If Hal Lindsey is Pro-Israel today in an
America owned and ruined by Israel he is one dirty rotten S.O.B.!
Of America's woes the worst thing that could happen to America is
Israel! This Zionist preacher is
definitely not preaching a Pro-America line if Pro-America means what's
good for the nation. If anyone would lose their religion it's
because of these ministers from hell like Hal Lindsey and John Hagee.
The trouble with America is it has too many Pro-Zionists Zionist preachers who are
cloaked in the pulpit like Hal Lindsey and so-called Pastor John Hagee
of so-called Cornerstone Baptist Church who worship and preach
Pro-Israel! These bastards are straight out of hell to deceive
the masses of people. Anyone who could stump for and preach for
Israel is just a dirty rotten son of a bitch, period! Rotten,
rotten, rotten bastards from hell. Selling Zionism to the people
while Zionism destroys them!
You might think of
pastors like Hagee and Lindsey as purveyors of organized crime since they support
Israel. They are like a cheap trick who professes Christ and stabs you in the back, real
traitors. It was Israel behind the J.F.K.
Assassination. Kennedy had refused to
allow Israel the nuclear bomb, so they had
him killed and got the bomb, anyway. Now the Middle East is surely "a cup of trembling".
Listen as Dr. David Duke lays out the
actual history of Jews in organized crime and understand what the
problem is.
This editor has apparently had many rumors spread about him. This
editor is not a homosexual and never was and never will be
homosexual. This editor is not a preacher, not a minister and
never was any kind of preacher and will not become a preacher. This
editor is not mentally ill, not a mental case. This editor is not
a drunkard and for almost 20 years has not consumed alcoholic
When talking to various persons they say stuff like, "I heard you were
some kind of preacher or something like that", or "I heard you were
gay". It may be possible that rumors get started by gay people
that various people are gay because they like to make it appear that
lots of folks are gay, like it is a normal thing, hoping to swell their
ranks, a sort of recruitment effort.
Actually, homosexuality is not a normal thing and is abnormal.
This editor is straight, always was, always will be.
You can see the hidden hand of things like Freemasonry or Dope Inc.
operating in the background in your own life if you look. They
try to manipulate you by rumor and by taking over your identity.
Freemasonry is of the devil and you would do well not to associate with
any Freemason. Don't even let them know any information about you
and don't speak to them.
This editor does not even want to hear any more of Trump talk, no Trump
speeches. Trump is a shill for Israel and it would be better for
world if Israel was turned into a glass parking lot.
Any substantial funds which should have been available for the border
wall were blown on the war on Syria, perhaps around 200 million dollars.
So this editor does not even want to hear Trump anymore. When you
hear Trump say "America first", he means "Israel first!"
Netanyahu is an asshole criminal who uses America and Donald Trump must
be a mentally ill stooge for Netanyahu.
Since when were the lives of Syrians worth more than the lives of
Americans who have suffered violence and death and rapes at the hands
of border jumpers. Trump is disgusting. Who cares what the
capital of Israel is. The U.S. is Israel's bitch again thanks to
(TFTP) As the United States government admits that Social Security and
Medicare services are going bankrupt and will both be completely
depleted within the next 16 years, American taxpayers are giving around
$10.5 million to a close ally that is routinely accused of human rights
The latest report from the Social Security Administration revealed that
Social Security funds will be depleted by 2034, and Medicare funds will
be depleted by 2026—three years earlier than what was last reported.
Last year, Social Security and Medicare funds accounted for 42 percent
of federal program expenditures, and as the report noted:
“Both Social Security and Medicare face long-term
financing shortfalls under currently scheduled benefits and financing.
Lawmakers have a broad continuum of policy options that would close or
reduce the long-term financing shortfall of both programs. The Trustees
recommend that lawmakers take action sooner rather than later to
address these shortfalls so that a broader range of solutions can be
considered and more time will be available to phase in changes while
giving the public adequate time to prepare. Earlier action will also
help elected officials minimize adverse impacts on vulnerable
populations, including lower-income workers and people already
dependent on program benefits.”
The latest cost of supporting and fighting proxy wars for Israel is 139
dead soldiers and another 146 wounded in the Jan. 8, 2020 Iranian
missile attack which was in response to Trump's killing former Iranian
General Qasseim Suleimani by drone strike. You can read the
Department of Defense memo here. This memo has been called a fake.
This is only part of the reason that Israel is total ruin to the United
States of America. All U.S. ties to this nation of Israel, a
nation that bombed the U.S.S. Liberty, should be dissolved. The
Pentagon, reportedly, is weary of fighting proxy wars for Israel and
has developed sophisticated intelligence programs against Israel.
Fake Bombs Delivered To
OCT. 24, 2018
Liberals are synonomous with stepping on and abusing America to further
socialistic, communist plans. Patriotic people have had it with
these scummy types who call themselves liberal. In a country that
is now being overrun with illegal immigration and foreign meddling the
very word liberal stands for traitor.
stands to reason that if bombs were delivered to The Clintons,
Obama, and Soros there should have been some explosions, but all the
alleged explosive devices failed to explode. Doesn't that seem
strange? This appears to be a hoax involving fake bombs.
This goes along with fake news and an attempt to blame Trump and right
Soros, The Clintons, and Obama should never feel safe in America
Too many people are apparentley gunning for them and they have pulled
way too many murderous, unlawful, illegal and underhanded stunts.
The Clintons are murderers plain and simple. Witness the eighty
some odd men, women, and children murdered at Waco not to mention the
Arkancided victims and Benghazi, and Mary Mahoney. With all their
sins and crimes The Clintons are criminals of the highest order who
have been posing as liberal politicians sucking and feeding off of
America. Just look at the Fusion fiasco - purely traitorous, and
Obama was in it too. Why should The Clintons go on murdering
people at will? I wish death to The Clintons, the same death they
have dealt so many.
Soros thinks he can interfere with elections and the U.S. with all his
filthy money. By definition he is a criminal on the loose.
How can Soros pose as a philanthropist when he is an interfering
criminal briber. Anyone not sitting on their brains knows that
Soros has overreached and has no business doing what he is doing.
Soros has interfered for so long that I wish him death, death to George
Obama is a criminal! He was illegally and unlawfully
installed as POTUS when he was completely ineligible by law to serve as
president. He did many underhanded deeds while in office.
Obama was the worst traitor president America has had and I wish death
to Obama.
There's never a road that goes too far that doesn't eventually turn -
their roads have turned.
Why should anyone defend these people? The world would be better
off without them and they should go and leave America to those more
responsible. They don't amount to squat! All I can say is
"HOORAY". I wish death to Soros, The Clintons, and Obama - A REAL
The rude overbearing mannerism, the insistence of Jim Acosta of CNN to
override and out-talk the President of The United States at the recent
press conference, the complete lack of respect for President Trump and
his administration, the refusal to obey an obvious gesture of the
intern by pushing her or placing his hands on her makes Jim Acosta A
TOTAL ASSHOLE with no courtesy or respect for anyone. Let's face
it, if he treats the President of the U.S. like this he probably treats
everyone else worse! What a lamebrain total rude imbecile
of an asshole Jim Acosta is! CNN should fire him at once for his
complete braindead disregard for the procedures of the press conference
and for hogging the microphone and not letting other reporters ask
OUTLET! THEY ARE NOT! Watching CNN's dog asshole Acosta
talk down to The President of The United States was a completely
disheartening experience and showed how unprofessional CNN's employees
are. Acosta should lose his job and never be
allowed into media and television again.
Jim Acosta Needs A Step
Course in Group
Maybe Jim Acosta of CNN can take a step course in a group therapy and
learn what it is to allow others some courtesy and to allow other
persons to speak. He needs one of these help group situations
where he is forced to look at himself as he really is. The world
does not revolve around Jim Acosta and as of now certainly does not
revolve around CNN the fake news network.
And I'm tired of these Demorats and leftists bashing President
Trump. This is a country where you have the right to disagree
with anyone, but you don't have the right to attack someone who is
obviously trying to bring America out of a mess. Cher, Michael
Moore, Maxine Waters and all the nobodys out there have shown their
true colors. These people attack a president who is merely doing
his job and doing it quite well. President Trump is as All
American as it gets.
Legislation Against
Attacks Should Be Passed
Legislation should be passed that people cannot attack the president
and his administration and cabinet, even indirectly. Anything
that can be construed as an attack rather than an opinion should be
prosecuted. In the past we had standup men and women who held
their positions in government despite partisanship. When their
candidate won they were glad and when their candidate lost they got
over it and got down to the business of government. We now have a
bunch of babyfied whiners who when things don't go their way deliver
outrageous attacks such as the recent tirades by Maxine Waters.
Every threat against every Trump administration official and every
Trump supporter should be followed up with an investigation and
rigorous prosecution of persons responsible for delivering
threats. You would then hear a certain quiet come over the land
and maybe people could complete the business at hand.
Here You Can See Acosta Blocking The Intern Who Requests His
Microphone. Acosta is clearly uncooperative and pushy and
overbearing. What an asshole -CNN's Jim Acosta
Temper tantrum? Shumer and Pelosi are 2 Jew spinmasters who have
reversed the basics of the argument to fund building the border
wall. Shumer called it a Trump temper tantrum when President
Trump merely asks for a measley $5 Billion for building the wall.
It isn't President Trump that wants a shutdown, as the Democrats
misrepresent it, but it's the Democrats who will cause it by not
providing proper border security funding for the wall.
The heinous Democrats act as though they are omnipotent, give Trump
this ultimatim and leave it there as though it is Trump's fault if the
government gets shut down. This is typical tyrannical Democrat
behavior which people have seen before and are all too used to.
In the first place, the Democrats don't really care about America, care
less how many illegal immigrants hit and run and d.u.i. killing
Americans or they would fund the wall. These two Jews, Shumer and
Pelosi bitch are criminals who should not be in office, trying to block
funding for the wall so their open borders scams can continue as
usual. Building the wall means the money laundering and drugs
will, to a great extent, stop! The drug and money 'mules' who
cross the border will not be doing business as usual.
In fact if Trump doesn't get the $5 Billion for the
wall the government should be shut down and it should not start up
until the wall is built. Pelosi is an obstinate traitorous COMMIE
BITCH and so is Shumer. Notice it is a couple of Jews who are
basically threatening to destroy more Americans.
It has been proven that 5G is
destructive to the human body and
destroys DNA. How far will the purveyors of 5G go to destroy
us? The more towers that are erected the more electrified
everything becomes and the more electrosmog. Israel reportedly
does not allow 5G in their country but it is good enough for
America! Be sure to refer to 5G as Israeli 5G from now on while buttholes
like John Hagee and butthole Hal
Lindsey stump for Israel.
Conclusion: Once again we see a real reason to boycott Israel in
everything we say and do.
Jews and Jew psychiatrists own a big stake in the psychiatric monopoly
which controls America. It's no surprise that Jew Chuck Shumer
called Trump's bid for border security a "temper tantrum", converting
The President's efforts to secure the borders to a Trump mental health
issue. Notice the contrast here of changing something so
all-important to a mere 'temper tantrum', unworthy of any attention.
In our world of so-called mental health professionals it was
psychiatrists and mental health workers who wrecked the careers of
several great actresses like Frances Farmer who had reportedly attended
a party at the home of a Jewish movie producer when she was traffic
stopped on a road upon leaving the party. Do you ever wonder why
she was thrown into a mental ward almost immediately after a court
hearing? The resulting ordeal in her life involved years in
mental institutions and devoured most of her career and she was barely
able to stage a brief comeback years later, most of her life wasted in
psychiatric gulags equivalent to dungeons. Her memory function
was not even good enough to provide Lois Kibee the material needed for
a biography on Frances. Frances only had her late mother's old
scrapbook of newspaper clippings and a very scattered memory. The
electro-convulsive shock treatments had, to a large extent, ruined her
memory and mind. After the shock treatments Frances was pretty
much 'out-to-lunch' for the remainder of her life.
Here's what will happen if The First Amendment of free speech is done
away with in America: the Jews will criminalize all gentiles who write
or state anything that is not
politically correct, labeling
them mentally ill. Off to the mental health gulags we'll go if
we so much as utter one peep of politically incorrect speech which
contains racist or anti-semitic speech no matter how many are killed by
Negroes, and no matter how many liberties are removed by Jews. If
you have to go before a board of mental health examiners to prove you
are sane the battle is already lost.
It is Jews that are destroying what's left of America. Chuck
Shumer, who blocks building the wall for good border security, is
proof! He is attempting to frame President Trump as a mental
health issue. What an asshole Jew Chuck Shumer is. For
merely doing a good thing for America President Trump undergoes this
putrid Jew criticizing him as a mental health issue. Do you see
how that works and do you now see how Jews operate?! No wonder
people like Bobby Fischer, the greatest
chess player in history, referred to Jews
as dirty, stinking Jews. “There is no United States as people
think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything
for the Jews… The US government and American Jewry are virtually
interchangeable… They’re lying bastards. Jews were always lying
bastards throughout their history. They’re a filthy, dirty, disgusting,
vile, criminal people… They’re just unbelievably wicked… ”
Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi are two commie traitors who are among the
worst curses this nation of America ever endured.
Horrid Bitch Pelosi, Horrid Bitch Nancy
In their attempt to control President
Trump and make him a
non-performer Horrid Bitch
Nancy Pelosi & Jew Chuck Shumer are
selfishly threatening the lives of all Americans and U.S. national
security by keeping the border barrier funding off the table.
I could say that Horrid Bitch Nancy Pelosi has a Jewish background but
that might detract from the main crux of this issue - that Horrid Bitch
Pelosi and Jew Chuck Shumer are threatening the safety and security of
this nation and people within it by not funding a physical barrier to
at least stop the drug smuggling and illegal aliens brought into this
Another cop was reportedly gunned down and killed in
the line of duty recently by an illegal alien aka illegal
immigrant. I think you should call them illegal foreign criminals
rather than such a mild connotation as illegal immigrant. Illegal
immigrant sounds too innocent for these cop-killers. And the
cop-killers are just for starters - how about all those DUI illegal
aliens who kill and injure us? How about the molestations of
children by illegal immigrants? What about all the rapes,
robberies, carjackings and kidnappings by illegal foreign
criminals? America desperately needs some kind of physical
barrier, a wall at our U.S. - Mexico southern border and these two
schmos, Horrid Bitch Pelosi & Jew Shumer stand in the
way. I say fire them or issue a recall or impeach them for
treason for it is a patriotic duty to install the border wall.
As for it being an attempt to control President Trump - now you see how
far they will go to play politics with your well-being. Horrid
Bitch Nancy Pelosi and Jew Chuck Shumer don't give a damn about you
here in America, and, they don't really give a damn about this country
the U.S. or they would do something to provide funding for a border
All foreign aid should be discontinued to every nation on earth,
especially Central America and Mexico. No foreign aid should be
given to any country, especially until the U.S. can balance the
budget. Why should the U.S. fund another country, anyway, when we
have millions of homeless people wandering the streets right here in
America, what's left of America? Why should the Pentagon continue
to receive Billions of dollars to cause or cooperate with unjust lavish
foreign wars?! Why not concentrate on balancing the budget so
America will not be beholden to banking institutions and borrowed money
which cannot be repaid?!
Infoeditor property
tax, property tax on homes, shameful government, crooked municipal government
Jan. 30, 2019
my right shoe which I cannot afford to replace with a new one.
Property tax ate the money up I could have used for these shoes and a
host of other things.
The crooked municipal corporate government sucks bigtime!
Here's my other shoe
which I cannot afford to replace. As you can tell from the mud I
wore this pair of shoes recently. I had to get outside to do
stuff. Now I use my only pair of good shoes to work outside in as
these are unusable.
Property tax ate the money up I could have used for these shoes and a
host of other things.
Take a look at those shoes and you'll see they aren't really very
usable anymore as they let a lot of dirt and rocks in the shoe when
trying to do stuff outside. I actually hit a low spot where I
could not afford to replace these shoes lately with another pair or two
and must resort to wearing my good chuckas when I do stuff
outside. I have one pair of pretty worn cowboy boots which aren't
suited for workboots and some worn out sneakers and sort of painted
myself into a corner on the shoe problem. Actually the property
taxes on my place came due as my shoes were already worn out so I still
had to put off buying the very needed workboots. Also, the roof
which was damaged with sonics needs finishing but will have to
The property taxes are only a little over half a grand for this little
part of an acre and an 800 square foot shack but I really just didn't
have enough to stretch and make ends meet. I felt really beat by
the property tax, a tax on something I am already supposed to own, a
shameful tax on a necessity, a home.
Consider for a moment how shameful it is to have to pay a tax for the
only home you own. It would be bad enough to pay taxes for extra
homes that one owns for investment purposes but to pay taxes for the
only home you own is really a shame. They call this U.S. a land
of liberty and all that crap but the people who live here are truly
among the poorest people in the world when they cannot even own their
own home and so we are not free, literally taxed to death and then
taxed on death itself a death tax. We are taxed on income, taxed
on property, taxed on gasoline, tax, tax, tax, on nearly everything and
then taxed to die!
This country, the U.S., is a shameful piece of crap that masquerades as
a free country with liberty and all that crap and what do you get for
your money? A flooded lot when it rains because the county did
not use some of that property tax money to clean out the drainage
ditches in front of your place along the road. You get phoney
elections where your votes are stolen and given to serial criminal
Democrats. You get a phoney statue holding up a lamp beckoning more
immigrants to enter in and commit more DUI murders, etc..
People should have revolted by now but they did not, choosing
complacently to accept the high taxation and pay horrible taxes
for an already paid for home.
Now you know what it means in the Holy Bible where it says those who
accept The Mark Of The Beast shall have no rest neither day nor
night. The U.S. is a place of incessant business where corporate
municipalities require that one cannot retire and own something like a
home without continually paying taxes for it, a neverending abysmal
mire of creating income. This is truly a beast system we live in.
Tom Green County, Texas has suddenly re-assessed my little 800 sq. ft.
shack here more than three times the original assessment! It went
from an assessed worth of $25,710 to more than $83,800 in one fell
swoop! This is absolute madness. How can older people
manage to survive? An 8x8 porch on the back and a covered
overhang in front is not worth over $58,000 in improvements.
When I called the appraisal district they would not even tell me the
name of the assessor who handles this area like it is a big secret
operation, said he could not get back to call me until next week, a
week away! Meanwhile there are no remedies, no solutions and the
madness continues. This is like the nazi gestapo handling
property tax appraisals, wringing every last dime they can out of us.
You may have heard
reports that President Trump wants to bring into the
U.S. more foreign workers than ever, a real loser of a
proposition. Trump has shown his Jew-ass-kissing colors but
up to now people have tolerated and liked him because he said he was
for making America great again, the M.A.G.A. slogan. Well now
there are reports that Trump wants to bring in these foreign workers at
the very time that millions of illegal immigrants try to storm the U.S.
southern border at Mexico, an 'about face' from his MAGA stuff, a real
unpatriotic maneuver which robs Americans of jobs. So there
really is no M.A.G.A., it was just a slogan to get Trump elected.
There are so many homeless people in America that need jobs and could
rehabilitate themselves if given half the chance, but Trump is
evidently not interested in giving jobs to Americans, to people that
live here in the U.S.. He'd rather outsource them to foreigners
for corporate profit. It should be law in the U.S. that you
cannot give a job to a foreigner ahead of an American citizen. No
job should be given to foreigners as long as there are Americans who
need and will accept jobs.
only has Trump not delivered on building a wall, preferring instead
to play political games with Democrats, but he is turning out to look
like an blatant unpatriotic traitor, a simple exec asshole who thinks
more of corporate profit than he thinks of his fellow Americans.
What a genuine loser is Donald Trump. Now that Trump accommodates
the globalists, the globalist agenda I wouldn't blame folks for giving
him a big F*** YOU.
workers, cheap
foreign labor, foreign companies in America, foreign labor,
overdevelopment, no M.A.G.A., homeless people, price of wages, Japan
The one thing America does not need or want is the importation of more cheap foreign labor, more H1-B workers
to drive the price of wages down.
Trump insists
that these companies need more workers, but he babbles about Japan companies needing workers, a foreign country
that sets up shop in America. The truth is we don't need more foreign companies in America
and they are just using America as a proxy to enrich a foreign company
and hire foreign labor. So where is
the gain for America? There's not any. More overdevelopment and the companies leave
their carbon footprint in the U.S., drive wages down, and make off with
the dough. Why is Trump concerned about enriching some foreign company
and dirtying America with more overdevelopment? Make America
great again or make Japan great again? There's a damned
difference! Isn't this globalism at its best? Bringing in foreign
countries to set up shop in the U.S.?
Once again, there is no M.A.G.A.. It
is an illusion to get Trump elected and re-elected.
Trump should be creating programs to rehabilitate homeless people and train them to hold
these jobs. Instead he just imports more foreign workers, a whole
lot of them. It should be law that no foreign workers can enter
America and no foreign company can operate in America. America should
not be used as a dumping ground. America First!
Tulsi Gabbard, Alex Jones, The Military
Industrial Complex, war bonanza, never-ending wars
Where there is war a limited amount of truthful reporting may happen
and real details about the war may not be readily available. This
provides a scenario for multiple black operations to exist in a place
far away and probably somewhat isolated from the world. An
example of how the mid-east never-ending
wars go - troops can be told that one tribe is attacking another tribe
unfairly and murdering people, so the troops must come to save the day
and be peacemakers, etc.. In short, there are all sorts of
opportunities to fight wars and to start wars.
Foreign countries like Israel with their demonic Mossad murderers can
pose as Arabs and go into countries and commit terrorism in the name of
Islam and start up many wars. There are all kinds of diverse ways
to start wars and turn them into protracted conflicts if you try.
Elements of The Military
Industrial Complex surely find the never-ending wars a real war bonanza, an insidiously evil way to extract
monies from the taxpayers while ensuring the wars become more and more
protracted for more future profits.
Who benefits from the eternal wars? Those who sell armaments and
weapons benefit greatly by war profiteering from the conflicts.
Hillary Clinton and her lawyer Shapiro have previously been mentioned
in the gunrunning episodes of 'Fast and Furious'. Her gunrunning
is probably what caused the Benghazi Massacre and got Ambassador
Stevens murdered. Just like the Vincent Foster murder, it seems
Hillary Clinton is usually behind these seedy ongoing political
murders. I would not be surprised if Hillary Clinton was behind
the murder of Seth Rich, also, who, like Elijah Cummings, was actually
murdered in a D.C. hospital.
The best policy is what our founding fathers said to do, not to become
involved in "entangling alliances", so that would completely eliminate
foreign wars and the war bonanza for the warmongers.
Tulsi Gabbard as a challenger
to Hillary Clinton who has apparently recently attacked Gabbard from
proxies, so Tulsi Gabbard responded on Twitter recently.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has called Hillary out and it is about time someone
puts Hillary Clinton, the swamp creature, in her place. Calling
her "the queen of warmongers" is a pretty accurate description of HRC,
but, Tulsi might soon be able to add 'murderer' to that
description. I think it is probable that Tulsi Gabbard has the
goods on Hillary so Hillary ought to have the basic good sense to
withdraw from the presidential race.
The United States of America has blood on its hands because of
entertaining the likes of Hillary Clinton. She has besmirched
this entire nation and caused the U.S. great damage and the powers that
be within the U.S. cannot or will not get rid of her. As Tulsi
Gabbard indicated Hillary Clinton has rotted this country through and
through. Hillary Clinton should be charged with murder, treason, money
laundering, gun running, sending unsecure emails, and the list goes
on. Hillary Clinton is an enemy of The United
States and is still IN YOUR FACE.
Infoeditor California Wildfires,
hot frequency bombardment, plasma pulse weapon, Israel's Mossad,
incendiary device, lamestream media, wildfire
origins, PG & E,
California is under an attack, arson
A light near the origin of the fire went out a moment before the fire
started or as the fire started. The light going out as the fire
started indicates a powerful frequency hit the area, knocking out the
light. Otherwise a powerful, hot, incendiary
device may have
detonated, starting the fire ( A favorite of Israel's
Incendiary devices can be pre-planted and triggered by remote
control. Presto, everyone evacuate!
It is possible that the fires are deliberately started by hot frequency
bombardment, either by satellites or by aerial platforms with a plasma
pulse weapon. Since these latest six wildfires started all in
a line it looks like a possible satellite attack.
The fakestream, lamestream media is
always talking wildfires in the
sensational realm but doesn't ever cover the photography of how the
fires start. Do you ever wonder why? The origins of the
fires are what is important, but the media is careful to dodge and
avoid the subject.
Someone or some group is deliberately starting the
wildfires and somehow PG & E gets a heads-up
on where and
when. Most of the wildfires are deliberately set, so California is under an
attack. U.S. troops should now be deployed along the coast of
California looking for plasma beam operations. It is unmistakably
MUST WATCH! Infrared Camera
Captures The STRANGE Ignition of the MASSIVE Kincade CA Fire
Burton, Congressman Dan Burton,
vaccines, autism, Dr. Karen Midthun, thimerosal, mercury, big pharma,
vaccine industry, vaccinations,
Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle
McBean wrote a book pubished in 1957The Poisoned Needleby
Eleanor McBean ISBN 0-7873-0594-4, which maintains that the
best defense against disease is a pure bloodstream. You don't get
a pure bloodstream by injecting vaccines into the body.
Vaccinating people is like saying Mother Nature did not design us
correctly and we must add to the body some poison to correct it.
How stupid is that?
Dr. Karen Midthun is a
stooge for big pharma and the vaccine industry which makes billions from
infecting people with vaccinations which
are deadly. She is paid to take the position she takes and will
not admit that mercury or thimerosal
in contact with brain cells is deadly. She says we don't know one
way or the other if it causes autism and harm, but, they keep
putting mercury thimerosal into vaccines anyway. How dumb is
What a horrible bitch in denial! She denies, denies, denies, even
though there are thousands of studies done which say mercury thimerosal
causes autism. What a horrible bitch!
Congressman Dan Burton
Grills FDA Representative Over Mercury In Vaccines Issue
Heneghan's report claims Bolton is in Qatar to bribe officials of Qatar
government to keep them from cooperating with investigations which
reveal the truth behind the 9-11 WTC and Pentagon attacks. U.S.
mega-criminals in high places are trying desperately to keep the truth
from The American People and Bolton is helping them and to benefit
Israel, of course. Bolton is an enemy of the United States, an
Israel Firster. Here is the beginning of the report, the rest of it at
the link.
"UNITED States of America - It can now be
reported that Iraq War criminal and HIGH treason traitor John Bolton
has left the United States and fled to Qatar where Bolton is currently
bribing Qatar government officials with billions of dollars of U.S.
Taxpayers money to keep the Qatar government officials from cooperating
with U.S. Naval Intelligence and their ongoing investigation of the
9/11 junior George W. BushFRAUD-Dick Cheney attack on the American
Naval Intelligence already has received even more new evidence from
U.S. General Michael Flynn and former FBI whistleblower and former
American Turkish Council employee Sibel Edmonds concerning the massive
financial wire transfers originating out of the Middle East, including
Qatar, made to Saudi Arabian 9/11 cells located in Minneapolis,
Minnesota and San Diego, California before the 9/11 attack took place.
It was alleged 9/11 mastermind (another patsy like Osama bin Laden aka
CIA Tim Osman) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who operated as the bagman for
the alleged terror cells."
Rob Reiner insults Rush
Limbaugh after Donald Trump awarded radio host Presidential Medal of
By Tyler McCarthy | Fox News
Rush Limbaugh deservedly received a Presidential Medal of Freedom
from the president at the State of the Union address last night and
already the leftist schmoes like Rob Reiner
are complaining. Who
the hell is Rob Reiner but a leftist jew schmo who is a has-been, a
nothingburger LOSER.
Here's Rush, basically a dying from cancer man who devoted a large part
of his life to broadcasting the conservative message to listeners in
hopes that some folks would wake up to the communist bull-crap of the
democrats and the left, and, here is Reiner, apparently jealous, who
must voice his disdain for Rush. It really is typical behavior
befitting the low-life leftists of the present. If I outlive
Reiner I will say good riddance to bad rubbish when he passes.
I'm telling you folks that democrats and leftists are nothing but trash
thugs now. What was once a liberal party is now a bunch of thugs
who go after their political opposition with trashy thuggy behavior and
speech. If you belong to the democrat party this is the label
which will surround you and you will be identified as thug.
Congratulations and good for you, Rush! I applaud your award and hope
you get well soon.
Obama Treason, Hillary
Treason, Biden Treason, Iran,
Osama Bin Laden, Seal Team 6, Seal
Team 6 Executed, Credible
Whistleblower(s) have come forward with massive evidence that Obama,
Hillary, and Biden had Seal Team 6 executed. I could say many
things but nothing would cause good Americans to betray our U.S.
Troops. I
might have differences with the military over vaccinations but only an
idiot and traitor would betray and kill our troops. If this
information is true I hope these three hang!
Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary
EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCybWf1g9K8&feature=emb_logo https://youtu.be/rCybWf1g9K8
She sat there during the so-called interview (attack on Trump) and
denied knowing that President Trump's campaign was spied on by the
criminals. She covered for Biden the criminal and CBS is
not a reliable news source. She is a commie stooge from hell on
CBS, constantly interrupted the president and gave denial after denial
and accused the president of attacking when she was the one attacking,
just a stooge double-speak bitch from hell.
Leslie Stahl was unfair with President Trump and attacked him the same
way all the other press does. I had thought she was a reasonable
reporter but she is just like all the other fake news and we have a
serious conspiracy problem now with the media in the U.S.. This
bias against President Trump shows the resentment by the crooks of an
independent thinker and doer who is not beholden to the criminal
liberals and repukes.
More later
Jones Traitor, Alex Jones NWO
It is reported at several websites that Alex Jones has terminated David
Knight from InfoWars.com, a traitorous action since David Knight is
well known for bringing facts and truth news to America. If this
is true Alex Jones is, indeed, a backstabbing weasel who must be a New
World Order whore who cannot tolerate any criticism of Donald
Trump. David Knight does not pull any punches where criticism of
Trump is concerned and has pointed out that today's condition of
lockdown America is directly Trump's fault.
This smells like President Trump ordered Alex Jones to fire David
Knight, and if so, it makes backstabbing Jones a whore for the New
World Order which Trump is ushering in. Did you ever wonder why HYPOCRITE ALEX JONES
is slow to criticize Trump? He is probably bought and
paid for by Trump. We are removing all links and references to
Jones and InfoWars from this Informamerica.net site. This may
only be a small bulletin board site but quite a few viewers have passed
through Informamerica.net. Why don't you now refer to Alex Jones'
site as InfoWhores?
It is better for David Knight to go his separate way so he can
emphasize and expound upon the truths that he has been preaching on The
David Knight Show. David is better off without the pill-pushing
big ad site of Jones' InfoWars. David Knight has exposed Alex
Jones for what he is, just another New World Order stooge who makes
money and sales from scaring people, etc., just another
fearmonger. You'd better not listen to the fearmongers, but
instead hear the truth from sources like David Knight. David, a
Trump critic, is probably receiving a multitude of congratulatory
messages right about now on his separation from InfoWars.
Informamerica.net would like to also congratulate David Knight on being
released from the subjugation of InfoWars and all the scaremongers
and now on to better things! This is for the best!
Infoeditor - SEE VIDEO BELOW
David Knight abandoned and
fired by Backstabber Alex Jones of Infowars/InfoWhores #Infowars
#InfoWhores #Judas #Betrayal
Shocking: Alex Jones Fires
David Knight!
VIDEO -Alex Jones Fires David Knight -
This makes two useless, counter-productive, do-nothing, brain dead
assholes that Trump appointed as Attorney General.
I think Barr was always a Bush employee, an Iran Contra stooge from
hell. This old dog-faced asshole was a piece of junk blocking the
way for important prosecutions to proceed.
It doesn't take an Einstein to see the election fraud and how Trump's
re-election was stolen in the presidential race. There is so much
overwhelming evidence that it reeks to high heaven. Barr says he
cannot see it, but, he isn't looking to see it because, like so many
other stooge operatives his marching orders are to get rid of Trump.
Do-nothing Barr is like do-nothing Jeff Sessions. Where is the
Durham Report, where are the prosecutions for Comey, Killary, and the
rest? Why in the hell did Trump appoint Barr? I think it
has to do with money, a fund. Barr is really a case of good
riddance to bad rubbish! Bill Barr, WHAT AN ASSHOLE!
Requiem For Donald Trump - by Paul Craig Roberts
https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/12/21/requiem-for-donald-trump/ Pelosi
False Flag, False Flag in Capitol,
Capitol Attack
This site - suggests it was Nancy Pelosi's
son-in-law involved in storming the capitol. You can see his
picture here. This would probably mean this was a false flag to
set Trump up as violent when all he has said was to be
non-violent. The low-life Democrats are now calling again on
impeachment of Trump now that they have their false flag. I
figure if they get him into a room under mental health conditions he
will be assassinated, executed. As much as I have disagreed with
Trump on a few things I have to say this conspiracy that has attacked
him since before he took office is still ongoing and they, the criminal
Democrats, will probably waste no chance to kill Mr. Trump and I wish
him the best and peace and safety.
There are other sources like the above that also say this was a false
flag and the above site shows the perps being let into the chambers by
the cops.
Infoeditor MIKE
Tom Heneghan, international intelligence expert, claims at this link
that VP Mike Pence has been arrested and is now de-certified as Vice
President. Referring to Pence as a pedophile and British Queen
and Pope Francis Heneghan says, "All three of these individuals have
been involved in a massive criminal ponzi scheme involving continuing
embezzlement of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols funds due the U.S.
and French Treasuries for the last thirty (30) years."
If the information about Pence is true that he is a pedophile it would
make sense that he was/is compromised and would answer the question of
why he capitulated in defending the administration of Trump. Any
official who has knowledge of a felony and does not report it, etc., to
appropriate authorities, etc., is guilty of MISPRISION OF FELONY.
Mike Pence certainly was versed on election fraud and felonies and
probably has knowledge of other serious crimes. He should have at
least rejected the electoral votes having knowledge of the crimes.
Takes you to a picture of a fake Oval Office on a soundstage. Joe
Biden is apparently not in the real Oval Office as he signs what
appears to be blank executive orders because there is no parking lot
behind the real Oval Office and you can clearly see parked vehicle(s)
in the photo. Also the other anomalies include the wallpaper
which is different than the real Oval Office. If it's a fake Oval
Office with blank executive orders isn't it a fake president? Er, uh,
pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
They must have faked the moon landing with sound stages and now
this! Odds are Obama is still running the country and the
military sits and does nothing. Did you think the military would
save you? Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, see - Yes,
I Am Angry -- Joint
Chiefs Complicit By Anna Von Reitz
See the other anomalies at the links. Benjamin Fulford is also
carrying the photo and story at:
as the nano-chip particulates were put into the needle tips to
inject people (victims) with, the nano-chips can be placed on the long
swabs that they jam up your nose to near the brain. People are
foolish for taking the test and foolish to get a vaccine which
sterilizes them, even if they don't plan to have children. The
med-con conspiracy is doing any and everything it can to get tracking
particles into people to track them. Once you are contaminated
your privacy can vanish.
WINTER, Biden's
dark winter, price-gouging, price-fixers, dark winter price-fixing
When Biden issued the 'dark winter' statement was he actually sending a
coded message to investors of what was going to take place? Well,
the 'dark winter' is here and it is even causing Amazon to
shipments to Texas, a highly discriminatory policy.
You've heard of how investors can 'short' a stock or stock position and
manipulate it that way. Looking at the price of natural gas and
propane and electricity lately I'd say that's just what is
happening - Biden coded investors as to what was to happen so they
could adjust their short positions and cause the prices to
skyrocket. I don't know if anyone has come up with this idea that
Biden may have co-operated with price-fixers
and price-gouging, but it
may be a reality. Why would he say 'dark winter' and what all
does that catch phrase involve? Is this an example of the crooked
machine that actually stole the election to install Biden who appears
to be their puppet?
It looks like as soon as Biden was supposedly 'in office' he grabbed
control of the H.A.A.R.P. site in Alaska and started weather
manipulation and his meanness. Isn't this the result of
installing a fake
If Biden really is behind this latest weather manipulated catastrophe
in Texas he's guilty of severely weakening the people of Texas.
In Texas we ended up for a period of time in a frozen wasteland
uncharacteristic to this area, and, it may not be over if more weather
systems are pushed into here.
But the main point of all of this observation is; weakened people have
to eventually 'turn in' like
the people of Houston who had to go to civic centers to keep from
freezing to death. One thing is for certain; when real austerity
sets in it creates emergency conditions where people are weakened to
the point of asking for help. Where does that help come
from? When enough emergencies occur the people have to turn to
the government.
In the U.S. we have witnessed irregular, unusual, dangerous, apocalyptic
weather phenomena for many years now. From hurricanes
to tornadoes to tornadic thunderstorms which tear the hell out of the
houses and countryside, we are under a kind of attack which includes
earthquakes, floods and droughts. If the jetstream can be
manipulated by the H.A.A.R.P. site in Alaska why is it apparently used
against us instead of to help us? This weather problem severely
weakens the people until they can rebuild and clean weather-created
messes up.
To add to the weakening of the people we suffer a massive inflation, a
money-related problem. I could cite many examples of things that
have increased in price, mostly because the fraud note dollar is
bankrupting the entire country. The fraud note simply does not
have the purchasing power it used to have.
Right now the head of the attack on America is Democrap Joe Stalin, er uh I mean Joe Biden. The
Democrap removal of historic statues and the re-writing of history
confuses a population and further divides individuals within the
population. Joe Biden's communistic, socialistic BLM-ANTIFA
regime is bound to embrace this new social structure of socialistic
change, further weakening the people. It is a curse upon the
land. (Incidentally - Joe Stalin was murderous S.O.B.)
The War On Drugs weakens the U.S. very
badly. As military backed drug supply enters the U.S. the cops
then develop probable causes to break into homes with no-knock
warrants. As more people suffer convictions the collective
country is weakened even more. More felons means fewer citizens
able to stand up, vote, own firearms etc..
I could go on and on with things that weaken the people but suffice it
to say that when enough bad events, bad money system, bad destruction
of history, horribly destructive weather events, and unfair court
systems befall a nation the people will have to eventually 'turn in'. If the
concentration camps are called something else it may at first look like
relief is at hand but the end result of a concentration
camp is; give in and abandon your belief system or die. GIVE IN
OR DIE. The power shortage in Texas may look like a separate
event but is an important link in the attack on America.
days ago Tom Heneghan stated on his website that 100,000
Chinese troops had been executed in tunnels below the White
House. Here in this video of several days ago you can see white
smoke coming out of the ground in front of the vacant White
House. Could it be....??? The executions would have been
carried out by poisonous gas, of course, administered to victims like
trapped rats.
If it is true that many Chinese troops were executed it would not be
unrealistic to speculate that as China's CCP learns the bad news they
may prepare a retaliatory strike soon against the U.S.. It could
possibly be a high level EMP grid bomb to knock out communications in
the U.S., or some such attacks.
Mount1 Ugetube Report - DC Is Still A Ghost Town - WTF?
I know, you've heard it all before that Hillary or some top brass was
arrested. This time it could be the real thing. Real Raw
News reports Hillary was arrested and taken to GITMO in Cuba.
Hillary Clinton, the serial mega-criminal who should have been arrested
years ago, is reportedly in captivity and awaiting military tribunal
for her treasonous acts. If this is true it may signal a new era
for The U.S..
tribulation period, The Holy Bible, THE
The vaccination is THE MARK OF THE BEAST. If you take a gene
vaccine you are no longer you. You are something else, to be
to be ordered about as a slave. The beast system government will
own you. When you are told you must take it you
are into the tribulation period
because it says no one can buy or sell but he who has the mark.
your bank account, driver license, etc., is seized, it is robbery but
unless you take The Mark you cannot have them. You won't be able
to buy and trade unless you take THE
MARK. Trump followers are blind and, like David Knight says, are
the problem. Trump did not do anything that a good president would not
do, but at the end he gave in to medical hysteria and went with the
The MARK OF THE BEAST must be really close to being issued now.
Online reports of it being required abound all over the place. I
warned before that the government could freeze your bank account and
assets if you refuse the vaccination. When they tell you the
vaccination is required you will be living in the tribulation.
You won't own anything without the mark. Criminal Congress have
sat on their collective butts and done little to help this country
avoid what is coming. Many are crooks, pedophiles, operators who
are compromised puppets.
It tells you in The Bible that all those who would not take the mark
should be killed. It would seem as if those who accept the mark
would prosper on but I think their ill-fated victory will be
short-lived as within 3 or 3&1/2 years things will fall apart
anyway and some kind of end will happen. This is a "world with
end" but those who defy god with their acceptance of the mark will be
If you have not read The
Holy Bible where it speaks of The Tribulation
and The Mark of the Beast I suggest you give it a read. If I
don't post anything else it's been nice serving you, but I'm afraid
it's all about to come to a close.
It was Trump who, as President of the U.S., abandoned the border
security effort in favor of medical hysteria and put us in lockdown,
forced Operation Warp Speed on us
with untested vaccines which are not
safe, and, he appointed Faucci, an unelected official, to rule over us
with masks and lockdowns. Now many people have died of the Covid
vaccine shot and the blame must be squarely placed on Donald Trump's
shoulders for causing genocide. He is actually responsible for
the killings of many people who took his shot. It must be called Trump's shot because he is the one who pushed
I could go on listing all the billions of dollars that Trump allocated
to get his Warp Speed Operation going, but it all comes up the same:
people are dying now of this shot and you have to seek where to put the
blame for all these deaths. Was Operation Warp Speed so
good????? NO!!!!! Operation Warp Speed was a seedy
operation to inject the public with a dangerous, untested drug which
BIG PHARMA is profiting from like a bandit. Because the shot is
basically pushed by the government it somehow has the stamp of approval
so millions of people will ultimately take it with more ensuing deaths
to follow.
who initiated and funded all of this murder by injection,
sterility by injection. Why it was that glorious Trump that so
many of you worship, and, being a murderer by choice or by accident he
is a reckless ignorant buffoon not worth a damn. Remember your
unfulfilled campaign promise about the border, Trump? Trump is a
real jackass!!!! He should not be elected to any public office
again! What a jackass!!!!
has been reported that Hillary Clinton was hanged by the neck until
dead on Monday night, April 26, 2021. If this is true it is the
culmination of what must be decades of serial criminal behavior.
I do not glory in anyone's downfall but this was apparently one mean
witch. An old timer once told me, "there's never a road that goes
too long that doesn't eventually turn". Looks like Hillary's road
has turned, finally, and her crime spree is over.
Article says,
By Michael Baxter
April 26, 2021
"Scrambled eggs with jalapeno peppers, and a strawberry
milkshake. The last meal of the condemned.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was hanged at Guantanamo Bay
Monday night, her death the culmination of an operation that began on
March 2 when U.S. Navy SEALs on Donald J. Trump’s authority arrested
the disgraced politician at her Chappaqua, NY mansion. After a five-day
tribunal at the world’s most infamous detention center, a three-officer
panel found Clinton guilty of murder, accessory to murder, treason,
child trafficking, and other high crimes. Clinton, who had refused
counsel, had uttered nary a word throughout the proceedings, and had
taken Vice Adm. John G. Hannink’s sentence of death with an unflinching
The hanging took place at 9:05 p.m., at once after Taps,
which marks the start of quiet hours on U.S. military bases across the
Joe Biden is racist against Whites, Blacks, and Asians because he
favors letting millions of illegal
Latinos into America and is even encouraging it as of this
writing. The sheer numbers of hundreds of thousands of Latinos
that are crossing the border into the U.S. is beyond favoritism - it's
flat out racism. Turning the country brown by packing hundreds of
thousands and millions of illegals into American is not the answer to
anything except getting more illegal democrap voters.
Immigration law is clear: those entering the country illegally should
be deported immediately. The powers that be are sitting back
allowing this to happen, making certain that there is plenty of cheap
labor before putting a stop to this so it appears that big corporations
are behind it. They are not subjecting the illegal
immigrants to deadly Covid vaccinations while injecting the vaccines
into healthy Americans who die! This can only mean Joe Biden
intends to replace those vaccinated Americans with illegal immigrants
to maintain the work force and to secure voters.
This is the most maddening straignt jacket that has been put on
Americans in a long while. It is criminal and utterly beyond
reason and no one is putting a stop to it. Worthless Congress is
just letting it fly! Joe Biden and the democraps are stooping to
new lows that amount to just a real $hitty democrap party, just a bunch
of simple crooks. U.S. Government mass
murder, U.S. Government mass murder Americans, vaccine hysteria, covid
vaccine dangerous, The Poisoned Needle, Eleanor McBean, weakened
The whole premise of vaccines is reportedly to issue a small amount of
a disease for the body to fight in order to strengthen the defenses of
the body against the disease. With a dangerous virus like
covid-19 it is doubtful that a small amount of the virus can be
issued. It's like the impossibilty of being partially
pregnant. Either you are pregnant or you are not pregnant.
What kind of idiot would administer a small amount of covid-19 to a
person?! The kind of greedy idiot who accepts a bribe, money for
issuing vaccinations.
The premise of
vaccines is therefore hysteria, nonsense, preposterous,
ridiculous and dangerous. Remember 'The Poisoned Needle' by
Eleanor McBean and how this caregiver said the best defense against
disease is a pure bloodstream. You sure as hell don't get a pure
bloodstream by accepting a vaccination - you get the opposite,
contamination, contaminated and weakened
bloodstream, and reduced vital function. God bless Eleanor
McBean, a very talented Black lady who cared about the welfare of
Eleanor McBean A
Those who took the vaccination are ripe, contagious, ready to infect
other healthy normal persons, but apparently it is suggested that
vaccinated persons can go into restaurants to dine......and possibly
infect others. Can you think of a more putrid system? It is
obvious that the vaccinators are intent on giving covid-19 to all
possible persons, infect everyone. I would say do not get close
to vaccinated persons, it's catching.
Despite record numbers of deaths from taking the jab the government
thugs continue to insist that everyone get the shot! There is no
apparent quality control going on with this experimental dangerous
coronavirus shot. People are dropping dead from the shot and the
government continues advocating it, not stopping it, so it appears the
U.S. government is the enemy of 'We The Forgotten People' and intends
on killing as many Americans as possible. To do these clinical
trials to (stupid parents) children and infants is unconscionable and
The news has been reported that the U.S. military will be deployed to
issue and help issue the coronavirus vaccines. If the
vaccinations are
voluntary why would the force of the military be necessary to issue
vaccinations? The implication is that force will be necessary to
issue the vaccines to some people. This amounts to the military
engaging in mass murdering Americans.
If you don't wish to take the vaccine I suggest you prepare yourself to
resist the military or anyone who attempts to give it to you.
Prepare right now.
Almost a hundred universities were randomly attacked by CCP police in
China recently. Students were apparently confused because no protests
were going
on, but students were grabbed and loaded onto buses and carted
away. The students were hit with raids on cafeterias as they took
their lunch breaks, blindsided.
As Jim Stone says at his site, China may be expecting a nuclear war or
is going to war.
Tom Heneghan reports that a top
secret C.I.A. weapons facility, Camp
Stanley, north of San Antonio, Texas is to be shut down now with the
28th Amendment application activated. For all I know the anthrax
poisoning that I got in 1999/2000 may have come from this secret
weapons facility. I nearly died from that one. The white
powder was placed inside my dresser rails so it fell down onto my
t-shirts when I opened the drawer, etc., and when I put the t-shirts on
I broke out with a rash that eventually caused breathing difficulty and
the skin on my arms and wrists turned into bloody hamburger.
Sunday June 20, 2021
Gain of Function is Nazi German Final Solution!
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert http://www.tomheneghanbriefings.com/
There's a top secret CIA weapons facility just north of San Antonio
CIA’s secret weapons cache found in Texas
Feeble President Joe Biden is reportedly set to resign the office of
POTUS. He is apparently a bigger crook than Trump. His
losing control of the power grid and energy was a HUGE mistake that his
apparent handlers may have caused. Leftist Feeble Joe Biden is
one of the worst, if not the worst U.S. Presidents this nation has had
in office.
Read -
Tuesday August 10, 2021 Judge Emmet Sullivan
Unloads on the Deep State Cabal
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert http://www.tomheneghanbriefings.com/
If a new report is up you can probably find this report in the archives.
BIDEN-THUG is more than a disaster - he's a complete trainwreck of a
destructive catastrophe which is killing what's left of America and
faith in The United States. The U.S. lost plenty of faith and
credibility in the Afghanistan debacle. There is no consideration here
for the taxpayers who paid for this wall and the materials just like
the lost armaments left in Afghanistan which are now being sold off by
foreigners, so no consideration should be given to BIDEN-THUG. HE
There's no GOP and the cowards in Congress are doing nothing and no one
is coming to help us, so there needs to be an overwhelming outcry from
the public to remove this BIDEN-THUG TRAINWRECK from office. What
a joke these woke democrats are. How
it feel to have a destructive mentally ill democrat idiot for president
and no one does anything about it? Big funny damn joke, eh?
You'd think that a
wail and cry and moan would come from the Military
Industrial Complex over Biden's waste of military equipment in
Afghanistan but we hardly hear a peep about it. A Republican
president would probably have been impeached over the loss of equipment
but teflon Joe Biden slides right
The Military
Industrial Complex presumably assassinated one former
president of the U.S. simply over The Viet
Nam war policy, and, that
president wasn't guilty of wasting equipment at all. He
simply wanted to end and de-escalate the war. Here we have Biden
pulling out of the war also, but in addition leaving billions of
dollars of U.S. logistics behind, literally donated to the enemy
terrorists. Is there something wrong with this picture? How
come Biden gets away with this and is not held accountable?
The dollar amount
of the equipment and logistics has been estimated at
close to $85
Billion dollars!!!! That's Billions, with a B. And
what, we don't hear a peep from the Military Industrial Complex to
impeach Biden? https://fee.org/articles/here-s-the-list-of-billions-in-military-equipment-the-us-left-behind-for-the-taliban/
Remember, they
assassinated a president for far less than this Biden
betrayal, this utterly stupid, senseless, ill-timed withdrawal.
Not a peep from the almighty Military Industrial Complex of killers?
Outgoing President
Dwight Eisenhower had warned of an ever-encroaching power of the
Industrial Complex and, sure enough, in the following administration
that succeeded him a president was assassinated. What has changed
the severe judgement of the Military Industrial Complex that it would
allow a teflon president to pull such a stunt as the Afghanistan
Suddenly Dick Cheney who participated in The 911 Trade Center and
Pentagon attacks appears to brand Trump a threat - what an asshole,
liar, hypocrite this man is.
Cheney is just one example of this hydra of talking heads that cannot
reveal what really happened at The 911 Attacks and demands no
investigation into it, but focuses on the Jan. 6 incident of 19 months
ago. Where are the grand jury investigations into The 911
Attacks? Where is the grand jury investigation into Benghazi, JFK
Assassination, chemtrails, etc.?
Why is this old fart still living? Doctors can keep these old
talking head farts alive for a long time when they want to while others
languish with cancer, etc..
busloads of migrants, fentanyl deaths,
fentanyl deaths in America, DC
Mayor Muriel Bowser, fentanyl poisoning
It was apparently okay with so-called leaders in the U.S. for Texas to
be used as a doormat, receiving unwanted border-jumpers, but now they
are crying the blues at having to receive just a few busloads of
migrants who crossed into the U.S. illegally. This shows the
two-faced hypocrisy of left democrat leaders. Just dump them in
Texas and don't worry about it? I think not! Joe Biden is
responsible for countless fentanyl
deaths in America and apparently
that was okay, too, for the left handed mayors and governors who stayed
quiet over this mess. Now the left democrats are wallowing miserably in
the product of their own policies.
DC Mayor Muriel
Bowser declares emergency
over migrant busses from Texas, Arizona
Now the left democrat leaders like DC
Mayor Muriel Bowser are squawking over a
few busloads of migrants who should have been going to the northern
states for decades as Texas is overfilled with migrants. What a
bunch of pansy-tranny-queer asshole hypocrites the left democrat's are.
America has turned brown and black. Move over, give up your
citizenship, let these poor people have your job while you die of fentanyl poisoning. Let them steal
your votes. Turn the
U.S. into a banana republic as crime runs wild. All democrats are
a pile of excrement for ruining America.
FITTS: "Well, but wait a minute. He put $10 billion into a military
program to depopulate Americans. Come on Greg. I’ll be a tough guy on
this one."
CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS is the editor of 'The Solari Report' and former
Assistant Secretary of Housing under Bush. Here she lays out the
culpability of Donald Trump who heavily invested in killing millions of
Americans with a depopulation program. I told you Trump is a mass
murderer guilty of genocide and now an expert indicates the same.
You need to stop thinking in terms of who is going to be president -
rather you need to think in terms of who benefits by shrinking the
beneficiary pool, the people who the government owes money to.
Fitts describes 'The Machine' that is alive and working to undermine
our liberties.
"Changing the president won’t matter": who really runs this
country? Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
Trump is an avowed zionist and Biden is a communist. Since zionism is a form of racism, racial discrimination
and communism it can be safely stated that America has the choice of
communists in the upcoming election. Choose communist A or choose
communist B and the outcome will eventually be the same as Trump's
authoritarian gun control. You will regret voting for either of
them. Vote for
RFK Jr..
A private criminal complaint was filed to the Butler district attorneys
office alleging charges against Governor Joshua Shapiro for the murder
of Corey Compatore and attempted murder of former President Donald J.
Thanks to Crystal River at Rumormillnews.com and Rense.com
If Trump wasn't such a jew traitor he might be pretty good, but, he
never even finished building the border wall. Trump put us in the
lockdown with his phony pharma medical hysteria stunt.
Trump’s Call for Death Penalty Over Israel
Paul Kersey has lost his wife to muggers and he uses his new 'gift' on
a mugger. You can see in his face before he
turns around - he's thinking "it was a bastard like this that killed my
wife so I owe her this". Don't miss 'Death
Wish', starring Charles Bronson.
This is your patriotic duty - to defend yourselves with gunfire if
Paul Kersey Kills First Mugger, Death Wish Thanks to youtuber -
If President Trump is such a good guy why does he not demand a halt to
the bombing and attacks on Palestinians? Instead he is committing
war crimes by proposing to remove and relocate Palestinians from their
lands. For all the good Trump does he negates the good by
committing war crimes. Not only is Trump a genocidal idiot for
pushing and forcing Operation Warp Speed (which undoubtedly killed and
is still killing millions) he now proposes to force Palestinians from
their lands.
The reason European leaders are not allowing elections is because they
obviously have already entered a war type jurisdiction and are
determined to go to war with Russia. The peoples of Europe surely
don't want World War III which could end in nuclear holocaust and would
vote these idiots like Starmer, the asshole dictator, out of
office. These European leaders are enemies of the best interests
of The United States and are ENEMIES IN YOUR FACE.
The U.S. has paid into N.A.T.O. for decades, perhaps more than any
other nation. They should be left on their own if they insist on
being warmongers.
Putting boots on the ground in Russia to fight some kind of land war
would ultimately morph into tactical nuclear weapons deployed by Russia
as soon as they suffer large losses. The smaller nuclear weapons
could escalate into nuclear missiles exchanges launched into Russian
European cities, a total disaster. Millions would die.
Therefore, Trump should completely disengage The United States from
N.A.T.O. who is part and party to this upcoming war, BEFORE A FALSE
FLAG CAN HAPPEN TO TRIGGER A WAR. The U.S. should not have
anything to do with this.
'False-Flag' events are shootings, bombings, and atrocities made to
look like some country or organization or individual conducted them
when they are actually conducted by another party or country, thereby
the term 'false-flag' because they are misrepresented to pass the
blame. Look up 'Operation Northwoods' and learn how various U.S.
military people were planning to bomb the U.S. and blame it on
Cuba. That would have been a 'false-flag'. Evidently, President JFK decided against this.
Right now Europe is in a crisis mode over the Ukranian mess and is keen
to draw the U.S. into going to war against Russia with them. Such
great forces in unison against Russia would set off a nuclear holocaust
as soon as Russia is overrun. A 'false-flag' event looms on the
horizon because these European dictators need a big attack somewhere to
justify the U.S. alliance and participation in war.
Be prepared for a massive 'false-flag' attack to happen somewhere and
have your food, water, gasoline and logistics on hand at the ready as
it could happen anytime.
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