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Too Many Dysfunctional People In America |
notice how
many dysfunctional
people there are in the U.S. these days? Some folks act like they
just don't know how to conduct themselves or just don't care at all
about their conduct and they just pretty much do anything they want to
do. It gets tiresome dealing with these dysfunctional people who
obstinately refuse to observe some basic courtesies.
One problem with dysfunctional people is they often don't care about or respect property or property rights. They just leave their damn cars wherever they happen to land and turn off the ignition, I guess. Take for example this neighbor of mine who lives in the home next door where a woman was murdered a few years ago when I was on the road. A kid from that property told me years ago, "my daddy works for the Army". I don't know if the Army people are still there or not, but up until recently some real assholes have hogged my driveway for themselves and I had to get on them about that. I was nice enough to tell them if you must drive through here please don't stop on the driveway and park as I may need to get an ambulance in here, etc., and don't block it. They like to use my drive instead of their own because it is closer to part of their back yard. I told them once, "I don't use your driveway".
That is my driveway in the picture. Usually when I have this problem their vehicle completely blocks my drive. It would not be so critical if there was another ingress and egress, you know, so you'd think they would observe some basic courtesy, but no, they have to selfishly park on my driveway, no consideration at all. Here is a photo taken today of my asshole neighbor's white SUV partially blocking my driveway again. An ambulance or my relatives would have to try and squeeze between that tree and the S.U.V. to get through. The only way to remedy this situation is to fence off this area to keep people from driving through here. I am already engaged in fencing projects that involve concrete fences and don't have time for that, but I will have to fence it off because the asshole dysfunctional neighbors have forced me to. What a bunch of Army assholes! ![]() PARK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, NO PARKING, DYSFUNCTIONAL IDIOTS, INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE, INCONSIDERATE IDIOTS MORE DYSFUNCTIONAL INCONSIDERATE IDIOTS PARK ON MY DRIVE FOR AN HOUR Sunday, 6-16-2019 More dysfunctional inconsiderate idiots have parked on my drive since the last posting. This truck blocked my driveway for an hour or more from 5:15 PM to after 6:15 PM on Wed., 6-12-2019. Leaving a vehicle unattended means you have blocked the egress and ingress of the owner and should the owner need to use the drive he or she would have to go door-knocking to see who owns the vehicle and get it moved. Talk about inconsiderate? Like it's no big deal?
Infoeditor UPDATE - June 14, 2020 - IS LEAH BACK?! MORE ROCKS THROWN ON MY ROOF ROCKS THROWN AT MY HOUSE - SUSPECTED ROCKTHROWER, LEAH, IS AT THIS PROPERTY Jan. 23, 2019 A girl who comes to visit next door sometimes is named Leah, or at least that's what it sounds like the other younger kids call her. That property must be some kind of foster home or orphanage or day care. It has a range of kids that are just toddlers on up to Leah's age and Leah must be the eldest or one of the eldest of the kids. I notice that on the evenings of days that Leah visits I get rocks thrown at my house. Lots of the rocks land on the roof and slide off. At first I thought the rocks were coming from the side properties because I would find the rocks on the ground on one side or the other but now that I notice Leah has always been there when the rocks are thrown I think they are coming from that property above that once apparently had Army personnel there. I guess Leah launches the rocks and they hit the roof and slide off to one side or the other. If she's the rockthrower these people need to discipline her not to throw rocks. Who would find it appealing to throw rocks at a cripple's house? A psycopath, a psycopathic kid. Maybe Leah has no parents or was taken from her parent(s) and that's the way she tries to attract attention to her plight. Who knows what's in a psychopath's head? That's the trouble with today's America - not enough parents to supervise those kids. I'll have to fine tune my infra red radar yard sentry now and photograph it all and turn it over to the authorities - as if I needed something else to do. UGH! People like Leah make life a drag. I'm busy with a favorite project but you can't get much done when people constantly drag you off your stuff and create trouble. UPDATE - JUNE 14, 2020 More rocks thrown on my roof couple of nights ago again to wake me up in the middle of the night/morning. Looks like the bitch is back! Too many psychopathic idiots in neighborhoods nowadays. Infoeditor June 3, 2019 ROBOTS, MECHANICAL BUGS, DRONES - OPERATED BY PSYCHO NEIGHBORS? PHOTOS - MECHANICAL BUGS THAT KILL Mechanical Bugs That Kill I actually have video of what appears to be a mechanical bug, a miniature drone attaching itself to the fascia board of my house in front of my security camera. Another drone lizard then eats the mechanical bug. ???!!! Every time I go outside to see what the hell this is the mexican next door goes inside and the drone lizard is not there, has retreated into hiding somewhere, possibly the other side of the roof.
Do you ever wonder why these idiot robot operators are such parasites that they must constantly be meddling into someone else's property. They cannot come up with anything of their own so they must pick on you and me and create victims. They must victimize people in order to function, a real scum of the earth, bottom of the barrel type. Now you see why some people don't want to live in neighborhoods. There's always some bully type that insists on imposing his or her will against others, real scum of the earth $hitty people who always interfere with the lives of others. By placing the device, robot, next to you they keep powerful frequencies and sonics on you. I think enough sonics will rot your brain, give you Alzheimer's Disease. Mechanical Bugs That Kill Nancy Musgrave a woman from Plano, Texas is reported to have died from a metallic mosquito bite last September. She said before she died that she swatted what she thought was a mosquito and received a cut and the thing just flew away. Her organs gradually began to fail and she died three days later. If this was a real happening the CDC apparently covered it up and doesn't want the word on this to get out as it might cause a lot of hysteria and panic. Sounds like she received a dose of ricin. What do your psycho pesky neighbors have in store for you?! ____________________________________________________ Metal MOSQUITO Virus Kills Texas Woman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg5dqPrB2FQ https://youtu.be/Dg5dqPrB2FQ Infoeditor GUNBOXES, GUNBOX, ROBOTS UPDATE: GUNBOXES & ROBOTS - GUNBOXES THAT MOVE & KILL June 28, 2019 I'm going to let you in on something the intelligence bums don't want you to know. One old idea that came from old wars is gunboxes. A gunbox can be pre-positioned and hidden or disguised to literally shoot someone when the victim comes within proximity. For example a gunbox can be hidden in an air vent in a room and when the target victim enters the room, walks over in line with the gunbox it can be made to fire a gun at that instant, assassinating the target victim. One of the reasons robots can be so dangerous is because a robot can literally be a mobile version of the gunbox, able to crawl around with a camera, inspecting where it can enter a house, etc., building, and wait for the victim, firing as the target victim comes into view. Robots can be remote controlled as drones are, having cameras, guns, and burglar tools all in one machine. If you have a robot loose on your property crawling around your house, like I apparently do, you could have a serious problem. I just wanted you, the readers, to have a heads-up on this issue of gunboxes. Infoeditor spraying device, killing you at home, jews, malathion, pancreatic cancer, Mossad, Israel IS THIS A HIGH POWERED SPRAYING DEVICE AIMED AT ME? C.I.A. OR N.S.A. SPRAYING DEVICE? PHOTOS My house stinks like chemicals have been sprayed on it but I haven't done any spraying except a little home extermination and that couldn't be the problem. Could this device next door, aimed at my house, be a spraying device of some sort, activated when it rains to blend with the rain and saturate my house. Are the jews killing us at home now?
Here it is a bit larger. See the two pipes sticking up aimed upward at an angle. They're tilted over to aim at my property. I believe it may be possible for them to be activated when it rains to spray a chemical blended in with rain to disguise it. Sometimes when it rains it absolutely reeks out here of chemicals. Are we, the conservatives, being killed off? The founder of this subdivision is jew. as in super liberal jew zionist. Is this what you get in a jew york jew subdivision, sprayed with chemicals? Exposure to Malathion will give you pancreatic cancer. I have turned diabetic since this contraption was erected. I was not diabetic before they put it there. You have to be imaginative to figure the ways they can kill you. Is it really just a harmless piece of junk? What's it there for? Why does my place reek of chemicals, especially when it rains? The truth is it appears the U.S. is suffering all kinds of murderous secret intel operations against U.S. and world citizens and it comes from jews and the Mossad of Israel. Israel is the worst thing that ever happened to The United States. Infoeditor Mexicans, Aggressive Mexicans, Mexican, USPS, Mexico, trespassers, Border Patrol, El Paso shooter, Rio Grande River, brainwashing, rapists, murderers, thieves, carjackers, kidnappers, dui killers, burglars, illegal immigrants August 11, 2019 AGGRESSIVE, OVERBEARING MEXICAN BLOCKS & PARKS ON MY DRIVEWAY, RUINS DELIVERY An old, rather aggressive and overbearing Mexican guy blocked my driveway recently, causing me to miss my USPS delivery. I received an email that the delivery had been postponed because of inability to access my property. I thought it was because of this Mexican who blocked my driveway, but later learned it may have just been a substitute mail carrier problem. I don't know which or what the problem was but this guy was blocking my driveway and has done it before, so he's overbearing with his insistence to block and park on my driveway. You'll notice the Mexicans often don't observe your property rights - they simply go where they want to go. This insistent aggression shows an attitude of inconsideration of others and is overbearing to say the least.
While we're on the subject, is it any wonder some people like the El Paso shooter don't like Mexicans? After being told not to park here, they come back and insist upon parking here again and again and again, just like the illegal immigrants are told not to come here illegally and they just keep pouring in, trying for more free stuff. Perhaps some Mexicans should be referred to as 'Aggressive Mexicans'. America has fought wars with Mexico and it looks like yet another one is brewing. Mexico would like to wipe out and take over the U.S. but has been unable to do so thus far, but with all the brainwashing nowadays about poor illegal immigrants (who just want to take your job) they are getting closer to success. Recently it was reported that a Border Patrol Boat on the Rio Grande River was shot by gunfire from the Mexico side of the river. Incidentally, I got a head-full of acoustics since my last post on NEW - 7 -23 -19 - MEXICO PROTECTS BORDERS BY KILLING AMERICANS - UTAH FAMILY EXECUTED AT MEXICAN CHECKPOINT. It seems like someone may be taking exception to derogatory posts about Mexicans, just like in the mainslime media press. How much free stuff should a nation give to rapists, murderers, thieves, carjackers, kidnappers, dui killers, burglars, trespassers, etc.? I'll tell you how much, ZERO! Let's face it we have too many Aggressive Mexicans in the U.S.. Infoeditor TRESPASS Wednesday - September 11, 2019 ANOTHER BIG FREELOADER TRUCK BLOCKS MY DRIVEWAY - NO PARKING SIGN POSTED A large box truck pulled into my private drive this morning and blocked it completely. There is now a large NO PARKING sign visible in the driveway for all to see. These dolts driving the truck were pretty snippy and rude, but I still informed them that this was a private drive for deliveries and such of the owner and it was my road, not the neighbor's road that they were blocking and they could not continue to block it. Driver said something about is this a no parking zone and I responded with yes can't you read the sign? I am the one who has to pay the yearly usurious property taxes on this place. The neighbor who enjoys my drive does not pay one penny of it and has no right to constantly block the only ingress and egress that I have to my property. One of the reasons you see and hear of wild shootings and such is because people have become so dysfunctional they cannot observe right from wrong. They constantly violate others to the degree it enrages people and it is getting worse.
I'm just the owner. What about my deliveries and mail deliveries? I pay the taxes on it so what right does anyone have to deny me what is mine and block the whole driveway? TOO MANY DYSFUNCTIONAL PEOPLE IN HERE! drilling, Drilling sounds, drilling under houses MORE DRILLING SOUNDS AWAKEN ME AT 5 AM December 6, 2019 Drilling sounds coming from my crawlspace beneath the house awoke me at about 5 AM this morning. It sounds like it comes from the central bathroom. Quite a few homes in the U.S. have mysteriously blown up in explosions. I often wonder if someone is drilling under houses to plant explosives. This drilling sound has happened before, but not lately. My dysfunctional neighbor is real butthurt over the fencing in of my driveway. I had to put a 'PRIVATE DRIVEWAY', no trespass sign up and barricade the drive in order to receive my own deliveries. That's how bad it is when you have assholes for neighbors. They used my driveway for about 18 years and never even said thank you, then called me an asshole for fencing it. They are the real inconsiderate ingrates assholes. You can read about the delivery problem above. The other neighbor next door over has parked an old motorhome in his yard facing my gate so any cameras can clearly see who goes and comes to and from my yard. Infoeditor 30MM, 30MM stun gun MORE BANGING ON MY HOUSE AT 4:50 AM NEIGHBOR HAS STRANGE PORT (GUN PORT?) BUILT INTO WALL 2-17-20 I was awakened by several blasts of banging on my home this am about 4:50 AM. After a review of security cams it showed a light coming on at my neighbor's at that time. It was located on or in the strange port built into the neighbor's wall which may be a gunport of some kind which a person could easily also stick a 30 MM stun gun barrel through to bomb a neighbor's house. This may be what's wrong with my plumbing. The stun gun attacks may have literally shot the plumbing loose, as if I need something else to spend money on and repair. Dysfunctional neighbors are expensive to live next to. Dysfunctional people have no business with 30MM stun guns. More later. Infoeditor drones, drone ufos, tiny ufo drones, marking your property, diodes, fires, California wildfires March 19, 2020 PHOTO OF TINY UFO DRONE CREATING PERFECTLY ROUND HOLES IN MY YARD - MARKING YOUR PROPERTY FOR MANIPULATION Here are photos from March 17, 2020 which show tiny ufo drones drilling holes in my yard. I did not give anyone permission to trespass and drill holes in my yard so this is an illegal act of trespass. I have heard and read that the military does this to plant diodes in the ground to mark property locations and may be to direct satellites to the location.
This tiny drone flew around my yard in full view of the security cam and finally settled on or about the spot this hole is located which appeared overnight. My whole yard is perforated with these putrid holes. You wonder why a person who is not involved in criminal activity of any kind is subject to this trespass. The only thing I can say is it's dysfunctional people or government that allows and causes this. This is criminal activity which violates the rights of property owners and is probably the way homes were destroyed in California wildfires. Amid a wildfire, for example, directed bursts of plasma weapons can fry the locations where the diodes are emitting a signal from. In this way a wildfire provides the cover for the plasma weapon to destroy a targeted home. This is Tom Green County, Texas and I don't pay those filthy property taxes to receive this kind of treatment. Infoeditor Election ballots, mail-in ballots, USPS, mail theft, mail tampering TAMPERED WITH & STOLE MY MAIL - IF YOU THINK MAIL-IN BALLOTS ARE OKAY YOU'RE A CHUMP August 17, 2020 On one occasion I ordered and received a Perry Mason season set of several discs and one was missing. The package had been obviously opened and hastily resealed so I figured it was simply theft. I believe I must have gotten a refund on that item, but am not sure it was the seller's fault as the package may have been intercepted from the mail carrier or at mail sorting center and tampered with. On another occasion I ordered and finally received a bottle of health supplements which took a circuitous route backwards to Memphis, Tennessee from Dallas and stayed a long time, then finally proceeded to my address. The package was marked opened by the U.S.P.S., etc.. I don't know what in the world they did with it but after taking about half a bottle of these supplements I began to feel really bad and quit taking them. I gave them to a dr. and suggested analysis. Who knows - I may have been poisoned by a substituted product. On another occasion I ordered a small brazing torch and had to decline the package because it had been opened and hastily resealed. I told the seller since this is a product which uses a highly flammable gas an explosion might result if the product was altered during tampering. They kindly had to replace the torch. There were other incidents when mail didn't arrive on time, got lost and never showed up at all, etc., etc.. The point is: even though the USPS is pretty good and reliable there is evidence enough to believe the mail can be intercepted by so-called intelligence agents, perpetrators, thieves, crooks, etc., and fooled with. Election ballots are highly important data which determine the course of history. If you believe mail-in ballots are the answer to election problems you're a chump and I have some beachfront property in Arizona to sell you! Ha Ha! Infoeditor UPDATE October 29, 2020 - BIDEN DOCUMENTS DISAPPEAR Apparently, even major shipping carriers are also subject to compromised shipments. The damning documents on the Bidens which were shipped to Tucker Carlson have reportedly disappeared out of the containers of a major well known carrier. The company has reportedly scoured the whole area and interviewed employees who might have had contact with the package with no results. Too much F.B.I., too many so-called intelligence agents, too much C.I.A., too much military industrial complex, too much spying, etc.. Almost nothing is reliable anymore. https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-hunter-biden-documents-vanish-los-angeles DYSFUNCTIONAL NEIGHBORS, DYSFUNCTIONAL NEIGHBOR KIDS, MEAN NEIGHBOR KIDS 2-23-21 MEAN DYSFUNCTIONAL NEIGHBOR KIDS THROW TRASH ON MY LAWN - COPS CALLED Day before yesterday I looked at my front security cam and noticed my lawn was strewn with what looked like plastic garbage. I went out and took pictures of my trashed lawn and investigated further by looking back to see what time the trash arrived and my security cam showed the evening before the neighbor kids had come over to the edge of the property and tossed the trash in my yard. Naturally, I had to call the law out here and show the video to the cops to make another record of the harassment I suffer from these dysfunctional neighbors. He agreed that he could tell on the video that it was the kids next door who did it so we determined what to do. He said the parents or guardians could be held responsible but not the kids who are underaged. I suggested he emphasize to those in charge of the kids that we now have a record of the abuse and the parents or grandparents would be held criminally responsible for further misbehavior like this. I had to call them out back in the fall to get them to quit bashing my security fence-wall. Some skinny, tall dysfunctional punk was banging on it with something. It isn't made to beat on. With these incidents and the mention of the 30mm shockwave gun shot through the gun port in rear of the home next door there is becoming quite a record of dysfunction and abuse from these neighbors. I never bother them at all and this is what I get. It is a real shame to drag the cops off their important stuff to referee this because of $hitty people. Just a bunch more crap from dysfunctional neighbors. You'd probably be better off with no neighbors. Infoeditor apology UPDATE 3-3-21 - NEIGHOR GRANDMOTHER APOLOGIZES TO THIS EDITOR I was a bit surprised when the neighbor lady grandmother of the mean kids apologized to me over the fence yesterday and also apologized for the kids painting graffitti on my fence and offered to paint over it. I told her that's alright I would paint it that I had been meaning to paint it anyway. She told me of a theft of some power drills they had out in a shed and I assured her I knew nothing about it, but told her how to secure the shed with carriage bolts which have a square shoulder so thieves cannot remove them from outside the door. She said kids had been coming through the back yard in front of my property trespassing and I told her they were absolutely not supposed to do that. She said they were going to put up cameras filming the back area and I told her it was a good idea. Maybe neighbors can be of help to each other. I don't think the grandparents were behind the trash throwing incident. It is much better for people to get along with each other. Maybe there's hope after all. Infoeditor neighbor assaults, dysfunctional neighbor, Whosoever touches another, call the Sheriff's Office 4-10-21 Infoeditor mail theft MAIL WAS NOT STOLEN WHEN BLACK VEHICLE DELIVERED MAIL INSTEAD OF USPS WHITE JEEP 4-13-21 I thought my package had been stolen when a black vehicle pulled up to my mailbox and finally drove off sporting emblems which may have been USPS temp signs on it. The only vehicle that delivered mail at that time was parked for quite some time at the mail box and it is not the usual white vehicles used by USPS. The USPS screen said delivered but there was no package. The USPS has made a jackass out of me...again. I immediately reported this incident since the USPS screen said delivered and it was not delivered. USPS should not declare something "delivered, left at mailbox" unless it is actually delivered right then in real time. I left a post about USPS on dysfunctional companies page. This package which was actually missing was delivered early today in good condition after an online USPS notice yesterday that is was delivered yesterday. Infoeditor crazy dysfunctional neighbor, Officer Korby Lee Kennedy, 30 mm stun guns, motorcycle accidents, OFFICER KORBY LEE KENNEDY EXECUTED, Officer Korby, MURDERER NEIGHBORS CRAZY DYSFUNCTIONAL NEIGHBOR STILL ATTACKING MY HOUSE WITH SHOCKWAVE WEAPON - RELATED, OFFICER KORBY LEE KENNEDY EXECUTION - MURDERER NEIGHBORS May 20, 2021 How would you like to be awakened at all hours with a thud on your house walls? These shockwave attacks are still apparently coming from the crazy dysfunctional neighbor next door who has a gun port built into his wall facing my house. I put a large fence up made of concrete and sheet metal, between the gun port and my house but the point of attack must have moved. These 30 millimeter weapons are used to control prisoners in a prison yard and are not intended for dysfunctional crazy neighbors to use against their neighbors. I wouldn't be surprised if those who shoot at people with these weapons get shot back with real bullets. This crazy dysfunctional neighbor is apparently related to the murderer who killed a woman in that residence next door in 2005 when I was on the road looking for work. They killed the woman next door and hid her body in the crawlspace for a time, then moved it out and buried it where a raceway was being built and it was retrieved by authorities. OFFICER KORBY LEE KENNEDY EXECUTED - POSSIBLY CARTEL RELATED One day I looked outside and there were tons of law cars and unmarked law cars out front dealing with that residence. I asked Officer Korby Lee Kennedy if this had anything to do with my place and he assured me no, it was about that residence. I shook hands with Officer Korby and thanked him for the information and left. Officer Korby Lee Kennedy was later killed in a motorcycle accident which was highly suspicious. An Hispanic woman pulled into traffic and 'posted' her vehicle in Korby's path when he did not have time to stop or swerve and he died in that accident on - End of Watch Thursday, June 25, 2015 . She was later charged. The accident looked very deliberate and may be cartel related. Interesting. The officer that was investigating my dysfunctional neighbors related to murder appears to have been taken out. Highly suspicious and highly suspicious dysfunctional neighbors with 30 mm stun guns which may also be in use in motorcycle accidents, STILL ATTACKING MY HOME. WHY AREN'T THESE MURDERER NEIGHBORS UNDER INVESTIGATION? THAT'S AT LEAST TWO SUSPICIOUS DEATHS RELATED TO THAT RESIDENCE, ONE MURDER AND ONE EXECUTION. BIG FUNNY DAMN JOKE - KNOCK ON MY HOUSE WITH A PRISON GUN AND SEE WHAT IT GETS YOU. THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE, OFFICER KORBY - https://www.odmp.org/officer/22521-sergeant-korby-lee-kennedy PS: AND I DON'T APPRECIATE THE DRONE DROPS OF TRASH IN MY YARD FOR THE LAWN MOWER TO PICK UP! Infoeditor Gabby Petito, Gabby Petito death, Brian Laundrie POSSIBLE THEORY ON GABBY PETITO DEATH - LOCKED OUT OF VAN IN WILDERNESS Sept. 30, 2021 I believe in the videos of the cops interviewing Gabby and Brian that they said something about Brian Laundrie locking Gabby Petito out of her van. As partners and as the owner of the van Gabby certainly had the right to access her van, but apparently Brian was supposedly teaching her a lesson over something. The Bridger-Teton Wilderness area is no place to be locked out of a vehicle at night. Even if you have a tent there's always the possibility of a bear invasion and attack. Wolves and coyotes are predators abundant in the area and are often hungry enough to attack some smaller person. Gabby was only about 105 lbs. or so and if she was forced out of the van had to seek shelter, perhaps at a ranger station. If she walked in the wilderness area near or after dark she was at risk from wild animals and maybe some wild people, too. Brian does not seem like the kind of guy who would just leave her dead on top of the ground. After realizing he'd lost her and did not know where to look he might have just started for home but it seems like he would have known she was dead or why leave? If he found her dead he realized he was up for negligent homicide for denying her access to the van, their shelter and headed back, making his plans, but wouldn't he at least have buried her first? Did he hope that animals would feed off her body and destroy evidence? If Brian locked her out of the van he is a dysfunctional bully. You have to actually take care of your friends when in an area like that and see to it all of them are okay, not locking them out trying to prove some point. If that's what happened it got her dead. That's my theory - Brian might have done it again, forced her out of the van to teach her that lesson, leaving her to scrounge for herself in the wilderness, a dangerous place for anyone. It reminds me of Natalie Wood's death. This little girl's death is sad beyond belief and was so avoidable. I hope this theory helps someone solve this case. Infoeditor PHOTO Brian Laundrie Locked Gabby Petito Out Of Her Van And Drove Off Because He Took Revenge After Gabby Told Her She Couldn’t Stand Him Bringing Dirty Flip Flops Inside https://www.nbatitlechase.com/2021/09/20/photo-brian-laundrie-locked-gabby-petito-out-of-her-van-and- drove-off-because-he-took-revenge-after-gabby-told-her-she-couldnt-stand-him-bringing-dirty-flip-flops-inside/ serial killer, Wyoming, Brian Laundrie dead BRIAN LAUNDRIE COULD HAVE DIED WITH GABBY - MAY NOT BE A KILLER - IMPOSTER RETURNS WITH VAN, DRAWS MONEY OUT The person who returned home to Florida with Gabby's van may not have been Brian Laundrie. In the first place, looking at Gabby's video of van life on the road with Brian it appears the couple was very much in love. Brian doesn't seem like the type who would kill Gabby and it appears they had a genuine bond with one another. If someone "got the drop" on Brian and Gabby with a gun he or she may have killed both of them. Such a scenario would have required the male, Brian, to be controlled first if Gabby was to be strangled so it is possible that Brian Laundrie was shot dead first leaving a helpless Gabby at the mercy of her killer(s). This situation would depend on how many assailants were present. If Brian's body was disposed of an imposter could have taken his place and returned to Florida with Gabby's van. Imposter doesn't want to be found out and identified and takes a hike, gets lost in the sticks. If someone captured Gabby and sent Brian packing at gunpoint it seems like Brian would have done the only thing sensible and immediately reported the incident to authorities and sought help. Any sensible person would not want to be associated with whatever happened to Gabby, would not want the responsibility. The way to solve this case is to follow the financial trail of who was financing Gabby's venture, where the credit-debit cards originated from, etc., where the money came from. Is it possible that dope was involved? Does that explain the highly emotional state that Gabby was in when interviewed by the officers in the domestic dispute incident. Were Brian and Gabby supposed to meet up with a contact out in the Bridger-Teton area? It is possible that at least one serial killer was on the loose in that area of Wyoming. This alleged murder could be a U.S. intelligence operation. Why doesn't the F.B.I. investigate Wyoming and the serial killer on the loose instead of just blindly following after Brian?! If a particular source financed Gabby's and Brian's road trip production with a credit-debit card account it appears the remaining money on the card has been returned to the source with the Brian imposter returning and drawing Gabby's money out!!! COWBOY STATE KILLER Gabby Petito may have been slain by Wyoming serial killer NOT Brian Laundrie, sleuths claim as manhunt continues https://www.the-sun.com/news/3806856/gabby-petito-slain-wyoming-serial-killer-not-brian-laundrie/ Afghanistan debacle GABBY PETITO DISAPPEARANCE-MURDER CASE PROVIDED JOE BIDEN HUGE DISTRACTION FROM AFGHANISTAN DEBACLE This whole case-incident has provided the Biden administration a huge distraction from the shame and disgust and negative backlash of the Afghanistan withdrawal. The official date of the withdrawal is August 30, 2021 and the disappearance of Gabby Petito was reported on September 11, 2021 just in time to compete in the news with the negative backlash of the Afghanistan withdrawal which erupted about that time. As the negative backlash increased, Gabby's body was found on September 19, 2021, providing further distraction for Joe Biden. WAG THE DOG! Infoeditor destructive mexicans 12-15-22 MEXICAN NEIGHBOR CUTS MY FENCE, PUTS LARGE DESTRUCTIVE DOG IN MY YARD AND DESTROYS MY PROPERTY A while back a former mexican neighbor came back into the neighborhood next door, apparently to fix someone's go kart or riding lawn mower and after they were done it got dark, so they cut my fence near the back yard and inserted their large black labrador retriever into my yard, presumably to chase a rabbit. I didn't know they had cut my fence until next day. I saw the dog on my security cam but being a dog lover at heart I decided not to destroy it and had no bright spotlight to go the rounds with the dog in the dark. The dog jumped on top of a pile of OSB sheets (plywood wafer board 4'x8') and began scratching the tarp covering the material in frustration to get at the rabbit. This large obnoxious black dog completely tore up a good $20 tarp shredding it so it is not usable, ruined. This is the attitude of that irresponsible mexican guy, since he was leaving the neighborhood he just decided it was okay to cut my fence. Again, as in a former article here at informamerica.net, the mexicans are really overbearing about respecting your property rights and property. What a complete jackass to destroy my stuff. Here are photos of part of what is left of the tarp and the hole in the fence. Does this give you some idea who is releasing their pit bulls and other dogs to swamp people with pit bull crimson kisses? Infoeditor
Leah the rockthrower must have damaged this air conditioner and the one before it. That makes 2 consecutive A/C's I've lost there.
ROCKTHROWER LEAH, destructive rockthrowers, neighborhood rockthrowers, rocks can kill people VIDEO - MORE OF LEAH'S ROCK-THROWING TRYING TO BREAK MY WINDOW - PSYCHOPATH It looks like Leah tried to break my window with 12 or 13 throws and missed. No wonder my driveway is missing most of the rocks and gravel - the kids threw them all at properties like mine. They must be responsible for breaking the windows of the double-wide next door also and breaking holes in the siding. Here is the kid I think called 'Leah' who tried to break my windows yesterday throwing rocks. See - Leah VIDEO
Remember CO2 guns are not toys and can cause injury or death if mishandled. Always wear shooting glasses or some kind of safety glasses when shooting any gun. Actress Vanessa Marquez Dies In A Hail Of LAPD Bullets On Verge Of Mass Exposure Could A CO2 Pistol Have Saved Mollie Tibbetts? Could A CO2 Pistol Have Saved Kitty Genovese? CO2 Pistol Vs. Knife |