress is
owned and should be owned by Israel?
Why would you trust a government that lies, lies, lies to the people
and continues to lie about events such as the 911 Attacks, JFK
Assassination, etc. and refuses to tell you the truth?
Why would you trust a government that installs a phony illegal alien
president simply because they want a negro in the White House?
Why would you trust a government that spreads chemtrails,
causing more weather warfare phenomena?
Why would you trust a government that allows and encourages millions of
illegal aliens and criminals to storm its borders and enter the country
illegally? What a piece of crap - with few congress members
opposing it enough to stop the wave.
Why would you trust a government whose congress is obviously bought and
paid for and does little for the people it is supposed to represent?
Why would you trust a government that calls an unpatriotic legislation The Patriot Act when it robs citizens of
their rights? Congress has refused to overturn this corrupt
$hitty legislation - what a bunch of morons.
This deadly U.S. Government is a corrupt piece of crap!!!!!
Therefore do
not believe anything it tells you unless it tells you it will kill you.
Biden has committed actual crimes under current laws and tried to force
through a mandate that is not created by law, not created by
congress. In the first place, he has welcomed in illegal aliens
who were not necessarily all tested for covid-19
and allowed untested tuberculosis
carriers into The United States. There's already enough tuberculosis in the U.S. without Joe Biden
letting illegals in here. Biden thug
has violated national security protocols of immigration policies by letting
persons into the U.S. from all parts of the world and no telling how
many terrorists have entered. Again, why isn't the Military
Industrial Complex having a fit over this?
Biden has gotten away with crimes unscathed and not a peep from
congress, just complaining, but no mention of impeachment or recall or
Immigration laws are clear and Joe Biden did not follow the law.
The fact that he has gotten a pass on this and the Afghanistan debacle and loss of
equipment there indicates congress is taking a hands off approach to
this senile old idiot which means they must be focusing on something
upcoming which they hope will erase the memory of Biden's
crimes. Yes, there must be some
false flag event of such magnitude on the near future calendar which
they hope will obliterate the record of Biden's crimes. Just as
The 911 Attacks were the cover for George W. Bush stealing the election
there must be some cover for Biden's crimes also.
Such a false flag event would have to
be such a doozy that it takes people completely away from what they are
doing in order to scramble to deal with it. I predict if they
don't achieve their objective of killing off a large part of the U.S.
population with the deadly jab they will set off some bomb or other in
a critical location, a false flag bomb.
But hey, the U.S. corrupt
government is such a sneaking piece of crap the false flag should
come as no surprise when it gets here.
Some 30 or more F.B.I.
agents checked into
theMandalay Bay Hotel just before
the Las
Vegas massacre happened - and you don't think these shootings and
bombings are government sponsored? I've got some beachfront
property in Arizona to sell ya!
Government perps and surveillance bums don't have any regard for
preserving plants, trees and nature or they would not be bombing
properties with microwave frequencies. This tree you see on the
right on my property has a significant hole in it about chest high to
above the head high. You can see the dead area where the branches and
leaves are dead and dying.
The reason I think it is microwave is because I took special note of
the snow and ice on the fences around my place one time in cold
weather. You could see circular patterns all across the fence
where the snow and ice was melting first before the other areas of the
fence melted. Those are probably the incoming microwave fields
all across the property.
No drugs or counterfeit or money laundering or even pornography on my
place, but everyone must get fried, you know.
Ever call Social Security or the IRS to get information, etc. and they
put you on hold for hours? Some poor persons don't have lots of airtime
to wait. They couldn't care less about you, don't care at all.
Apparently my pine tree is undergoing spraying with some kind of
poison, maybe drone-sprayed. As you can see from this photo the
needle leaves are brown and dead and dying. To make matters worse
a full grown dove was dead on the ground beneath the tree indicating it
must have been spray poisoned, or, why else wouldn't the cats in the
neighborhood have eaten it? They would have gladly devoured it if
it didn't stink of chemicals.
These rogue F.B.I. neighborhood watch outfits are dangerous beyond
compare. It appears their motive is to destroy everything.
any green thing".
Afghanistan, Biden's energy policies, national emergency, Ukraine,
Putin, Russia
Today, it is reported that the United States sanctioned President
Vladimir Putin, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and members of Russia’s
Security Council.
Not only has Biden reportedly not imposed sanctions on Russia prior to
now, but if
he had sanctioned them months ago at the threat of invasion Putin would
have felt it before now and it might have made a big difference in his
invasion plans. Also, Biden is sending millions of your tax
dollars to Ukraine now for military equipment, so this will be another
ongoing expensive war that the United States is embroiled in. We
didn't win in Viet Nam, we didn't win in Korea, we didn't win in Afghanistan and lost billions of dollars in
equipment there. It's horrendous that the war-mongers just have
to keep a war going somewhere all the time to keep the national
emergency going.
Biden's energy
policies are horrible. I don't need to remind you of the increase
in gasoline prices.
Biden is a tottering has-been war-monger who cannot think straight but
our so-called lawmakers leave him in charge. Any other president
that acted like this would have been assassinated
or impeached but they
leave Joe Biden in charge to ruin this nation and continue the flood of
illegals into the U.S.. It doesn't make any sense - just let the
son of a bitch ruin everything and ruin what's left of The United
States. Biden, convenient for Putin and Russia, applies too little too late, just a
tottering old dolt whose time has come. The best thing for The
U.S. is Joe Biden should pass on now before he can do any more
damage. What an old asshole for president!
ADDED 3-5-22 - For example if you are in need of a driver license or
state I.D. card and the next available appoint-
ment date is some twenty days in the future, the service is closed to
you until then. It is not available despite your needs, and, this
is what you pay taxes for, something that does not work, something
unavailable at times.
In addition the email that is listed on the website is invalid, comes
back mailer daemon - customerservicedl@txdps.state.tx.us.
These people are 'asleep at the wheel'. Even the phone menu gives
this email to contact DMV and IT DOES NOT WORK! I have not been
able to talk to a real person at the DMV.
Feb. 28, 2022
Texas DMV here is basically closed to the public except on a
limited basis. They demand an appointment on their website to get
anything. When you call the phone number it reportedly sometimes
is overloaded and turns people away. The website does not tell
you how to get an appointment but if you get the recording menu it
might list a customer service email address which might not be too
understandable. People are not supposed to depend on emails or
phone calls to get state I.D. or driver licenses. There is
supposed to be a DMV open for service to the public so people can have
the almighty state indentification which the electric company, banks,
and others demand. What are people supposed to do for power,
freeze to death while waiting on the almighty DMV? If you cannot
walk into a government building or government affiliated corporate
building and get service it is basically closed to the public. I
really hate this place now! It stinks of corporations and
corporatism. Try going to a bank to open an account or try getting
electric service without the almighty corporate DMV I.D., and that's
the way the corporations want it - you don't get anything without their
little papers and stamps. Communist bullshit!
The sheriff or police chief use to hand out driver licenses for .50
cents, a far cry from the red tape and communist paperwork required
It looks like this non-service, partial service by the DMV is a
corporate move to restrict people from getting anything. The
corporations that own everything have required an unreasonable amount
of documentation and identification to get anything and you cannot get
anything except from some big corporation. A pitiful state of
affairs in Texas which was once considered to be a free state.
This place now sucks bigtime. What a stinking mess of
corporatism. STINKS!
Apparently the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that no license is
necessary to drive a vehicle that is not used for commercial
purposes. The states would have you believe that a license is
necessary and will put your name and picture and file in a database
with rapists, murderers, thieves, and child molesters.
“The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to
transport his property thereon, by horsedrawn carriage, wagon, or
automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or
prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Under this constitutional
guaranty one may, therefore, under normal conditions, travel at his
inclination along the public highways or in public places, and while
conducting himself in an orderly and decent manner, neither interfering
with nor disturbing another’s rights, he will be protected, not only in
his person, but in his safe conduct.”
Thompson v.Smith, 154 SE 579, 11 American Jurisprudence, Constitutional
Law, section 329, page 1135 “The right of the Citizen to travel upon
the public highways and to transport his property thereon, in the
ordinary course of life and business, is a common right which he has
under the right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess
property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right, in
so doing, to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day, and
under the existing modes of travel, includes the right to drive a horse
drawn carriage or wagon thereon or to operate an automobile thereon,
for the usual and ordinary purpose of life and business.” –
Thompson vs. Smith, supra.; Teche Lines vs. Danforth, Miss., 12 S.2d
784 “… the right of the citizen to drive on a public street with
freedom from police interference… is a fundamental constitutional
right” -White, 97 Cal.App.3d.141, 158 Cal.Rptr. 562, 566-67 (1979)
“citizens have a right to drive upon the public streets of the District
of Columbia or any other city absent a constitutionally sound reason
for limiting their access.”
So just as in other matters like the illegal income tax the state has
its bluff in on driver licenses which they don't even have a DMV open
WITHOUT APPOINTMENTS to issue them. Ugh! Putrid DMV.
The DMV division of DPS here in Texas are a bunch of sticklers for
The rude bitch at DPS DMV said "that's just a debit card letter" when I
showed an actual bank letter for a proof of residency and she would not
accept it. This is better than the copy of a bank statement since
it is actual mail sent to my house, but, I had to go all the way back
home to get the bank statement copied even though the bank letter had
my name and address on it! This is unreasonable bother and
inconvenience! They are unreasonable and deny a person over
anything they can. So it was an actual bank letter from my bank
with the bank heading on it and she would not accept it. Ugh,
what a bunch of rude hispanic bitches! Seems like Mexico is
already operating in here. I wonder if she is an illegal or just
got her citizenship.
These bitches had me reading the next to the bottom line on the eye
chart which is tiny print to be reading at a distance. Typical
roadsigns and traffic signals are way bigger than that. I think
you are only required to read some of the top lines which are average
print, so, I think these mexicans discriminated against me here.
Probably a lot of people with driver licenses could not read the next
to the bottom line or the bottom line.
But no, if you are a white guy or Indian American applying for I.D. the
largely hispanic crew at the DPS DMV will likely try and find any way
they can to deny you. So much for the DEFECTIVE PODUNK SH*T-A$$E$
of the DMV.
Just to rub it in, as I was leaving the hispanic bitch gave me a fresh
blank copy of the DMV application.....wait for it....all in Spanish
language! I guess they figure they already own Texas.
This year's attempt to get I.D. at the Texas DMV saw me waiting &
waiting even with an appointment. Finally, the lady asked me some
questions and told me she needed the other documentation. Another
trip 15 miles through traffic and I brought those documents back only
to be informed that my proofs of residence were too old and they could
only be up to 90 days old. So even though I had presented a valid
up to date modern birth certificate, a military discharge doc, an
expired driver license, a Social Security card, a bank statement, an
internet bill to my address, and an electric bill to my address they
did not issue me an I.D. ...again. The lady told me they want
current proofs of address because people could move and list old
information, so, what they really are afraid of is not being able to
put their hands on you, pick you up and arrest you when they desire and
extract fine money from you. This means the human tracking they
are doing has been escalated because they want not one, not two, but
three proofs of current residence which is unreasonable at best, but,
you can be sure they insist on tracking you like dogs at that address.
Since Texas has turned into a real piece of shit the answer is to leave
Texas because without that precious I.D. you cannot get a Homestead
Exemption on your property tax and the criminals at the Appraisal
District have increased my property value assessment 5.5 times more
than 2021 taxes were valued at. So they want you on a highly
taxed piece of land where they can apparently aim multiple
frequencies at you. Hell, even before I had a current name on
this property of mine there were umpteen frequencies directed through
here. All I want now is to sell and leave. I see now why
one Christian broadcaster left Texas for Tennessee. This place is
a real piece of shit. Do not think you are doing better to come
to Texas where you will be super highly taxed and tracked like a dog.
cavity searches, texas women cavity
searched, DPS cops violate women
Not only did the stupid Texas Department of Public Safety filthy bitch
officer use the same glove to cavity search examine two women, she
went from the back, rectum, to the front, vagina, no doubt depositing
bacteria in the women's front areas! How stupid does it
get?! These women who were searched were severely wronged and one
woman reportedly developed an infection and they sued over this, but
how could so-called officers of the law be so utterly stupid in hygiene
matters?! This only goes to show how filthy, stupid and
untrustworthy these so-called officers are and how you cannot trust any
of them - utterly stupid, filthy and harmful. They don't give a
damn about your health, hygiene, or privacy, or rights. Violating
women or men this way is absolutely the end and some victims of this
will likely feel like they have been completely raped and violated.
You may recall the scripture referring to Babylon
that says one end of her is taken. The actual scripture from
Jeremiah 51 in The King Jame's Bible is, 31 "One post shall run to meet
another, and one messenger to meet another, to shew the king of Babylon
that his city is taken at one end,"
If you consider the wicked city of Babylon like the queer, tranny,
pro-gay, pro-abortion wicked United States it is no wonder that the
U.S. is also taken at the southern border at Mexico to the extent that
an Arizona sheriff was detained at gunpoint on his own property by
border agent thugs.
I think the emergency powers so-called rules or laws state that one
hundred miles or so from the southern border at Mexico to the inland is
under special emergency laws and people and property can be detained or
seized by border agents. This is equivalent to saying that lower
100 miles from the border has been taken and the government has special
powers over and above The U.S. Constitution. Don't look for it to
get any better as that area is gone. Seldom does the government
take stuff and then give it back. Just like the freedoms we once
enjoyed in America were replaced by the unpatriotic so-called Patriot
Act, we are not likely to ever recover our freedoms. Congress
sits on its collective ass and does nothing to fix these problems.
This position of the U.S. government to declare special regions under
emergency powers will undoubtedly get worse with more land being
confiscated under this phenomenon. That is the real danger, that
this action will continue inland until perhaps most of Texas is
gone. If this phenomenon continues how long will it be before
special so-called border agents appear as far north as Dallas and Ft.
Worth waiving their guns around and ordering people about and to the
ground, etc., completely overriding existing laws and completely
robbing you of your rights in their make-believe efforts to secure the
area?! Once again, congress could end the border problem
overnight if they wanted to by simply declaring the border an emergency
and sending troops to secure it, but, that would not be politically
correct. Other nations, including Mexico and Mexico checkpoints
disregard political correctness and secure their borders, but hamstrung
corporate U.S. cannot get it together.
Jeremiah 51
31"One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet
another, to shew the king of Babylon that his city is taken at one end,"
Texas I.D. rules more stringent than other states because of illegals
It would not be so bad if the illegal alien invasion
did not affect life within the U.S. but already the Texas DPS DMV has
more requirements for I.D. than other states and because no one is
doing anything about the border invasion it is likely to get even
worse. Since they are ignoring the border problem and not doing
anything about it I predict it will get worse, until you have to have a
criminal-like mugshot which is already on there, full set of
fingerprints, and the rest of the stuff, and will include criminal
history as well.
I was looking at other states' requirements for ID and they are not
nearly as strict as Texas, don't require anything other than birth
certificate, social security(will accept a card not W-2 or 1099
required), and two proofs of residency. That's for Real ID. Basic ID is
even less requirements. Just give them the basics and they give the
That's the way it was years ago. Texas has undoubtedly forced the real
ID on us because we are a border state and suffer because of all the
illegals. We have to pay for their illegal activity. I left Texas over
this years ago and I'm about to do it again now. This has all
been caused by U.S. politicians and do-nothing congress. What a
bunch of assholes.
According to Common Law books, the Social Security
number is foreign to The U.S. Constitution. That means it should
not have anything to do with Common Law proceedings. However, you
cannot get a driver license, bank account or electric power service and
a host of other things without issuing a Social Security number.
Documents available indicate the Queen of England owns and controls
Social Security, making all who use it a slave to the monarch, a
pitiful condition which suggests flag waving is undeserved, for we are
hardly a sovereign nation if some foreign power rules us. What
did we fight The American Revolution for?
Please go to the link above and learn how our freedoms and money are to
be recovered. 'We The Forgotten People' intend to put the
corporate crooks who have stolen our government out of business. Please
sign up.
The U.S. so-called modern day congress has passed some thoroughly
Un-Constitutional laws which it continues to enforce and cram down the
throats of 'We, The Forgotten People'. Laws like this should be
referred to as 'gags', like a crime spree where one or more persons
might pull
off a 'gag'. These gags wrong the public and are totally illegal
yet no one in power, including the lawyers (crooks), will stand up to
them and declare them null and void.
Who gave congress the power
to ignore The Constitution and wrong the people? Why does
congress continue these 'gags' as though they are legitimate
laws? What a bunch of corporate, bought-off assholes congress is
that sits up high and mighty and attempts to structure your life, the
way you live. Like Carlin says,
their media is telling you all day long what to believe and what to
it be the so-called lawmakers are guilty of committing crimes and must
cover up by
restricting the public with edicts and pronouncements which limit what
'We, The Forgotten People' can do, what we can see? They actually
refer to U.S. persons as enemies of the state, so it's set up to be 'us
vs. them'.
This U.S. corrupt corporate government is a real piece of crap loser,
destined to fail because of squelching and unnecessarily restricting
The American People. Freedom? What freedom? These
corporate idiot bastards have performed a STRANGLEHOLD ON 'WE, THE
The 1968 Gun Control Act
gag - A thoroughly unlawful edict.
The Patriot Act gag-
The most Un-Patriotic restrictive edict I have ever read against 'We,
The Forgotten
Felons and Firearms gag -
Un-Constitutional piece of crap robs ex-offenders of their 'inalienable
Feeble Joe Biden announced more gun control yesterday, supposedly
clamping down on ghost guns and guns that can be made by individuals in
the home workshop. Apparently in the future you may not be able
to buy 80% frames and parts without filling out a 1968 Gun Control Act
form and going through a federal firearms licensed dealer.
At a time when feeble Joe Biden is stuffing the country with more
illegal criminals from over the southern border at Mexico he decides to
take more guns out of the hands of citizens, at a time when Americans
need their guns the most feeble Joe removes the guns. This
so-called president is worse than useless and he is putting zillions of
dealers out of business in the U.S. as he puts Americans more at risk
of not being able to defend themselves. What a piss-poor
so-called president who has reportedly already been de-legitimized, and
the powers that be are simpy going to let this happen I guess.
I did not think feeble Joe could just order it done without congress
passing a law but after communicating with an 80% frames dealer I was
informed that the parts will be cut off from sale within about 16
weeks. Apparently the dirty ATF S.O.B.s and feeble Joe are
declaring trade rules that disallow the shipping of the gun parts so
they can do this by proxy. If you cannot get the parts then
I warned you that black crime and shootings are costing you, the honest
gun owner, and eliminating your liberty. Most of the shootings
that disturb idiots like Biden are committed by blacks, negroes, but
you the honest gun owner are the ones that they are targeting with more
gun control. They could come down on black crime and shootings
but they are coming down on you, the honest dealer and gun owner
What a pitiful state of affairs this country is in - to have to fill
out a yellow form for a firing pin or extractor, etc.. This
country is going up in smoke or gunsmoke. Where is the Second
Amendment? This is an infringement!
Infoeditor - BUD'S GUN SHOP
Incidentally, the Ruger LCP is sleek and has what I call a snag free
configuration, capable of being withdrawn from pockets without snagging.
If the so-called "war" in Ukraine stops it is game over and the
Reagan-Mitterand funds should be recovered is my guess, so they must
keep some kind of "war" going to keep from losing these funds.
U.S. Naval Intelligence now has total proof that the war in Ukraine is
a ‘FAKE WAR’ with now de-legitimized Joseph BidenFRAUD and Russian
Federation President Vladimir Putin orchestrating a made for TV ‘psy
op’ murdering thousands of innocent civilians while the money laundry
and the THEFT of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols funds continue
at the National Bank of Ukraine with Biden, Putin and homosexual
Ukrainian President Zelensky still getting paid."
Sunday April 24, 2022
Stefan Halper is Bush-Clinton-CIA RICO!
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Those who have shot the new Ruger Officer Model 9mm say it is really a
sweet shooter. The 9mm Luger caliber packs plenty of punch and
although this is a compact gun weighing only about 24 ounces, 27.2
ounces with empty clip, it still holds
8 rounds plus one in the chamber for a total 9 round capacity.
You can also load it with high capacity magazines. It has a nice
slim stepped in feature at the muzzle of the slide - very nice
looking. A combat hammer and grip safety and target trigger top
off the stainless steel slide.
The same chubby little mexican neighbor girl that shot my truck with a
BB or pellet in 2013 was next door on the other side of my property and
pinged another BB or pellet off my wall almost hitting a window or my
glass storm door. This prompted me to install a covering which I
could screen off and deflect the incoming rounds with.
first I tried a temporary canvas tarp and frame with poles and guy
ropes to brace it. I figured this would not raise property tax
and would provide some protection for my glass storm door, but, the
windstorms and thunderstorms kept blowing it completely down. It
seemed that the wind would hit at that area of my back porch and
deliberately tear the area up.
Then I framed a more sturdy arrangement of braced posts and two by
fours and steel roof over a concrete slab with some wall panels covered
with thick plastic instead of more expensive glass. Here's what
the last thunderstorm did to it with one inch hailstones. It
knocked my little wall in which I had nailed to the door panel and top
and had wedged into the concrete slab. It knocked holes in the
thick plastic, completely banging off my muntin pieces onto the ground
and pushed the wall and door in and thoroughly wetted the
interior. I finally nailed OSB board panels over those front
windows until I can build some awnings for them. I will have to put
shutters on the windows to shield from the hail and BB's.
It seems like the weather forever picks on my little back porch.
Originally it tore down the canvas and made a muddy mess of it.
Now it knocks my little wall panels and bashes them inward tearing them
apart. I will have to drill the slab and put anchors in the base
plate of the wall panels because this intellingent malevolent
dysfunctional weather
attacks my porch again and again. Infoeditor
As I stated previously, The Queen of England
owns and controls Social
Security. The I.D. required to obtain a substantial
discount on your property tax requires The Queen's mark, the Social
Security number or the application is not complete and if you don't
list the number you cannot obtain the I.D.. This is a total
abandonment of Common Law and the rule of law under The U.S.
Constitution as I see it. If you must be beholden to The Queen of
England by putting her mark on your property, you really don't own it,
as I see it. You are not the only true holder of the property.
So all these commissioners and assholes who will enter in and take your
property for non-payment of usuriously high taxation are actually
agents of The Crown, The Queen, and, they are disguised as U.S. Texas
public servants. What a scam. All these bastards are agents
of The Crown!
It is discrimination to disallow a property owner a Homestead Exemption
for not putting a foreign label on their property, especially when the
foreign label has nothing to do with The Constitution!
Originally the Social Security card had some writing on it that this
card must not be used for identification purposes, but I guess that all
changed when The Queen got her hooks into it. Who sold us
out? George Bush? George W. Bush?
All you so-called wannabe 'patriots' out there are going to be sadly
disappointed one day. You are owned by The Queen if everything
you do involves stating her number, bank accounts, driver's license,
property, etc., all your major holdings held first by The Queen.
Are you therefore just a serf possessing things temporarily? How
come they are not holding congressional hearings on this? Why
aren't there protests being held over this? Is everyone ignorant
of this problem or does no one care?
The Uvalde, Texas school shooting is not the only reason Texas should
secede from the federal government, but it is the latest, most recent
disaster of the federally managed Homeland Security directives.
In addition to the border crisis which treats Texas as a doormat, the
inaction of police and Homeland Security at the Uvalde shooting
massacre is appalling.
It is my understanding that federal Homeland Security directed law
enforcement actions and inactions at the Uvalde shooting. It is
reprehensible that police waited nearly an hour to go in and did not
engage the shooter, resulting in the many deaths of children and school
Also, the senile decisions and behavior of this so-called president of
the U.S. are so far below standard that this state of Texas should
simply remove itself and secede from The U.S..
The more laws that are passed, the more freedom is restricted.
The more freedom we lose, the more people hate the system and
country. The more people hate the country the more violent acts
are committed in anger.
Americans have lost their basic sovereignty so what is there to wave
the flag about? If you need a driver
license and bank account you
must produce a number, a mark, a social security number which
owned and controlled by The Queen of England and is not within the
Constitution. In previous years it was not necessary to put this
number on documents and now it has become the rule or you cannot get
the important things. This means the sovereignty of U.S. citizens
has been relegated to The Queen, and, "We, The Forgotten People" do not
have our sovereignty. It apparently is held by or in England
under the trademark of social security. There is nothing
therefore to wave a flag about, and especially not on the 4th of July.
[This is why I quit studying to become a lawyer. U.S. lawyers
must belong to the BAR, British Accredited Registry, something that is
foreign to U.S. law. Incidentally, your so-called public defender
lawyer is qualified to plea-bargain your case and lose.]
We U.S. citizens are not a sovereign people if we must cowtow to a
social security number and go outside the law of the land, The U.S.
Constitution. Validating a social security number on documents
grants jurisdiction, as in jurisdiction to prosecute. That is why
police officers and prosecutors pore over databases of 'subjects' (like
utilities, etc.) to learn the social security numbers in order to file
Study up on Common Law vs. Admiralty Law, etc.. There is nothing
to wave a flag about. The veterans fought for our sovereignty
and laid down their lives to preserve it, and, the recent so-called
leaders and rulers in the U.S. have given away our sovereignty to
foreign powers, otherwise you wouldn't need a social number for
virtually everything. Why don't you call it your 'prosecution
number' for it grants jurisdiction, juridiction to prosecute. My
Common Law book says the social security number is foreign to the U.S.
"This is not the country we fought for"
This old guy put his life on the line for us and look what they did to
his efforts and our country!
The U.S. government stole Hawaii from the peoples of Hawaii in much the
same way as it stole American Indian lands from native Americans.
The U.S. government is not exactly an honorable or nice outfit.
It has been setting up puppet governments worldwide for decades.
The only right thing that should happen is for the U.S. to cede Hawaii
back to the peoples of Hawaii and declare it an independent sovereign
nation again. What a piece of crap government the U.S. is, and
cannot even secure its own borders.
How Hawaii Was Stolen by the US | ENDEVR Documentary
How long does FBI corruption go on? U.S. people are tired of
it! We saw their apparent involvement in the Russia Collusion
Scandal and now more dirt comes out that they allegedly suppressed
information on Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election. What good
is the FBI? For all the good, dedicated agents they are ruined by
scandal after scandal. I think all good FBI agents should resign
their positions until all the crap is cleared out of that agency and
perhaps one day they can rejoin the FBI.
Meanwhile, Americans with meth arrests and convictions rot in prison
while Hunter Biden will likely get off with probation, a slap on the
wrist, and the usual A lister treatment.
Senator Grassley, "We have people with the Biden name dealing with
Chinese business people that have a relationship to The Communist
Party. I think it's very concerning."
Folks, we are talking about closest relatives of The President of The
United States hooked
up financially to The Communist Party of Red China. If you don't
think that's a national security threat then I've got some beachfront
property in Arizona to sell ya.
By the way, how much in kickbacks from the border cartels that smuggle
drugs and people does Joe Biden receive as he leaves open the border
for "more business"? The democraps are shameless, criminal
traitors, rotten to the core.
The governors of the United States' various states are bound to know
about geoengineering, yet they remain silent and don't issue any public
outcry. Being silent is equivalent to cooperating with the
geoengineering crooks.
We are running out of U.S. forests to salvage from these bastards so do
what you can and speak out and demand this stops. Save the trees!
I knew something was suspicious about all the U.S. wildfires but I
never thought it was the U.S. military behind it. I wrote a paper
for a website awhile back and described how the chemicals sprayed are
making the forests more volatile.
September 30th U.S.A. Corporation defaulted. They were given
until October 14th to find the money. They were not able to. USA
Corp. is in default and pretending that everything is normal as they
print more fake money to prop up markets, etc..
The cops in Wyoming are apparently no different from lots of fake
corporation cops in the U.S.. They belong to corporate powers
which are ruled or influenced by foreign powers alien to the United
States and operate under the color of law, issuing fines, dragging you
before their corporate Admiralty courts of Police Executive Chancery to
extract more of your hard
earned money.
The guy in this video held them to the letter of the law and informed
them they had stolen his passport and he was in a private automobile,
not a vehicle, and demanded they desist and let him go on his
way. Once again people, you do not need a license to operate a
private non-commercial car, according to the Supreme Court
ruling. You are supposed to have the right to travel, unimpeded.
Many cops are apparently willfully ignorant of what the real law is,
having been instructed and programmed by their corporate asshole
bosses. They will shoot you or threaten to shoot you and they
love to use force and break windows, windshields, doors, etc. to drag
you out and haul you before their corporate no good court system.
This country is a fraud because it is so-called law enforcement that
runs it and the law is the fake police of a bankrupt corporation,
who are acting as contractors for the corporation.
Wyoming courts and jail systems are among the crookedest in the whole
U.S.. They routinely ignore your rights, so if you are going
through there you should gas up and make minimum stops to go on through
Wyoming piece of shit.
This video describes only one of the many homeowners who are literally
getting run out of their homes by increases in property taxes.
This is supposed to be America a free country but if you have to pay a
ransom every year just to keep ownership of your home it is not a free
country at all. The freedom America thing is just a myth.
Right now America is just a pitiful piece of crap with law enforcment
poring over your documents to learn your social security number because
that's the number that grants jurisdiction to prosecute you.
What a communist piece of crap America is where you must pay ISD school
district tax even though you have no children or no children in
school. You must pay for an illegal alien's kid to go to school
even though you have no kids.
property tax increased more than triple the prior year's
taxes. This is a communist piece of crap. The video is
about north Texas but horrible increases happen all over the place,
even Tom Green County. What a communist piece of shit.
Not only do illegal immigrants drive property value up since housing is
now demanded for illegals, but they are going to cost you more
healthcare, school tax, welfare, etc.. Joe Biden's criminal act
of letting illegals enter America is really going to cost us and as of
now no one has been able to stop him from breaking the law. What
a supreme pile of shit.
Disclaimer: This is
not an instruction in law. Consult your crooked bar attorney
lawyer for legal advice. We are not reponsible for how you use
this information.
not sitting on their brains knows or believes that The Federal
Reserve that prints all those glorious fraud notes is busted,
broke. Surely that must mean that fraud notes will go by the
wayside and digital currency will replace it. That means no more
purchases of ammo and guns and how will you pay your property tax if
the only money is digital currency? They will take your home and
move you off if you cannot pay it. Digital currency is the Mark
of the Beast. REMEMBER:
"For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the
whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be
accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of man."(Luke 21:34-36)
Yesterday the sky here looked like this. I'm expecting a severe weather
disturbance, the kind that sometimes follows spraying the skies like
this. This totally corrupt
U.S. government is total crime, crimes against nature, crimes against
people, forcing gay-tranny crap on us which Russia has the sense to
ban. Congress has allowed the crooks to steal the U.S. Treasury
blind. You pay your hard earned money in taxes and they steal it
and give it away to countries like Israel
10.5 million dollars a day. Hell,
I don't think they even recovered the stolen 2.3 Trillion dollars
Israel stole from the Pentagon.
The informative Katie Hopkins has once again nailed it, the government
has sold out the citizens in favor of courting foreign illegal
immigrants who automatically get a bed and meals in nice hotels while
British citizens sleep out in the cold on concrete. The same thing
happens in the U.S.. It is evident that the U.S. & British
governments prefer illegals over citizens because they owe retirement
money to citizens, not to illegals and that retirement money has
already been stolen and spent, so they must shrink the beneficiary
pool, and, what better way to shrink it than to issue deadly clot
shots? Hell, I don't think they even recovered the stolen 2.3 Trillion
dollars Israel stole from the Pentagon. If you don't believe me
watch this video. Remember this important link I listed at.
willful act of the malicious harming of Americans, this is a willful
act of domestic terrorism". "SHRINK THE BENEFICIARY POOL BY 2028"
A guy in a white Lexus reportedly ran over Dr. Michael Mammone and
stabbed him to death in Dana Point, Southern California, on Wednesday,
Feb. 1st, 2023. Some bystanders are reported to say the Lexus
driver who killed Mammone was shouting racial expletives about "white
privilege". This appears to be an intentional cross-racial
murder, the victim suffering death for being White. The race war
is intensifying due to the woke religion spreading and supported by the
U.S. corrupt government. This is another example of how the
corrupt U.S. government causes death and destruction by sewing
hatred. This is a real hate crime with the alleged killer
shouting racial expletives. There should be a life sentence
without possibility of parole.
The left is now responsible for killing and removing persons vital to
societal infrastructure. I wonder who is next. If this is a
random attack it appears that any White person anywhere in
the U.S. can be targeted, attacked and possibly murdered for being
California doctor
cycling on scenic roadway rammed by Lexus then stabbed to death by
driver: police
Video shows car strike
bicyclist at OC intersection before alleged assault
F.B.I., Mike Gill, Mike Gill
The F.B.I. is possibly the biggest threat to America today under Joe
Biden. Understand the corruption of the F.B.I. in this
video. I urge you to copy this video right now because it mey be
taken down any minute. The editor of this video, Mike Gill, says they tried
to murder him three different times. I don't doubt him at all on
Thanks to YouTuber 'State of Corruption...'
My land valued at $7,250 has been appraised this year at $93,870,
approximately 13 times what it was last year. All I can say is
this is criminal, criminals in government controlling property taxation.
My entire property was taxed at about $450. in 2021. Now they are
saying it is $2489 which is 5.5 times the original tax.
Something entirely criminal is going on here. At this rate, next
year's tax could be a million dollars or more so they are moving and
forcing people off their lands. If they can get away with this
why wouldn't they assess it at $10,000,000!!! In fact they did
appraise Scott Woodward's small 0.637-acre unimproved lot at the Ducote
Air Park in western Tom Green County (His lot, valued at only $2,800 in
2022) at $110,994,000 in the latest round of appraisals. These
appraisers have gone nuts!
UPDATE MAY 29,2023
Appraisal District issued a corrected property tax notice. The
land value is not $93, 870 this year but is substantially higher than
last year, almost double. You are supposed to feel relief that it
is not the sky high amount but it still increases, sort of like the
gradualism of communism - take one step back and two steps forward. FUNNY
MONEY, false hot housing
market, U.S. Treasury, gold or silver backed dollar, The Supreme Court,
property taxes 'FUNNY
May 29, 2023
There have been many articles on how 'funny money' is printed to prop
up the dollar and banking system.
There have also been articles describing how they are using the 'funny
money' to buy up properties, thus converting the funny money into real
assets. This increases land sales rather artificially but does
cause a hotter land and housing market.
They say there's a hot land and housing market in Tom Green County,
Texas to justify the horrible increases in property
taxes, so it's the 'funny money' that has to be driving the property
taxes sky high. Actually I don't believe the market is as hot as they
say and when I asked the guy at the Appraisal District who appraised my
property he just changed the subject like ignore it. Bunch of
It would be better if the U.S. Treasury
went bust, bankrupt if the dollar is replaced with a gold or silver backed dollar
and no funny fake money could be printed and issued without it being
backed. You would see a zillion scams and phony wars cease to
exist and property taxation would level off, although property tax
should be eliminated.
So, evidently, because they can print money out of thin air with
nothing to back it you are seeing a vast increase in your property
taxes which you must pay with your hard earned dollars, all because of
the crooked buffoons that run government.
Why hasn't some powerful mogul asked The
Supreme Court to rule on whether the government or Federal Reserve can
print and issue 'funny money'? Answer: They don't want the
answer. Crooked U.S. government.
COP SHOT, do-nothing congress, Soros prosecutors, unconstitutional
laws, unlawful edicts, 'felons
and firearms' laws,
have paths to citizenship for illegal immigrants and paths for
other stuff, but no paths to exonerate people unconstitutionally
charged with weapons violations(unless you are black, of course).
Consequently the government, in
its zeal, is accomodating illegal immigrants and not accomodating
citizens who are already here. The cops are brain-dead and will
draw like brainwashed magnets to persons charged with weapons
violations, even if those charges are unconstitutional and
unlawful. Apparently there are couples like this and others who
are all over the place out there trying to dodge warrants and
unconstitutional weapons charges. The situation in the video
below is really pitiful and would have been unnecessary with
constitutional laws in place, but the cowards in congress cannot do
Various states and jurisdictions can enact unconstitutional laws which
violate the law. One such unconstitutional law or edict is 'felons
and firearms' laws where persons with convictions are supposedly
barred from possessing firearms. With all the dangerous criminals
on the loose in the U.S. which Soros prosecutors
have unleashed from jails and prisons, leaving people without their
firearms is like leaving a person in the desert with no horse or water!
In fact according to the law, The Constitution, we are supposed to have
inalienable rights - rights which cannot be removed like the Second
Amendment! So the gun laws and gun edicts they use in these
police executive chancery courts which are criminal in their
jurisdictions, are criminally defective and unlawful and
unconstitutional, but, the criminal bastards in the so-called congress,
your do-nothing congress, refuse to
allow people their rights and refuse to remove these unlawful fake
laws. They are real laws on their face in that the police and law
enforcement will kill you over them because that's the way The United
Nations wants it, but they are fake gag laws in their actual
interpretations and applications.
Many cops have lost their lives over these unlawful
edicts and here is a video where another cop is shot, apparently over
weapons laws violations. The woman reportedly had weapons
violations warrants in another state, but the suspect knows there is a
gun in the car for their protection which will bring more weapons
violations charges so he naturally feels compelled to use the
gun. You see how this works? That's why I have this page: FELONS
cannot get rid of the guns because they are liable to be killed and
robbed and kidnapped in this lawless United States but the cops with
their unlawful police court executive chancery gun laws are squeezing
them into combat and shooting situations.
I have to say that after viewing how the Farmington,
Utah man was murdered by a reported 5 murderous cops I no longer
can feel
sorry for those cops shot in the line of duty. Yes, it is too bad
when that happens but it is avoidable so I don't consider that stuff
anymore about the boys and girls in blue and all that noble serving
crap. Some cops are murderers with their 'felons
and firearms' laws. I cannot give a f**k about them
anymore. It's all so stupid and avoidable.
_____________________________________ Video: Albuquerque man
shoots at Illinois state troopers before being fatally shot
Accredited Registry) LAWYER FOR LEGAL ADVICE.
In his stunning post Benjamin Fulford says, "The “leader” of the once
free world is a dead pedophile human trafficker by the name of Joe
Biden who was placed in power by a stolen election and is now
represented by an actor."
If the masked bandit is let go by DOJ, FBI, military authorities the
U.S. is fallen and broken and there is no law and order left.
HUGE Property Rights WIN at Supreme Court - VIDEO
May 28, 2023
Lower courts reportedly sided with local government when an elderly
94 year old woman's home was sold for taxes and they kept all of the
instead of applying the funds of the sale to delinquent taxes and
handing her the rest. Why did it finally take the Supreme Court
to strike down the lower court rulings? It indicates that lower
courts are in cahoots with greedy appraisal districts...which means
there is no justice for the majority of poor and middle class people
don't usually have access to The Supreme Court. According to this
ruling shouldn't a lot of jurisdictions have to refund massive amounts
of tax sales monies to victims who lost their properties?
Conclusion - It appears that jurisdictions through taxation without
representation have been stealing funds from 'We, The Forgotten People'
for generations and no one opposed them.
"UNITED States of America - It can be reported
as Constitution patriot, year 2000 DULY ELECTED now
inaugurated United States President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage,
Tennessee continues to fully enforce 28th Amendment Application and
Thomas Jefferson Declaration, which will lead to total American
de-nazification and liberation, now inaugurated
United States President Albert Gore and U.S. Naval Intelligence have
placed current BidenFRAUD Independent Special Counsel Jack Smith under
arrest for refusing to release copies of documented HIGH TREASON
evidence that was being held at Trump’s Mar a Lago Florida estate by
now de-certified Trump with copies given to homosexual in-the-closet,
Nazi evangelical neocon war monger, ‘Operation Prom Queen’
co-conspirator Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)."
That's how close America came to liberation from that "ruthless
conspiracy" JFK spoke of. Consequently, occupied America has
suffered 60 years of useless unnecessary foreign wars and fraudulent
money carousel. Those uncut Kennedy Dollars were not
circulated. They were apparently solid gold backed replacements
for the Federal Reserve Dollars.
This link is Dr. Judy Mikovits describing how they gave the cures for
AIDS and cancers to the DOJ, FBI, and the whole federal
government. Obama and Faucci apparently covered all of it up,
letting people suffer!
The truth is they don't want you well - they want you sick and
dead. I even told this to an uncle who didn't seem to believe me
and he soon had a stroke and died.
Do not trust the so-called medical authorities and do not trust the
U.S. government! Do you realize how much blood these so-called
leaders like Obama and Faucci have on their hands, how much death and
destruction they caused?
She said:
"My PhD work was done in natural products in Brazil. I made several
trips to Brazil with Dr Ruscetti, it's all in our books, there's even
pictures of us… 1991, we knew all of this but a little too late because
in 1986 all liability was removed from all of Pharma. So while we
discovered, and we discovered the cures for AIDS right there in the
Biological Response Modifiers Program, AND the cancers AND the neuro
immune diseases associated with AIDS, Fort Detrick 1982 to 1987. Ohhh,
1987, the National Cancer Institute closed that translational research
program where all of the discoveries and all of the cures were made.
"We don't need the speed of science" they said, "It's going to take
forever" So as they injected poison after poison and planned their
little.., you know, they had to take out Brazil, that was a spraying
program and a DTP vaccination program. Zika, Ebola 2014 Obama, Fauci
cover up of William Thompson's confession at the CDC. I can prove
absolutely every bit of it. We have absolutely every one of the
samples. That's the last chapter of Plague of Corruption, that we
weren't cowards. We saved all the data. We saved it on Drives. We gave
it to the FBI. We gave it to the DOJ, we gave it to the entire federal
government. Everyone knew in 2011 in 2014 in 2009, when our science
paper was published, so everything that was done after 2009, including
H1N1, our paper was published October 23 2009."
In her 1959 interview with Mike Wallace Ayn Rand spoke of what was
becoming our uniparty system of collectivism,
socialism. Wallace asked her, "Yes, but how can you expect to
reverse this trend when, as we've said, the country is run by majority
rule through ballot and that majority seems to prefer to vote for this
modified welfare state?" Rand responded very logically and
truthfully, "Oh, I don't believe
that. You know as well as I do that the majority today has no
choice." She was referring to our 'uniparty' collectivist
government which is the only choice offered voters. She continued
"The majority has never been offered a choice between controls and
freedom." So
George Carlin was right - "You have no choice."
Wallace persisted and asked her about accepting the crap status quo
government, "How do you account for the fact that an almost
overwhelming majority of the people who are regarded as our leading
intellectuals and our leading industrialists, the men who you seem to
admire the most, the men with the muscle and the money favor the
modified capitalism that we have today?" Rand steadily clarified
this issue with, "Eh,
because it is an intellectual issue. (1.)
Ah, since they all believe in collectivism they do favor it, but the
majority of the people has never been given a choice. You know
that both parties today are for socialism in effect, for controls and
there is no party, there are no voices to offer an actual
pro-capitalist, laissez-faire economic freedom and individualism.
That is what this country needs today."
The U.S. government today is an orgy of filthy collectivistic,
self-sacrificial, controlled capitalistic society. It is not true
capitalism but interfered with, a mixed
capitalism. You can read about this in Rand's book, originally
published in 1966, and later published posthumously in 1986, 'Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal',
with additional essays by her associates Nathaniel Branden, Alan
Greenspan, and Robert Hessen.
1. The
problem and the danger is that many, if not most, people are becoming
so brainwashed by the disinformation and lies of government and media
that they don't know there could be something better, a better form of
government. They listen to the lies and pablum of the media and
don't know any better than to take stupid Covid shots, for example, and
it is becoming worse even though some people are awakening to truths.
Did you think the murder of Palestinians by Israelis recently was
anything new? Israel began stealing Palestine land in the 1940's
and it has increased to where it is today where Palestinians are
routinely murdered and driven from their homes.
So why does the United States continue support for Israel and why
doesn't the so-called great United Nations intervene? I am
ashamed of the United States at this point for continuing the support
of murderer Israel. The only reason I don't wish Israel to become
a glass parking lot is because I hope the Palestinians return home to
claim their land as Palestine. *uck the Israeli jews!
Why wouldn't the demorats simply steal the
election again if voting
machines are used to count the ballots and fake ballots? Of
course they will steal it, and, now that you know how low down they are
you shouldn't rule anything out - of course they will steal it again.
The demorats have proven time and again that they will resort to
underhanded tactics like lawfare, lies etc.. The polls should close at
a pre-determined cutoff time and no more ballots should be accepted and
counted after that cutoff time. Some type of ID should be
required to vote, and, illegal aliens should not have a vote.
J. Edgar Hoover of the F.B.I.
was reportedly keeping sniper teams in training in Mexico at the time
of the J.F.K. Assassination so it is not surprising that reports erupt
like the one at the link. Since the terrorist was reportedly only
offering $5,000. for a hit on Trum it appears that this alleged plot
was just a creation to normalize the idea that it is foreign assassins
who want to kill Trump. That way, if the F.B.I. or other domestic
terror organizations do kill Trump it provides cover that it was
foreigners who killed him.
Why do we still put up with the existence of the so called F.B.I. when
they have been exposed in these phony operations. They reportedly
hired terrorists to blow up the Trade Towers in the 90's but the bomb
did not work. Other events involving Governor Whitmer show the
F.B.I. behind the scenes pre-arranging kidnappings.
The F.B.I. is such a $hitty bunch of terrorists - how come the U.S.
keeps them in existence? How many F.B.I. agents checked into the
Mandalay Bay Hotel just before the Las Vegas Massacre
Shooting? What
a completely dysfunctional so-called law enforcement arm of the U.S.
'Law Enforcement Growth Industry'. What a $hitty bunch of
$hit-asses the F.B.I. is! They literally stink to high
heaven! While they are running around desperately trying to frame
people, murder people, and set people up they could, instead, be doing
something useful. That's the reality of it.
It's my understanding that the F.B.I. operates illegally outside of
Washington D.C. which is their only true jurisdiction, but don't
consider this legal advice as The F.B.I. is deadly and can kill you
anywhere within the U.S.. This would mean that all the murders
they have committed outside of Washington D.C. are filthy and
unjust. What a piece of shit the F.B.I.!
I would ask you that if 30 FBI agents checked into the
Mandalay Bay Hotel a day or 2 before the Las Vegas Shooting Massacre
does it mean the agents were involved in the shooting? That
certainly is what it looks like! If they were not involved in the
shooting then what were they doing there?
The FBI Division 5 has been written up as involved in The JFK
Assassination and The FBI was said to be linked to the Murrah Building
Bombing in Oklahoma City, and, FEMA was said to be linked to The 911
WTC Attacks. Now we hear that up to 30 FBI agents were checked
into the hotel immediately before the shooting! There you have the
literal smoking gun, folks.
It should be stated and well known that residents of Golden Pond,
Kentucky were displaced and lost their homes under the administration
of John F. Kennedy, the first American Catholic president. When
is purchased like this the residents have to relocate and find new
homes. Some of the homes were burned before being condemned which
causes the home owners to relocate. So, in effect, JFK literally
tossed these people out of their homes and off their property. No
deal? After all, most of them were probably Bible believing
protestants, not catholics. JFK literally killed these people,
some of
whom crawled up on their roofs to avoid the flood water and starved to
People who suffered and died because of JFK must have hated him beyond
Enter Catholic President
Murderer Number Two, Joe Biden
The area of North Carolina and other parts were flooded and inundated
with flood waters and the dead are still being found hanging in
There were reportedly thousands and thousands of people killed in
Hurricane Helene, not hundreds. For some reason the media is
still not
being truthful on the numbers of dead people.
Don't you find it odd and a bit strange that upon the administration of
Joe Biden, the second catholic American president, thousands of
Christians, many of whom were probably Bible believing protestants,
have been wiped out, killed and removed from the earth forever?
It is possible that the Biden Administration unleashed a H.A.A.R.P.
storm on the area and created a holocaust.
This is why I never participate in The Census. Why make it known
filthy bureaucrats what religion you are? Quit giving out
to the government for them to abuse and kill you with.
Did JFK get what was coming to him for displacing and killing all these
people? Now do you understand why the posters circulated in
Dallas, Texas picturing
Golden Pond, Kentucky
Biden is only the second
Catholic president, but nearly all have been Christians
think this type of scam or similar scam could happen to just about
anyone who uses a phone for banking. It is noteworthy that more retired
feds reside in San Diego, Californicate than any other place.
This U.S. so-called government is absolutely filthy. Banking on a
phone is like saying you trust your so-called U.S. government
Bank of America customer out $38K after
falling victim to SIM swapping