5, 2017
are a
violent, deadly race and commit all kinds of violence, from murders,
rapes, to
assaults, robberies, kidnappings, and carjackings, and apparently, many
negroes don't seem to care about breaking the law, could
care less. This care-less attitude about following the law is
what makes them so dangerous.
How hardly can you fault someone for telling the truth? Someone
should say it - NEGROES
They commit all kinds of violent crimes and some Negroes draw
comparatively light sentences for their crimes when caught.
Take for instance this father who was trying to sell his cellphone
apparently to raise some scratch for his family. The Negroes at
the link are suspected of shooting him to death. This is not
surprising as this kind of violence occurs all the time somewhere.
Father Robbed of Cellphone and Shot Dead by Negroes! Violent
Negroes Everywhere!
Negroes are violent, plain and simple killers! That said, I
regret to bring you the latest news of a father who was trying to sell
his cellphone at a San Leandro gas station in Alameda County,
California to raise some scratch, and was apparently shot dead by
suspects here: Jordan Patton, 18, of San Francisco, and Marcus Fortune,
18, of San Leandro, have been charged with the murder of Daniel Carlos,
a husband and a father to a 5 year old daughter. Is this
incredibly sad or what!? Guy probably needed the money for his
It gets monotonous doesn't it, all the violence and killings by
Negroes!? You'd think they would round them up and deport them
someplace far away. They could be branded and chipped so you
would know if they ever came back to the U.S.. The governments of
the world should implement segregation immediately! It is the
only fair thing to do.
Arrests made in deadly
shooting of man selling iPhone at San Leandro
gas station
Patton, 18, of San Francisco, and Marcus Fortune, 18, of San Leandro,
have been charged with the murder of Daniel Carlos, who was shot and
killed on Nov. 18 at the 76 gas station on East 14th Street, according
to Sgt. Ray Kelly of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office."
If these are the culprits who did this the
police or law enforcement
authorities who caught them should be commended.
They lifted segregation and gave Blacks all the welfare money that LBJ
could possibly muster and what did they do with it? The Blacks
began the murder of Whites and the murder has swelled into epidemic
Saying that Negroes are a violent race does in no way make this editor
racist. The truth is the truth and the statistics are
published. The problem of Blacks killing Whites is not confined
South Africa, but Blacks kill Whites all the time in the U.S..
How many more Whites have to die before the governments legislate
segregation?! One thing is certain; Negroes may kill you if given
the opportunity. You cannot say you haven't been warned.
Negroes are a violent and deadly race. Read on of all the carnage
blacks have committed.
This 19 year old woman and her baby were gunned down as she was about
to get out of her car in Beaumont, Texas. For no reason or did
the Negro kill her because she was producing white babies? If
convicted this person that did this deserves the death penalty.
This woman victim had a right to have her children and raise
Corey Spencer received a life sentence for the murder of Kera Teel and
her unborn child in 2017. That's the way it usually goes with
Negro murderers - they give death to the victims and they get
life. Hardly seems right! They get life for issuing
death. In this special circumstance where a child was also killed
it is actually a double slaying and the perpetrator should get death,
but our lenient, almost non-existent justice system lets these Negro
career criminals off when a White criminal would get a death
sentence. If a White criminal did this it would go down as an aggravated
hate crime, a double homicide with intent.
What justice system?!
Po boy, he didn't do nuffin and he was scared. Murdering bastard!
certified as adult in shooting death of Beaumont mom, newborn daughter
was shooter
Kyler Deshard
Hatter, Negro
who was out on $60,000 bond charged with shooting Navy Veteran nine
times. It appears that these Negroes get out on bond from one
scrape and get right into another. They just cannot get along
with people. Notice the hate crime of shooting him nine
times?!! They probably will not charge him with a hate crime
since Negroes get incredulously light charges and sentences.
A white U.S. Navy veteran, father, grandfather is dead, probably
because of this Negro (if convicted).
Dr. Kevin Rodgers Shot Dead
in Home
The Black teens who shot Dr. Rodgers must have been laughing about how
they killed whitey, at least for awhile.....until they were caught.
Years ago a popular magazine like The Reader's Digest published an
article by a medical doctor who had been robbed over and over. He
and his wife had several television sets and stuff stolen from their
residence and crime was an ongoing thing. One day he went to
lunch and three armed thugs confronted him demanding his money and
stuff and he produced a 9mm pistol
and shot one of them in the leg. He told them they'd better get
their buddy to the hospital before he bleeds to death, you know.
He left and did not render aid and did not report it to law authorities.
Is it any wonder why people have become a bit colder? Is this to
become the norm because of the lousy integration process?
The doctor was right in not rendering aid. Even in the Holy Bible
nowhere does it say we must love the wicked.
The Only Person Fit To Raise Your
Child Is You - Toddler Dead While Under Care of Negro
May of 2017
This child, Kane Friess-Wylie, 2, died at Cardinal Glennon Children’s
Hospital on April 13 of this year, reportedly. The medical
examiner has ruled that a head injury caused the death of this child.
Looking at the tatoos on this White mother, she may be short on good
judgment as she apparently left her child under the care of this
Negro. Boyfriends of all colors should be carefully screened
before gaining access to the vicinity of your children.
Apparently there may have been a person or persons visiting the
babysitter at some time during this ordeal. Now you have
strangers on the scene, in your home. Anything can happen.
Was the stranger playing around with a stun gun at close range?
Resulted in traumatic brain injury? If so it put the guy in
charge of the kid on the run didn't it? If the stranger did this
he intended to separate the suspect from the kid's mother, probably,
but it costed the child his/her life.
The Only Person Fit To Raise Your Child Is You. Not a daycare
facility, not a babysitter or their friends. ONLY YOU ARE
Man charged with murder in toddler’s death, remains at large
Police seeking Berkeley man in Belleville boy's murder in April
Toddler's Death: Boyfriend Told Cops He Put 2-Year-Old's Face Under
Faucet, Shook Him
Medical examiner says head injury caused Belleville toddler’s death
The Assailants in this video appear to be Negro. Look at the face
and eyes behind the glasses in the stop motion frame. Look at the
black butt on the guy who is bent over picking up the contents of the
The manager lady, Chelsea Beller, opened the safe for them like she was
ordered to do and they reportedly shot her and killed her for this, not
wanting any witnesses to identify them. Negroes are a very
violent race and you would do well to avoid them.
Arrest Made In Barcelona Wine Bar Murder, Reward Increases
The Reward Is Said To Be Up To $38,000.oo In This Murder Case
First arrest made in Barcelona Wine Bar robbery, murder
Barcelona Wine Bar murder
Thanks to youtuber - FOX 5 Atlanta
His Name is Jim Forrester: While Talking to his Wife on the Phone,
Popular White Musician Murdered by Two Black Males in Baltimore
I wasn't exaggerating when I said Negroes are a violent race!
They shot him when they robbed him apparently, or maybe they just shot
him for fun because he was White. He was performing for a party
on Sunday and stepped out to call his lovely wife and was confronted by
Negroes who shot him dead while he was on the phone to her.
am telling you again folks - you would do better not to have any
contact with Negroes. In 70% Black Baltimore 99% of the suspects
in homicides are Black. They kill White people like it's a big
funny damn joke. The rate which Blacks kill Whites in America
amounts to genocide. Do you read or hear of genocide against
Whites in the news media. No? It's a Jew-controlled media.
It's bad enough to have a deputy killed by a gang-banger, but it's
disturbing that they show the victim on media but will not show the
suspect. Usually some picture of the suspect is shown by some
media outlet or other. They are hiding this person who killed a
man who was dedicated to serving others and who was said to be
thoughtful, kind and a good representative of government. Aren't
you tired of the media covering for these Negro criminals? If
this had
been a white suspect his photo would have been as readily available as
Lee Harvey Oswald's!
Larry Falce probably had a lot of life left and would have enjoyed
spending time with his girlfriend or retiring and going fishing.
All of that is gone now apparently because of this alleged Negro career
criminal gangbanger. Another victim in the White genocide in
In one case I read online where a whole White family had been
slaughtered by Black suspects it read that they had a gag order on it
and would not release information to the public on it! Might
cause a backlash, eh? Yeah and they want to keep killing you
White folks and make sure you don't do anything to stop it.
Stop the double standard now! Show all the suspects regardless of
Negroes just cannot get it together, can they? Why in the world
would a man attack a woman with a machete as she delivered meals to the
homeless? It's bad enough to have homeless people almost
everywhere these days, but the dysfunctional Negro attacks this person
serving the community! It just reeks and stinks, doesn't
it? Something should be done to pick up all these violent people
and put them away somewhere so that peaceful people can get on with
business as usual. I guess she was just a White woman.
Jim Willinghan
Baltimore Teens Attack
Elderly White Man, Run Over Him - Unprovoked Negro Violence
Baltimore teens charged for allegedly attacking elderly man, driving
over him with his own car
The man, Jim Willinghan, was reportedly violently attacked and his
pelvis was broken in the latest round of unprovoked Negro
violence. Broken pelvis can be very painful. If you have a
few dollars to help out go to his gofundme page and
donate. The Negro violence against
White people, as you may already know, is epidemic now and out of
It is amazing that the alleged culprits here were caught. This is
very good citizen action, folks.
Infoeditor David BurkeMEGA
David Burke's
Murderous Rampage Killed All 42 Innocent People Aboard
December 7, 1987
Few people have ever heard of David Burke or his murderous rampage with brought down a plane December 7, 1987
carrying 42 persons. He reportedly took a .44
magnum into the cockpit of Pacific
Southwest Flight 1771 after killing his ex-boss in the cabin and killed
the pilots and put the plane into a 770 mph dive which ended in a crash
and lots of lives lost.
Negroes do not assimilate well into American society and you must never
relax around a Negro or Negroes. When they are found stealing or running drugs and investigated they may take
their anger out on anyone nearby, regardless of their guilt and
Read how one man selfishly took the lives of so many innocent persons
and understand the true makeup of the Negro. Why didn't we hear
about it in the news? Because the real events on the cockpit recorder were either hushed or
covered up because it was a heinous crime committed by a Negro. Political correctness has ruined this
nation. Truly, Negroes are a violent race.
Rev. Jesse Jackson says "If Kroger gonna leave us, we're gonna leave
Kroger. It's boycott time". Kroger is
simply trying to cut their
losses you know, due to Negro shoplifting and have closed two locations
in majority black areas in Memphis.
You can't even run a business without suffering Negro discrimination,
like reverse discrimination these days. Store simply trying to
stay above water does the expedient thing and Negroes turn up the heat
on them like Kroger hasn't suffered enough just from the
shoplifting! Really, look at this and understand what a detriment
Negroes are to society. Negroes are a lose - lose proposition and
with all the negativity they generate can hardly offer society anything
Jesse Jackson leading them to do more meanness Negroes are truly like
an ARMY OF SABOTEURS sabotaging the nation, boycotting Kroger for
simply trying to remain solvent! If the people wanted Kroger to
remain in the hood they should have treated Kroger better, but
shoplifting is trashy behavior which someone ends up paying for.
being too hard on Kroger, Jesse! Jesse, you are really screwing
up! Negro shoplifting running Kroger out of business and then
attacking Kroger? You people are unjust! This is the proof,
more proof that you people are unjust. Hey reverend, the biblical
equivalent of unjust is 'FILTHY'!.
Killer of WWII vet gets 30 years to life
The man, George Greaves, who India
Spellman and her accomplice gunned
down risked his life and fought for the freedoms India and her
accomplice enjoy. However, she received a sentence of 30 years to
life for killing the elderly man in his driveway.
This incident took place just twelve miles from the Starbuck's arrest
incident which has become so infamous. The truth is; Negroes have
been on a rampage, a murder roll for some time now and it would not be
out of the ordinary for police authorities to detain and hold Black
suspects in the area where a murder occurs. There are so many
Black on White and Black on Black murders that Blacks are literally
suspect when a murder happens.
Just a couple of Negroes out for a murder-robbery lark, but unlucky
that there were witnesses who saw them running from the property.
This stuff is going on all the time out there and Mr. Greaves probably
had no idea he had become a target. All persons, especially
elderly persons should be alert that they could become targets at any
moment in today's BRA, Black Run
America. Robbery and murder have
become popular with many Negroes who apparently don't think it's a big
deal to rob and/or kill someone.
You fought the good fight, worked hard all your life, and for
what? So these thieving murderous Negroes can wipe that smile off
your face by killing you and ruin all that beautiful retirement.
The U.S. has become a shameful country by coddling Negroes who have no
respect for those who fought for America.
Greaves was a World War II veteran and Navy Seabee.
There are at least five white World War II veterans murdered by blacks
in the past eight years, according to:
It's bad enough for a mom of four to be single and have to work, but
when you get gunned down and killed for trying to put bread on the
table it's really pitiful. At least one of the suspects, a repeat
offender, that allegedly did this was out on bond for armed robbery,
burglary, and kidnapping charges. You'd think those are serious
enough charges to keep a criminal behind bars.
How horrendous does it get?! This working mom probably was paying
taxes for the food stamps these Negroes are probably on - working
to pay for your killer's bread and they kill you. Doesn't anyone
ever get tired of the murderous Negroes?!
Please make a big deal of this everywhere! This criminal should
not have been on the streets. Would a White criminal have been
given such a lenient deal?
UPDATE - Suspects Found
Guilty In Murder Of Kelly Hunnewell
Lorenzo Young and Trenton Barnes were convicted of murder, kidnapping,
burglary, and attempted armed robbery. They got decades of jail
time instead of the death penalty for taking Kelly Hunnewell's
life. That's the way it goes with negro convictions - negroes
issue death and get off with life sentences or jail time, very unfair,
a complete lapse of justice, A LAW
Amy Caprio is the first female
officer to die since the Baltimore
Police were founded. She reportedly suffered trauma from a Jeep,
or other vehicle, which apparently ran her down. As usual the
suspect is
Negro. You might know
would be a Negro to set new crime records. The media is actually
putting his
face up there, something they don't always do.
The government of the U.S. has failed to protect the public at
large from dangerous Negro criminals who
should be rounded up and dealt
with. Some of these criminals have rap sheets longer than your
leg! They commit robbery after robbery, assault after assault,
murder, rape, kidnapping and the list goes on and the so-called justice
system just puts them back out on the street to do more mayhem.
Watch this criminal claim it was an accident. All Negroes who
show any hatred for the White race should be quarantined. Negroes
have proven themselves to be a very violent race.
I suggest you remain vigilant with firearms at the ready.
If a white person said they were going to "take Trump out", not only
would they be investigated by the F.B.I., but they would probably be
arrested. Just because Maxine Waters is an UGLY AS HOMEMADE $HIT
Congress member should not excuse her from law standards. Not
only would I not threaten the President of the U.S. but I would not
threaten anyone. It's bad karma.
Don't you think it's about time for senile UGLY AS HOMEMADE $HIT Maxine
Waters to be recalled and fired immediately after threatening President
Trump and members of his administration. She has called for
attacks on his administration officials in the form of bullying,
creating crowds against them, pushing them back, etc., etc., which will
most assuredly result in danger to the admin members. Why is
Maxine Waters, like Louis Farrakhan, allowed to spew such violent
rhetoric, hate speech directed against the sitting POTUS?
It's because of the double standard enforced by the F.B.I. for one
thing. The professor who used to call for the killing of White
people was not even arrested to my knowledge. If a White person
got up and spewed such venom against Blacks he or she would be arrested
immediately. So you can see, already, a capitulation to BRA, Black Run America, a
capitulation which has blossomed and boomed and is
in full swing now.
Yes, it appears that BRA is now like a nation of
saboteurs, destroying
everything that makes America great. Like one old guy I knew
said, "Like a bull in a china closet, what they don't break they $hit
Call me racist - I don't care anymore. Negroes have murdered too
many people for me to care. Their race is like a murder
But this violent rhetoric goes hand in hand with the violent character
of the Negroes, doesn't it? See VIOLENT
Let's face it - the nature of the Negro is violent! Maxine
Waters, who just threatened President Trump and his officials has
reportedly assaulted Laura Loomer, a reporter right on Capitol
Hill! It goes from the frying pan into the fire with
Waters! She is obviously violent, violent in her rhetoric and
violent in her actions, assaulting a reporter who incidentally filed an
assault complaint against Waters with Capitol Police.
Maxine Waters showing her true colors and showing the true nature of
the Negro - violent, and violence as a solution.
As one panelist on 'The View' attacked Ann
Coulter with an accusation
of "no compassion" on Ann's new book I thought about the compassion
shown the murder victims of Negroes on a murder roll! While they
sit there and attack you verbally, accusing you of no compassion,
they go out and murder people. How compassionate is that?
Negroes are about as two faced as some kind of mutated ape, telling you
to 'look over there' while they stab you right in the back.
The hatred shown by Whoopi Goldberg toward fellow journalist Jeanine Pirro is unprecedented. Here we
see two commentators or journalists attempting to address an issue and
Whoopi Goldberg lies and says it is President Trump who stirs people to
violence when we all know it is the opposite, the ANTIFA thugs and the BLACK LIVES MATTER
thugs who do the real violence. Goldberg
showed pure hate toward Jeanine Pirro who was trying to address the
issues in a civil manner. You'll find civility goes out the
window with Negroes! When the networks allow the murder rate by
Blacks to be the center of discussion, then we will see the truth and
such conversations will not likely be seen on 'The
View', a left
slanted puke of a show.
As far as I am concerned Whoopi Goldberg is just another
ugly-as-homemade-$h*t, lying insane Negro ape. She doesn't even
have the civility to treat a fellow journalist with some measure of
respect. If they don't respect your race they won't respect you,
period. Like I said, Negroes are a violent race. See the
violence in Goldberg? She behaves like a true thug. I
won't even listen to anything from Whoopi Goldberg in the future and
I'm sure lots of folks feel that way. Why give the Negroes the
time of day? What time is it, man? I dunno.
Judge Jeanine Pirro,
Whoopi Goldberg dispute from 'The View' spills into second day
better watch out about your financial transactions. Somehow the
Negro thieves are tracking and stalking people with money. It's
all about the money. These thieves in this story just happened to
arrive at the Valero Station as the woman arrived with her $75,000.00
for her
business transaction and they tried to grab her purse containing the
money. How did the thieves know in advance that she had the money
and was heading for the bank? Her husband came out to help her
and the thieves eventually ran over her with a vehicle to try and get
them to release the purse, but I think they were unsuccessful.
She went to the hospital with serious injuries, all this because of
Negroes who are a detriment to society.
One Black man from The Bronx won a little $10,000 lottery and was soon
stabbed to
death. It doesn't take long for the thieves and
murderers to smell that money.
Negroes have been stalking and tracking White people for a long
time. They were stalking and tracking me back in 89-90 when I
lived in a small college town that is so beautiful. They stole my
credit card and ran the charges up before I could cancel it.
There was an established White guy in the apartment we lived in and the
Negro thieves ran his phone bill up so high he had to disavow any phone
bills and finally he moved out. They had been searching through
his stuff and determined he had a 30.06 rifle somewhere and a .25 ACP
pistol. The Negroes already have your information and data if
you're White.
As briefly as I stayed in that rural town I really loved it there
because it was so beautiful. The only thing ugly about that
beautiful town is the Negro invasion.
If you get tired of reading about innocent White people murdered by
Negroes you have no idea how tired I am of posting these pitiful,
shameful, unnecessary murders. Brooke Joiner was allegedly
murdered by a Negro suspect during a robbery. She was shot in the
back of a clothing store she managed in Vidalia, Ga.. Her
facebook page is here:
Tyrone Burns, a Negro with many
convictions is charged in the murder, was out of jail on some kind of
special conditional release pending felony charges. If he had
been in jail where he belonged this murder would not have
happened. Burns has a criminal record 40 pages long and should
have been behind bars. Apparently the courts are releasing these
criminals back out on the street to await further court action, sort of
like catch and release. Therefore the whole U.S. is in great
Yes, I get tired of posting these awful tragedies, but I feel I must
warn you of the violent nature of Negroes, particularly Negro
males. They are deadly. Negro males are the worst threat to
western civilization.
A working mom working to pay the taxes for the food stamps and welfare
that Negroes draw, allegedly murdered by a Negro. Ever feel like
you are financing your own destruction? A working mom working to
support her son who will never hold his mother's hand again.
For some strange reason there does not appear to be a video
on the murder.
Prosecutors may ask for the death penalty for Burns due to the
aggravated circumstances here.
-Posted on November 29, 2019
July 18, 2019
This murderer got life in prison for giving Brooke Joiner death,
something that happens all too frequently in today's world. This
murderous piece of excrement should have received the death
penalty. This nigger killed a White working mom in cold blood and
should be executed.
Suspect takes plea deal, sentenced to life in prison for deadly
shooting at clothing store in Vidalia
When I tell you that Negroes are deadly you might add to that they are
crazy or why else would they commit such unprovoked psychopathic,
violent murders? This latest case of Black on White murder is
what I would call overkill. It took six Negro males to kill this
food delivery driver who had allegedly been lured to the scene of a
vacant house.
When will you learn to boycott Negroes? They are crazy and
deadly. They have killed too many White people to ever get a good
word from me.
You know I'm sorry to have to bring you more bad news of the current
race war against White people, but now a Negro woman has allegedly
stabbed a White woman to death in the Family Dollar Store in St. Louis,
Mo. in an unprovoked attack. The Negro woman picked up a knife or
scissors from a shelf and stabbed the White woman in the head.
The video says two steak knives were used. This reminds me of so
many other unprovoked attacks on Whites by Negroes. The race war
against Whites is out of the box and into the open for anyone to see.
These are crimes of opportunity where a Negro sees an opportunity to
kill a White person. It would not be paranoid to say that if
you're White you should look about yourself at all times and be aware
if any Negroes are there. Just because you may have Negro friends
and not be predjudiced doesn't mean a Negro who spots you won't attack
and kill you if you are White.
Whites cannot successfully dwell with Negroes. It doesn't matter
what I feel or what others may feel - that's just the way it is.
the 27th of November a Negro woman, Cameka
Cathey, 34, of Memphis, with
a long history of anti-social behavior picked up a pair of scissors or
knives and stabbed Marybeth Gaeng to
death. Cameka Cathey was
charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action in the
attack. These attacks of opportunity seem to be happening more
often now. There was no conversation between these women and they did
Under L.B.J. taxpayers began giving Negroes all the welfare money and
food stamps they could muster and in return Negroes began the slaughter
of White people. Thanks a lot, Negroes. Any relatives of
people who commit violent crimes should never receive a welfare check
or foodstamps again! Negro foodstamps and negro welfare should be discontinued for any
negro that is guilty of attacking a White person and their whole family
cut off of welfare.
Her Name is Marybeth Gaeng: White Woman "Randomly" Stabbed to Death in
St. Louis Family Dollar by Black Woman (Who Has a Lengthy Criminal
Infoeditor negro assault, assault
by negro, more negro violence
think this particular actress was Puerto Rican but was with other
white girls when the niggers really beat the hell out of them.
Just don't go where there are a lot of niggers should be the
rule. Now she cannot model the swimsuits without possible plastic
surgery, MRI's, etc., a huge medical bill. Niggers are just bad
news. The niggers that did this should not be called black people
when committing such violence for they are acting like 'niggers'.
As I understand it this incident was reportedly caused by the women
asking for their credit card back. Apparently the negroes or
niggers were holding onto it.
The point is they were so eager to air fake Jussie Smollett stuff and
anti White attacks go mostly unmentioned. We are living in a
media world gone mad.
Note the contrast here. Which would you rather see? Face on the left is
uplifting, brings beauty to the world. Face on the right is the
result of violent niggers. They beat and distorted this lovely
woman's face into a dog-looking face. Want to go around niggers
and negroes? It's gonna cost you something!!! Wanna have a
dog-face?! Huh?!
I would caution White people about going around niggers and
negroes. It's a bad trip. Something about painful,
expensive medical trips to ER that I hate. When they put that
in your hand it feels like they're going through the bone - UGH!
Getting around negroes and niggers will probably cost you a trip to the
E.R. .... or the morgue. If you want to avoid painful, expensive
trips to the ER avoid niggers
and negroes.
Samantha Clarke, More Negro Violence,
boycott negroes
More Negro Violence
The negro woman in this pic allegedly assaulted a store clerk, Samantha
Clarke of Modesto working at a Big 5 sporting goods store, almost
striking her in the eye. This could have been a serious eye
injury. Negroes often impulsively assault people, especially
people, and apparently don't realize or care about the damage done -
more evidence of how violent the negro race is.
If you have seen this person or know their whereabouts please contact
Crime Stoppers at 209-521-4636. Turn this alleged attacker in
today. You can remain anonymous and might be eligible for a reward.
California retail employee
posts photo of her bloody face after alleged customer attack
If you don't want to lose an eye or wear ugly scars or worse, perhaps
it would be
better to boycott negroes. They
are a bad, violent trip.
Whenever you can you should avoid negroes altogether if you are White.
I might add, negroes have shot themselves in the feet these days with
White people. The huge numbers of assaults, rapes, murders of
negroes against Whites have disenchanted Whites with the negro race.
The male of a negro couple reportedly beat and robbed an elderly 80
year old
grandfather in a Lancaster, Ca. grocery store bathroom. Kind of
cowardly to pick on old people, isn't it. But, hey, we already
know that negroes are a disaster zone that should be boycotted and
avoided at all costs. This looks like a targeted hit on the old
guy. They must have followed him and the guy jumped him when off
guard in the bathroom on July 8, 2020. The victim was absolutely
brutally beaten.
Be aware of your surroundings and try to look out for trouble.
photos courtesy of
Roberto Flores Lopez
- appears to be left in pretty bad shape having been beaten within
inches of his life and allegedly begging for his life as he was kicked
on the bathroom floor.
Violent negroes are a disaster zone! But how can you tell the
violent ones from the other negroes when they all look alike?!
See the negro in the gorilla mask below in the video? You can
just think of a brutal gorilla when you see negroes. Let that
gorilla mask be a reminder of the violent nature of negroes.
22-year-old Damaris Wade and 33-year-old Tamika White were identified
by Sheriff's officials as suspects and were last seen in a 2007 Nissan
Altima with a California license plate No. 8CCC010. Anyone who
sees the wanted pair is urged to call the the Sheriff’s Department at
Anonymous tips can also be submitted through “Crime Stoppers” by
dialing 800-222-8477 or by going to the website
Violent negroes are an absolute disaster zone! Remember that.
Roberto Lopez Flores,
California grandfather, 80, robbed, beaten on grocery trip
The suspected couple has been charged Wednesday in this brutal attack.
Damaris Wade is charged with attempted murder, elder abuse and robbery.
Tamika White is charged with acting as an accessory after the fact
according to reports. Wade could get 25 years to life if convicted.
The victim has reportedly died according to recent news. The
charges for the perps should be escalated to murder, plain old
cold-hearted murder of an elderly person who was less able to defend
himself than a younger person.
College student Laura Anderson had just purchased her new home and her
stepfather, Nick Wall was reportedly getting a spare set of keys when
his vehicle was rear-ended as he turned into the driveway. A
negro, Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III, 23, reportedly caused the crash
and jumped out and shot Laura Anderson and Nick Wall to death. A
bystander was also shot as he tried to intervene and was sent to the
hospital. A day which should have been joy turned into a complete
trainwreck of a tragedy by one negro, and the government still does
nothing to stop it.
These crash and shoot operations are like the crash and access
operations of the F.B.I. which has probably used these methods for
You will believe me sooner or later that negroes are a bad trip.
If they are even in your city or town you are at risk because anytime a
negro wishes to access and kill a white person all they have to do is
run into you with probably a stolen car and you are supposed to stop
and exchange information, etc., and the negro can, of course, line up
on you and shoot you dead.
Government does nothing about these black on White murders. Trump
appeases and pacifies negroes by giving their
universities and colleges billions of dollars, has open house sessions
for negroes at The White House, etc., and does nothing to object to
these killings. Because of Trump's inaction you are at extreme
risk if you are White in America.
That is why I say America is in finished. This murderous ape
deserves the death penalty for sure. Laura, 21, Nick Wall,
another pair of bright
beautiful White faces snuffed out by this thug negro. A white boy was
shot dead by a negro in cold blood while outside playing recently and
you can hardly read the news without learning of another black on White
slaughter. Trump could at least speak out about this but he sits
mum, equivalent to actually favoring the murderers.
Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III has reportedly been sentenced to 60 years in
prison. His driver license was suspended in 2017 and he was not
supposed to be driving.
South Carolina college
student, stepfather fatally shot in head on front lawn over fender
Suspect allegedly caused crash that preceded double murder in SC
county, police say
Charles, Vanessa
Pierre, negroes murder family
When I claim that negroes are violent that includes violent treachery
against women and more acts of violence. Goey Charles, 29, was
charged with the murder of pregnant girlfriend Vanessa Pierre. I
wonder if they will charge him also with the killing of her unborn
child. This ape was recorded on surveillance cam dumping the
woman's body on the freeway, proving that negroes may turn on you at
any convenient moment, murdering family, girlfriends, Common Law wives,
etc.. Negroes simply cannot be trusted to love, honor, and
cherish, etc., "Till Death Do Us Part".
This negro subway assault in Manhattan left a white woman, Serbian immigrant,
with five of her backbones broken. Negroes have popularized this
'subway shove' kind of attack where they shove mostly white people onto
the subway tracks which can prove fatal if the victim is hit by
oncoming train or dies from the fall. Actually it is attempted
murder. This hard working immigrant is supporting an ill
husband. See how some folks are just hanging on? Then to be
attacked over color - UGH! Only in America where communist Democraps
popularize placing the negro high above hated White folks. This
negro beat and stomped on the victim who was trying to hold onto the
The video says this was racially
motivated, the attacker calling the victim "cracker". Like I told
you, negroes are a bad violent trip for White people. If you are
you should boycott negroes and avoid them altogether. Don't go to
school with them and don't turn your back on them at the train or
subway station. Infoeditor
68-year-old woman pushed
onto subway tracks in random NYC attack
Jiang, crash
and access
operations, crash and shoot, crash shooters, Yale student murdered
Just like the shooter in the Laura Anderson, Nick Wall
murders rear
ended Nick Wall to access and shoot dead Nick and Laura this Yale grad
student murder of Kevin Jiang recently on the 6th, Saturday Feb. 2021,
appears to have the same M.O.. The shooter rear ends the
target-victim and the victim gets out to see about it and is accessed,
shot dead. If people are going around using this method the best
advice if you are rear-ended might be to drive to the nearest cop shop
and get in front of a
camera and call 911 to report the accident!
Jiang's Prius reportedly had rear-end damage so it looks like someone
bumped into him and then shot him. You could call such operations
and access
operations, or crash and shoot, or crash shooters.
Since there are so many attacks on Asians lately this may have been
racially motivated. I don't know why the DOJ dropped the lawsuit
against Yale, but Yale reportedly engaged or engages in outright
discrimination against Whites and Asians. DOJ and POTUS sit mum
on murders. Like I said, "AMERICA.....OVER".
Kevin Jiang - Yale student murdered
Connecticut police say slain Yale grad student may have been targeted;
search continues for alleged killer
Muslim, negro
on Asian attacks, negro-Asian attacks
Probable cause to detain a negro male, Yahya Muslim, was issued in
Alameda County, California on 2/5/2021 in connection with the pushing
assaults of three elderly persons. It seems that violent negroes
are not satisfied with assaulting younger persons to assault and rob,
but they are apparently targeting the elderly, a cowardly thing to
do. In these pushing assaults the victims are knocked to the
pavement and some receive head trauma to the extent they lose
consciousness, a very serious assault using the ground, the concrete
pavement as a weapon to bludgeon the victim with.
This is typical behavior of the negro race. Why are so many
negroes accused and convicted of violent crimes? It happens again
and again! Looks like the general public would issue a moan and
cry over this, but how would it be heard by the rest of the public when
the media hardly even broadcasts it. Finally, we see some
mainstream media coverage by KRON in San Francisco.
One woman the suspect allegedly shoved lost consciousness and
reportedly suffered a laceration which required stitches. Another
man was 91 years old and violently pushed down onto the pavement.
This can cause death to an elderly person so I hope they go for a hate
crime conviction for Yahya Muslim and attempted murder charges.
Man arrested for
assaulting 3 elderly victims in Oakland’s Chinatown
I've told you and told you about getting involved with these interracial relationships and
another one has failed. Stephen McNeil, a negro-mex looking guy
allegedly beat ex-girlfriend Danielle Hopton to death. This girl
was 18 and very pretty in a clean cut sort of way. She was
reportedly found by police in a parking lot and taken to a hospital
where she died. To leave someone in a parking lot with fatal
injuries like that takes a real cold-hearted ape. Like I said,
you'll get a dog-face or just plain dead when race mixing. What
in the world was she doing in this relationship with this apparent
criminal who was out on bail? If McNeil was an ex what in the
world was she on a walk with him for? Wanna
have a dog-face?!!! Huh?!
Fort Collins woman killed
in apparent domestic violence situation
At least some of the wild apes that reportedly caused the closure of 10
Walgreen's stores in San Francisco, California are negroes. Here
is a photo of negro behavior, the ape violently jumping up on a counter
to allegedly steal merchandise. Typical ape behavior...monkey
see, monkey want, monkey take.
Poor Walgreen's that has served the U.S. public for many decades is
trashed by negroes who apparently don't contribute anything to society
but mayhem. This reminds me of Kroger having to
close stores
because of shoplifting, also. Now people in that neighborhood
have no nearby pharmacy to get their meds, pick up milk, juice, drugs,
A Pakastani immigrant came to the U.S. to build a better life for
himself and family was reportedly attacked with a Taser, carjacked by
negro teens who caused his murder. There are no
boundaries or limitations to the murder that negroes cause, so if you
are outside the U.S. you might be better off to stay there unless you
arm yourself immediately upon entering the U.S.. Here is a very
sad case where it looks like Mr. Anwar was succeeding at his dream of a
better life, but as I've said before you can do everything right in
life and even good credit cannot save you from the wild, destructive,
violent behavior of negroes. In a moment of negro violence it can
all be gone, destroyed as usual.
The reports claim the teens attempted to carjack Mr. Anwar and he
became stuck between the seat and door and was flung out of the vehicle
when it crashed, killing him. It was apparently his car which was
used for Uber Eats deliveries so he did not want to part with it.
There really is not much else to say except this would barely have made
it to mainstream media news if not for FoxNews, etc.. CNN and the
rest of them did not cover it much.
What is to be done about all the death and destruction from negro
criminal behavior? It is a national epidemic. Mr. Anwar
looks like a dignified, well groomed gentleman and it seems these kind,
unsuspecting individuals invariably fall victim to negro violence.
Many Asian people who live in the U.S. are mindful of the communism
which their ancestors suffered, so they staunchly support America and a
free society which is free from communism and they are American
patriots to
the core. Therefore it is unfortunate and disturbing to see
Negroes attacking these Asian people in random violent attacks.
At least the Asians have a work ethic while Negroes have an image of
laying back on welfare and food stamps.
I am not going to sit back and stay mum for fear of the racist label
because it is unfair that this is happening and the blame lays squarely
on the violent negro race so it must be said out loud - NEGROES ARE
VIOLENT, EVEN CRAZED WITH VIOLENCE and now negroes are directing their
anger against Asians.
These negro on Asian attacks are pure hate crimes and should be
prosecuted as such. Negroes should not get off on being
prosecuted for hate crimes just because they are negroes and public
press and some prosecutors tend to favor them and omit their crimes
from publication.
Understand this: blacks are not victims - they are the violent
attackers who victimize others. When will this ridiculous black
victim stuff go away? There have been so many murders, robberies,
and violent attacks committed by blacks that they are hardly the
am sad to report that Mr. Yao Pan Ma has passed away after suffering in
the hospital for some time. This hate crime is now murder and
murder charges should be applied with hate crime enhancements.
Yao Pan Ma had reportedly lost his job at a restaurant and was picking
up cans to try and get some money for his family when he was reportedly
brutally attacked by what appears to be a male negro. How sad is
that? A man reduced to collecting cans and attacked even for
that. The suspect used the ground-pavement as a weapon and
stomped the victim in the head so this is aggravated assault with
intent to commit homicide and a hate crime.
You would think the world has seen enough violence by negroes,
especially in the U.S.. Yeah, he probably did it but we must put
"allegedly" until he's proven guilty in court. There must
actually be a video of this sick twisted bastard kidnapping this girl
bartender, Mariam Abdulrab as she arrived at her home. She was
reportedly found dead later. The perp is identified as DeMarcus
Brinkley, a convicted child molester, another ugly ass negro
murderer. I wonder how many people DeMarcus has killed, but he
dindu nuffin. Pullleeeeeze!
This woman victim appears to be Asian. Is this another black on Asian
assault and murder?
That's the way it is with these negro criminals - they will follow you
right up to your door and kill you. The only solution to this
problem is to have a loaded gun in your hand when you leave and arrive
at your residence. You have to resist it there because if you get
kidnapped your tormentor(s) are not likely to spare you.
Atlanta police release 911 calls in bartender kidnapping and killing;
suspect is convicted child molester
A South Beach tourist was
shot to death. Suspect told police he was
‘high on mushrooms.’
According to witness(es) a male negro, Tamarius
Davis, shot a white man, Dustin
Wakefield to death at South Beach, Miami Beach, Florida Tuesday,
August 24, 2021 in front of Wakefield's one year old son. This
reportedly happened at an outdoor patio part of a restaurant. It
looks like the race war is on. Maybe if you are White you should
avoid dining out.
This attractive lady, Tina Waddell, was brutally beaten until she was
unrecognizable while on the Silver Comet trail in Georgia and is listed
as a black
on White assault crime victim. My previous post on
showed a model who was brutally beaten
into a dog face by negroes, but
this case of Tina Waddell appears to be even worse. The victim
was reportedly beaten in the head with a rock. If her head was against
or near the ground it could be attempted murder.
Somehow I feel she did not deserve it, and, these are the stories you
don't hear about. Blacks are routinely randomly picking White
victims to beat, torture, and murder. The laws that restrict the
carrying of firearms are tyrannical and enable brutal monsters to
commit this mayhem. Your do-nothing congress apparently does
nothing about these violent crimes. They won't even issue a
condemnation of it big enough to hit the news media outlets. Just
look at this woman's face!! Whichever black did this to her is a
sick joke that needs to be put out of his misery!
The only way this negro crime will stop is for every person to be
armed. Women and
smaller persons don't stand a fighting chance against a man intent on
destruction. If a smaller person, say a woman, was knocked down and
withdrew a small handgun and fired at her assailant it should be
justifiable because she cannot tell if he intends to kill her. At
first sign of aggression she should be at the ready with a firearm, say
about a small 9mm, or a .38 special snubbie. It
will stop this crap cold
dead everywhere. If you cannot be armed legally then don't live
there. See MOUSE
tiny gun RUGER
CONCEALABLE PISTOL. Much better than a derringer, even the
lowly .380 ACP will stop an
and can kill with a vital shot, especially to the head. A 380
pistol is better than no pistol at all. John
Browning's 380 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) can end a fight. RUGER LCP IN
.380 ACP
This tiny gun weighs only 9.6 ounces and holds
7 rounds, 6 in the clip and
one in the chamber and is only 5.16 inches long and 3.6 inches in
height, very compact and little and at Bud's
Gun Shop,
fairly affordable. This gun reportedly requires a full double
action pull before it will fire, making it a very safe weapon not prone
to accidental discharge. It could save your life or your family's
lives or
your pet's life. I wouldn't be above gut-shooting someone who knocks me
down, especially considering how crippled up I am now. You need
to carry this pistol or at least the equivalent, a .38 caliber weapon,
everywhere you go now. It would be better to suffer an assault
charge than to be beaten or stabbed to death, but it may be better to
just leave
the scene like a doctor did who wrote
about it in The Reader's
Digest. Is your life worth approximately a couple hundred
dollars plus tax with free shipping!? Pretty good
new Ruger LCP Max which arrived in 2021 sports a 10 round and 12
round magazine capacity giving the gun an eleven or 13 round capability
when the chamber is also loaded.
The improved LCP Max is less than half an ounce difference from the LCP
II and only slightly thicker.
With the 10 round magazine and one in the chamber it gives you a lot
more firepower. You can carry some 12 round magazines for extra
follow-up firepower.
You don't have to take a literal beating from these filthy gangs
anymore. You'd better learn how to spray em if they attack you
because neither your do-nothing congress nor anyone is coming to save
Murder happened Thursday, Jan. 13th, 2022- 1:50 PM - North
La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca.
Black guy enters furniture store and reportedly stabs architectural
grad student
white girl, Brianna Kupfer, 24, to death. This black-on-White
murder happens all the time now. Even one instance of a slaying
like this is too much but it's happening regularly now, a real
war of
attrition against Whites. So, should Whites continue to dwell
with blacks? I think not. Your insider trader do-nothing
congress will
probably ignore this murder as they have others and not even issue a
statement condemning it. Now the only relief Whites can get will
come from segregation. It's clear,
blacks are a threat and
continue to kill Whites. There are so many murders that this
murder from last week is just now reported.
People are putting up with this for now, but soon it will come around
to you or members of your White family. Blacks are simply not
content to allow Whites to live their lives now. They want
payback from Whites that were not the original slave-holders. What a
shame, such a lovely future
White mom gone.
According to more recent reports the D.A. has suspended legal action
against Smith, in favor of pursuing mental evaluations. Smith is
reported to have allegedly stabbed Kupfer 26 times and D.A. calls off
prosecution for now. ???
UCLA grad student stabbed to death while working at LA luxury furniture
UCLA grad student fatally stabbed while working at high-end LA
furniture store
Time to get a RUGER
LCP 380 ACP or Taurus G2C 9mm and
learn how to
use it, especially if you work
or with minimal staff.
If 9mm or 38 special guns are unpleasant to shoot you can always opt to
use a .380 ACP, a mild recoil and very little muzzle jump and very nice
to shoot. BUD'S
I think if Brianna had been at the ready with a firearm
she could have
survived, even if she was mangled up a bit she could have blasted her
assailant into eternity.
Communists have conned "We, The Forgotten People" into accepting our
murders with crap like critical race theory.
This man, Shawn Laval Smith, 31, is a suspect in the murder of Brianna
Kupfer who was brutally stabbed to death while working alone in a
furniture store. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? Anyone who sees
him should call 911 and not approach, police said.
Suspect allegedly walked into a furniture store on North La Brea
Avenue, Los Angeles, and stabbed UCLA grad student Brianna Kupfer to
The alleged killer of Brianna Kupfer, Shawn Laval Smith, was detained
by Pasadena PD around 11:50am this morning in the area of Fair Oaks and
Colorado Blvd., a good resourceful and prompt police work. If
found guilty this particularly brutal murder suspect should get the
death penalty with no deals available to him.
Indictment is Unsealed in
Murder of UCLA Grad Student at Hancock Park Furniture Store - NEW
Man Accused in Hancock
Park Stabbing Murder of UCLA Student Found OK to Stand Trial
"A judge in Los Angeles has decided the man charged with murdering a
UCLA student in a furniture store in Hancock Park is mentally fit to
stand trial."
The murder victim here had texted someone that a person who entered the
store was giving her "bad" or "weird vibes". When your gut tells
you something is wrong, maybe you should get close
to your firearm or grab it in your hand. If you are somewhere
that doesn't allow you to have a firearm you should not be there.
You're in the wrong place. There are too many cases of stabbings,
shootings, chokings, beatings that often cannot be handled
According to the trial related information the now late Brianna Kupfer
was "An innocent, kind woman begging for her life" as Shawn Laval Smith
allegedly stabbed her to death with 46 sharp force injuries that were
so forceful it left the knife bent and Smith's DNA reportedly on it at
the scene.
The store employee who was murdered, Brianna Kupfer's life and death
will ultimately serve a divine purpose if this monster who allegedly
killed her is convicted for he will undoubtedly never see the light of
day outside of prison. Brianna's death then will have served to
forever remove this monster from the public, making it a much safer
world. It's too bad she had to die to possibly save others.
R.I.P. sweet lady. Infoeditor
‘A kind woman begging for
her life’: Trial in grisly killing of UCLA student begins
"Kupfer received 46 sharp-force injuries
in the attack, according to
the coroner’s report. Her injuries included 11 stab wounds to her
chest, two to her abdomen, one to her pelvis and seven to her arms. She
also was sliced in at least 20 places on her body, the autopsy shows.
Her attacker inflicted so many wounds — many of them 5 inches deep —
that Kupfer died from exsanguination, according to the autopsy. Her
aorta, liver, lungs and stomach were repeatedly penetrated by a sharp
blade, a medical examiner said in determining the death was a homicide."
Law enforcement, media, etc. are so concerned that you or I
might have
a weapon on us cops are sometimes interested in frisking us down you
know, yet the slobby murderer who attacked Brianna carried a fairly
large knife around with impunity after being released time and again
from jail and having multiple warrants on him. In fact, while
they fail to control these raving maniac murderers they demand your gun
- that you go gunless in a highly dangerous and racially charged
Read how many times Brianna Kupfer's alleged murderer, Shawn Laval
Smith, had been arrested and turned loose for serious offenses.
the communists in charge this country is hopeless. It has
become a popular trend to kill White persons for which blacks receive
encouragement and little to no punishment. The communists
love it. You apologists for blacks will insist Brianna's murderer
does not represent blacks as a group so your continued support of
blacks is the very cause of this murder of Kupfer. When you put
"black apologist" in your search engine it changes the subject, no
definition given, indicating there is no such thing as a black
apologist, yet black apologists abound in today's U.S. society.
They're all over the damn place. Black apologists have emboldened
these black killers to where it leads to murders, just like this murder
of Brianna Kupfer. The prosecutor at recent report had suspended
prosecution of alleged killer Shawn Laval Smith in favor of mental
evaluations, so the black killers know they are going to get let off
for committing serious crimes like murder.
I especially admire intelligent women like Brianna and this murder
appears to be just another negro-on-White tragedy. This is the
penalty for keeping negroes in the U.S. when Lincoln proposed removing
This ugly ass violent negro, Calvin Crew,
allegedly murdered an Uber driver, mother of
four, in an apparent robbery by shooting her in the head. This
reportedly happened on Feb. 10, 2022. The victim, Christi
Spicuzza, reportedly begged for her life before she was shot dead while
trying to earn some scratch for her family. At least she had a
work ethic which is more than her assailant had. Since this is a
cross-racial crime and the victim begged for her life it is a hate
crime and should be prosecuted as such. This perp deserves the death penalty.
These violent murders happen all too frequently and I can hardly
enjoy a Sunday or any other day for learning of another violent negro
killing more White people, usually White women. They're out
there, those murderous violent negroes, like bucking horses lined up to
come out of a rodeo chute and murder more people. The
message? Don't go anywhere, don't do anything, don't work at a
public job, don't enjoy life........or else you may suffer the fate of
Christi Spicuzza.
Why doesn't anything bad ever change in America? Because we are
driven by racial ineptitude and a bad media for one thing, and, as soon
as one murder sort of blows over people go back to doing the same
things. I'm really ashamed of this country.
A dark-skinned man reportedly shot dead Daniel Enriquez, a Goldman
investment researcher employee, in the chest on a subway train.
The suspect in the photo appears to be negro. Could this be
another violent negro attack?
This appears to be a targeted attack. Do you remember what I told
you about big
pharma CEO's possibly in danger of assassination?
That principle could apply to large financial organization
employees. What did Mr. Enriquez know or find out?
NYPD releases photo of suspect in 'tragic
senseless' subway shooting
asks public for help finding Canal Street subway station shooting
The U.S. is full of violent negro attackers who may spring out at you
any moment with fists or guns or knives, etc., ready to destroy a White
or hispanic or Asian person like in the below video so be aware of
your surroundings and always carry at least your mouse
for defense
against wild violent negroes. This wild violent negro will likely
get off on a mental. He had reportedly been given government
phones but wanted more I guess. That's the way many negroes seem
to be - you can never give them enough - they are never satisfied with
how much you give them so don't start the giving.
This crazy violent negro used the ground as a weapon, stomping the
victim's head between the ground and his shoe so he should be charged
with a serious assault crime, felony assault. She is lucky if her
skull is not cracked but he did plenty of damage to her face.
Gotta have the mouse gun with you at all
The body of Debbie Collier, another White mom, has reportedly been
found murdered Sept. 11, near Athens, Georgia. This time the victim was
able to text her daughter that people were apparently with her and were
not going to let her go. Since those people with her are probably
the people who murdered her it begs the question of who are these
people that must have carjacked her and killed her? What race
commits a lot of carjackings? What race chopped up, shot and
stabbed and shredded to death Kitty
Genovese, Molly
Tibbets, Brianna
Kupfer, Carrie
Jean Melvin, Julia
Jacobson, Kera Teel, Chelsea
Beller, Eve
Marie Carson, and other White women?
It cannot be said for certain that a particular race killed Debbie
Collier but there is an invisible war on White women going on out there
that happens mostly when there are no witnesses or assistance present.
Don't go about alone, especially if you are White. It seems that no one
is willing to help White women by speaking out against these
murders. Why?
actually looks like Debbie Collier's white daughter or her daughter's
'friends' may be the culprits of this murder. At any rate Debbie
Collier, involved with real estate sales, must have allowed people to
get around her when she was unarmed and probably did get kidnapped, but
may have been murdered before her body was moved. See:Daughter who got $2.3K
Venmo before mom's murder has sordid legal past Debbie Collier murder:
Threatening note against family revealed: report
Are you going to let the carjackers kidnap you, rape and kill you
without a fight? You have to defend yourselves with a gun.
Like the old sheriff said, "Not pepper spray, not a knife, not a bow
and arrow, not a baseball bat or slingshot, BUT A
If you get into a life-or-death confrontation with armed opponents
you'd better have more than just a revolver. Autos can be
reloaded in the blink of an eye with more spare loaded magazine clips,
and, it never hurts to have more than one gun because grabbing a second
gun is even faster than reloading an auto. I had a new Colt
revolver firing pin break when out shooting once upon a time. The
only answer to that in a battle is at least a second gun.
Missing Georgia mom Debbie Collier found dead after sending daughter
money, chilling text
I get so tired of posting male negro kills White woman articles that I
am just now getting to this. It actually looks like a crap-shoot
of negro men killing White women and young White girls.
A teacher, Eliza Fletcher was apparently grabbed off the streets of
Memphis while
jogging in the early hours and possibly raped, and then killed. A
negro male, Cleotha Abston has been charged with her murder but it
isn't clear whether Eliza's organs were harvested in this heinous
act. This apparently happened before the week of September 7th,
New details emerge in the death of mom and teacher Eliza Fletcher,
suspect is arraigned on murder charges
New York bail reform
blasted after man killed at Marriott shooting near Marist College while
visiting son
EAST NORTHPORT, N.Y. - Early Sunday
Imagine you are staying at a nice Marriott hotel, one of the best
hotels, for your family weekend to see your son in college and you
leave the comfort of your hotel room to get a coffee and check
out. Suddenly someone starts arguing and shoots you to
death. Wouldn't that feel stupid to just go for coffee and you
get shot to death for it? If you had known there was a crazy
murderous negro gunman near the lobby you would have stayed in your
It was reported that this is what happened to Paul Kutz, 53 year old
CPA, who was visiting his son in college, and, it looks like from the
mugshot of the suspect (all persons are innocent until proved guilty)
it was another violent negro attack on a White person. The
shooting has been portrayed by some media as two homeless men fighting
and spraying the lobby with gunfire.
It does look like a race war is on and I am really tired of posting all
these black on White murders. Don't you get tired of hearing
about them. It makes White people feel like a target is pasted on
their backs! Maybe don't go anywhere you cannot carry your 1911!
A violent mostly negro brawl disrupted a Louisville courtroom during a
murder hearing. The people involved were not willing to wait for
justice to prevail and apparently began fighting and trying to get at
the defendant who was leaving the courtroom after a hearing about
whether he would get a public defender or not, another indication of
this race of violent negroes. Negro violence is the cause of much
of America's problems.
Future appearances of this defendant in court should be held over
closed circuit television. Negroes have become a bad trip. Wanna
have a dog face? Infoeditor
Attractive black lady Shanquella Robinson must have had some violnet
negroes around her who, according to Shanquella's father, allegedly
picked her up by the neck and body slammed her down, causing a spinal
cord injury in addition to the reported at least 34 blows to her head
and neck area.
I've told you people before to avoid violent negroes. It's a bad
trip. Wanna have a dog face? Huh?
Dr. Michael Mammone, Dr. Michael Mammone murder, Vanroy Evan Smith, violent negro Vanroy
Evan Smith
As if it wasn't enough to run down Dr. Michael Mammone with a Lexus
car, the motorist, violent negro Vanroy Evan Smith reportedly stabbed
the doctor with a knife to make sure he was dead, dead. Witnesses
at the scene say Vanroy Smith was shouting racial expletives about
"white privilege". Can't have those White doctors saving people in the
E.R. anymore! No sir, gotta get these White people outta here is
the message the woke communist liberal U.S. government advocates.
Now the brainwashing takes on real proportions as fuel for the negroes
to build their anti-White fire with. All accounts say this doctor
was a good guy who saved lives.
This violent negro should be charged with two counts of 1st degree
murder and he should never get paroled. He killed the doctor once
with his car and again with the knife. This qualifies as a true
hate crime with the alleged killer shouting racial expletives. If
you have any doubts
that negroes are killing Whites in the U.S. you are just plain
dense. They took all the welfare money that LBJ could dish out
and long ago began killing White people with it.
If this is a random attack it appears that any White person anywhere in
the U.S. can be targeted, attacked and possibly murdered for being
Driver accused of hitting doctor on bike,
then stabbing him to death
The violent negro felon who had charges dropped related to gun crimes
reportedly murdered three people at Michigan State University. It seems
like many negroes who have received a break from prosecutors go on to
commit horrible violent crimes.
think that at anytime, any place you might see a violent negro show up
and start shooting White people, and of course, Congress and your
do-nothing politicians will continue to do nothing about the ongoing
majority black gun crimes and more people will be murdered. If
any of these victims are White it is automatically a cross-racial hate
crime worthy of the heaviest sentence possible.
Michigan State University gunman had felony weapon charge dropped in
Feb. 19, 2023 Irmo, S. Carolina
Tuesday afternoon, Valentine's Day
should have told Alexandria Borys not to tangle with negroes in
public. All negroes should be suspected of violent to extremely
violent capability. After a dispute the ugly-ass shaved headed
negro female Christina Harrison (with a mop on top haircut) reportedly
pulled out a gun and fatally shot White mom Alexandria Borys in the
back in front of her children. There seems to be no defense to
violent negroes who strike viciously, suddenly when Whites try to take
up for themselves. The very famous martial artist and actor Bruce Lee
said in his training programs you must face your opponent, meaning you
cannot take your eyes off your adversary. Perhaps this incident
would have ended differently if Alexandria had observed this principle.
Negroes do not belong in a White society and despite all the libtards
and bleeding hearts who desire race-mixing, this integration stuff will
never work out and it will always be Whites who lose, sometimes just
asserting themselves. Negroes are a completely different foreign
race who have violence at the base of their existence. I'm not
arguing why or when, etc., but just pointing out they may murder you if
you try to assert yourselves to them.
This situation reminds me of the carpenter in Colorado who parked his
pick-up truck in front of the duplex he and wife-girlfriend lived in
and was told to move it by female negro resident. When he turned
to do something or get something from the truck she fatally shot him in
the back with something like a 9mm handgun over the argument.
They will shoot you in the front of your body and they will shoot you
right in the back. Negroes think that shooting and killing you is
the way to "win" an argument. You have been warned that this is a
gravely serious and deadly phenomenon in what's left of America
today. The only answer is segregation again, and, turning your
back on a violent negro can be fatal.
the negro killers likely won't do much time if they
murder you. Many of them will plead out as a mental case and be
sent to mental rehab, etc., especially with our bought off Soros
prosecutors. The U.S. is a sad happening now due to do-nothing
congress and a bunch of modern so-called "woke" so-called lawmakers who
obstinately refuse to fix things. For example if lawmakers wanted
to be fair to the public they would make a declaration of how many
black on White murders are happening and denounce it but the total
cowards stay silent for fear of being called racist. They are a
bunch of do-nothing wusses admiring their investments and insider
trading, letting this situation of cross-racial killings get completely
out of hand. I wonder how many butt-ugly stupid negroes are out
there with handguns, just waiting to shoot a White person!?
South Carolina wife, mother shot to death in front of young children in
Kroger parking lot
South Carolina mom shot dead in front of
her children in grocery parking lot | LiveNOW from FOX
ADAMS, Scott
Adams, 'Dilbert' creator, Dilbert
comic strip
Infoeditor has not even had time to post the latest negro killing
spree but I ran across this which I will share. Someone finally
has the courage to stand up to the negroes who took all the welfare
money that Whites could give them and are beating and killing Whites
nowadays for that gift. This is a rejection of blacks in general,
but, I don't think it is the last - it's just the beginning of people
falling out of favor with blacks and violent negroes. Hats off to
professional author Scott Adams for having the courage to tell the
truth as it is! You citizens should be thankful you have a
stand-up guy like Scott Adams. Truth be told I'm sure there are
millions of Americans who share Scott's sentiments and they should
stand up, too.
It wasn't satire when Scott
Adams, 'Dilbert' creator, said Whites
should just get the hell away from blacks! He meant every word of
it after being called a racist. He suggested not helping blacks
anymore, that he is tired of seeing black Americans beating up
non-black citizens. "But every damn day I look on social media
and there is some black person beating the shit out of some White
person. I'm kind of over it, I'm over it, so I quit. So if nearly
half of all blacks are not okay with White...". "Forty seven
percent of black respondents were not willing to say it's okay to be
White. So if nearly half of blacks are not okay with White
people, according to this poll, not according to me, according to this
poll, ah that's a hate group. That's a hate group...and I don't
want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, you know
based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give
to White people is to get the hell away from black people. Just
get the f**k away. Wherever you have to go, just get away ...
cause there's no fixing this. This can't be fixed. This
can't be fixed. You just have to escape." And he said
more. Infoeditor
Episode 2027 Scott
Adams: AI Goes Woke, I Accidentally Joined A Hate
Group, Trump, Policing Schools
Starts at about 15:00
Scott Adams reports that his comic strip 'Dilbert' has been dropped
from 77 markets this week and all I can say is this is the punishment
retribution by the consensus liberal-communist Amerika for telling the
truth about negroes. The communists intend to continue using the
race-baiting and racism label to control the U.S. citizens. It is
unfortunate they are making an example out of such a stand-up honest
guy, Scott Adams. We need to boycott every newspaper and media
that dropped him and send a powerful message that we need the truth,
not the B.S. they peddle.
Maybe this sudden retaliation was expected by Adams and maybe this is
his way of retiring or slowing down. It would be such a privilege
to have 'Dilbert' on your media platform.
- Infoeditor
Laid off: Newspapers
drop office cartoon 'Dilbert' over creator's
racial remarks
Remember awhile back I wrote an article about negroes
tracking people
to the bank? Well, apparently it's happened again. A
violent negro reportedly attacked an Asian woman stealing over
$4,000.oo that she had just withdrawn from the bank, leaving her
paralyzed, probably from the body slam. How did the thug know she
had cash on her? He may not have known and may have targeted her
for being Asian but it is a possibility he had tracked her. Where
do the thugs get the codes and software to track people?
This thug caused the victim a spinal injury such that she cannot walk
or use the bathroom by herself. These mean thugs are out there
waiting for you to drop by so be prepared.
Only an armed person can successfully fight back, particularly when the
victim is a smaller person. Isn't $4,300 and your life worth
defending? Never let the press or someone tell you that negroes
are victims - rather they are the perpetrators of horrible violence in
the U.S. today. Get your head on straight!
Robbery suspect body
slams Texas woman, leaving her paralyzed: video
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?! Mother seriously
injured during robbery
UPDATE: The thugs who robbed and assaulted this woman have reportedly
been apprehended. The only thing I cannot figure out is why they
apparently only charged the guy with aggravated robbery instead of also
charging him with assault causing great bodily harm.
I was hoping and praying this guy would get caught and he was. I
think he will definitely do some time. They are still apparently
trying to figure out his bail if he is to get bail.
Teens arrested in
'jugging' robbery on city sidewalk that left woman paralyzed
A black man reportedly shot two stangers in the head and killed them
and shot at other people because they were White. It is reported
as a racial hate crime. There is your proof that negroes are
killing Whites because of race. Negroes should not receive
reparations at least until they have stopped murdering people.
So this is the society we live in. Negroes go about stabbing,
strangling and shooting White people at random. The race war
started long ago but has increased to where it is out in the open
now. If you are White and you turn your back on a negro in public
it could cost your life.
Orlando area shooting spree leaves 3 dead, including child and reporter
Don't you know I get tired of posting these black on White
killings. After allegedly shooting a White reporter, Dylan Lyons,
suspect reportedly ran into a nearby home and shot a mother and 9 year
old child in an effort to kill as many people as
possible. Violent negroes are tearing up the country from one end
to the other. Infoeditor
LONDON MURDERS, black gangs, violent
black gangs
Colin Flaherty:
Death By Witness Intimidation 2015 North Carolina
Charlotte, N.C.
In April a judge unsealed indictments against 12 alleged gang
members. Five of those members have reportedly pled guilty in the
Lake Wylie couple's shooting murders. Doug and Debbie London's
mattress store was robbed and Doug was the sole witness against the
robbers, some of whom reportedly came to Doug and Debbie London's home
in 2014 and murdered them. These black
gangs are extremely
dangerous and apparently they will murder witnesses to their crimes.
Another example of violent negroes. Arm yourselves today against
the black menace plaguing America. Infoeditor
5 plead guilty in
Lake Wylie couple's shooting deaths
Gang members charged with Lake Wylie murders
According to video this Asian looking man was attacked by 3 negro women
with pipes who violently robbed, beat and carjacked him. Enough
of this, already! Too much black on Asian crime in U.S.
Here is a man attempting an enterprise to make a profit honestly and
the negro parasites wrest it from him by force.
Even though the attackers brandished pipe clubs they had to gang him
instead of one on one, a typical cowardly negro trait. This guy should
have a Go Fund Me page because he made his living from this car they
stole so they stole his income, also.
This situation is attempted murder and calls for a firearm for
defense. This man could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money
by simply defending himself with a firearm.
There are many other new incidents of violent negro crime recently, too
many to post here. Negro crime dwarfs all other race crimes.
Chicago rideshare
driver beaten by 3 women speaks out - VIDEO
Zhontay Capers, Bernard
If this isn't the warning shot that indicates a race war is in gear I
don't know what is. A negro woman, 21 year old Zhontay Capers,
has allegedly stormed back onto a public bus and shot the White bus
driver, 45-year-old Army veteran Bernard Gribbin, 6 times, killing
him. Somehow I feel he did not deserve this for serving the
public for years.
Consider Scott
Adams's warning to "just get the f**k away!" when
referring to negroes and the black crime problem. Remember how he
said he's tired of seeing person's of color beating the shit out of
White people every day. Now it has escalated and there are
reports of blacks just shooting White people at random or over some
dispute. I do not recommend arguing with black people in
public. Do you get the feeling that a black person will just come
up to you and start shooting you to death? A
man reportedly shot two stangers in the head and killed them in
Oklahoma and shot at other people because they were White.
Shawn Laval Smith is accused of slaughtering
Brianna Kupfer in a
California furniture store with a knife and his prosecutor has
suspended prosecution in favor of mental evaluations, and the list goes
should not receive reparations at least until they have stopped
murdering people.
If found guilty this woman should receive the death penalty for
brutally murdering this bus driver.
Woman charged with murder after SEPTA bus
driver shot to death as transit strike looms
It has been reported that a White teen who stood up for a smaller
person was beaten to death by mostly black thugs. The mob is
reported to have been over 12 persons, maybe up to 15
individuals. Jonathan Lewis, a 17-year-old student was placed on
life support and died a couple weeks later of his injuries. This is
Las Vegas teen
beaten to death by mob of attackers outside of high
White Teen Is Beaten
To Death By A Mob Of Blacks Right Next To His School In Las Vegas
is wise to avoid negro groups and mobs no matter what color you
are. America as you knew it is gone. Remember how this
black on White violence can't be fixed, and isn't going to end well
according to Scott
Read how at least one of her killers was on probation for felonies and
should have been locked up.
Read how black and hispanic probation officer(s) are sometimes arrested
11 times for D.U.I., carrying concealed weapon, etc.. (probation -
Affirmative Action boondoggle)
And that includes letting black criminals walk, unpunished, off the
hook. How would you like getting the hell beaten out of you and
the judge decides to let the black criminal perp off on mental health
issue(s)? Well, yes the violent negroes are bound to have mental
but what about their victims? If the violent negro offenders are
free to commit crime is that justice?
Negroes have torn and are tearing this whole country asunder. Go
ahead and feel sorry for them until you're the victim.
Some negroes may have little to no regard for courts and judges.
The below video shows what happens when a courageous judge finally
issues a sentence apparently befitting the defendant's violent
behavior. The violent negro leaps upon the judge attacking her
and it takes several baliff people to finally pull him off and restrain
him. If this judge had been alone she could literally have been
beaten to death or strangled by this very violent negro. As I
stated before,
negroes are a violent race and this is another emphatic deadly proof of
their violent nature.
Recently a violent naked negro male reportedly beat a firewood
deliveryman to death at a residence in Fort Worth, Texas using a piece
of firewood. The residence owner ran inside so the (foreigner?)
27-year-old negro suspect, Christantus Omondi finished beating the
deliveryman to death. I'm wondering why the owner did not assist
deliveryman and allowed him to get beaten to death. I would have shot
this armed negro on the spot for attacking my help. No gun? Why
owner have a gun handy? And you tell me there's no need for guns
and you want to ban them? Then it's you who are delusional.
This will undoubtedly cost Fort Worth Texas taxpayers a fortune for
this idiot's mental treatment and exams and prosecutions because no gun
was used.
Is this a Somalian on the loose in the U.S.? Is this an example
another would-be machete attack by negro? Remember the machete
on Whites by negroes? Remember how I told you: "If you are alone
a gang of violent negroes can possibly beat you
completely to death like the gang who beat a White teen to death. See Jonathan Lewis." If
more than one person attacks me I would use a firearm on them,
especially if they have weapon(s).
These violent negro posts are only a sample of all the negro attacks in
the U.S. by violent negroes. I couldn't possibly post them all.
As I said before - violent negroes are tearing the U.S. to pieces.
Naked man beat Fort Worth delivery driver
to death with firewood, court docs say
Tieu, Tho Tieu
murder, Tho Tieu
murder robbery, Fernando Taylor, Fernando
Taylor suspect
It is well known that negroes and violent negroes don't necessarily
like and accept oriental or Asian people. On or about Dec. 29,
2023 this violent negro suspect, Fernando
Taylor, (just out of prison for similar crime) allegedly travelled from
Houston, Texas to rob and murder this Vietnamese restaurant owner, Tho
Tieu in Arlington, Texas. Why did he travel so far to do this
'job'? This may be a case of gangs or gang members casing out a
job and observing that this lady restaurant owner went to the bank, or
same bank fairly regularly and selling or giving or trading that
information to gang members or operatives to do the job of robbing
her. The fact that she was also murdered may have been a hate
crime, especially if it was not an accident.
So here we see a sophistication of possible gang activity which is
extremely well coordinated where gangs or individuals spy on citizens
and set them up to be robbed and or murdered. Remember when I
told you about the woman who was stalked to the
bank and almost robbed of some
$75,000 ?
She also reportedly suffered serious injuries from being run over by a
vehicle. It is probable that gangs or individuals are spying and
electronically spying on everyday people and using that information to
take advantage of them. It is necessary to have at least one
firearm to defend yourselves with at all times, especially in public
places. This is not legal advice. Talk to your crooked BAR
Association lawyer for all legal advice.
This victim was reportedly a kind lady who helped many persons, and
accordingly, she was a positive productive worker in the
community. Predators are suckers who suck the life out of
society, knocking these productive positive assets out of the way who
will undoubtedly be replaced by illegal immigrants who also suck down
the welfare money and drag on society, so crime and negro crime is
really killing what's left of America.
Arlington restaurant
owner killed by man who traveled from Houston,
police say
Arlington restaurant owner killed by man
who traveled from Houston, police say
Jonathan Mauk, 59 year old grandfather accidentally reversed his car
into reverse and reportedly bumped into Shawntece Norton's car at a
WalMart. Mauk was apparently apologizing when Norton reportedly
got out and shot Mauk in the face killing him and Norton then fled the
scene. This shows the contempt and hatred that some negroes have
for Whites as a black on White murder spree continues and Norton is now
charged with murder. I am really tired of posting all these
unnecessary black on White murders.
Kind grandfather loved by many falls to another road rage type incident
like I showed you in the above post, Alexandria Borys murder,
where a White woman apparently was shot by a negro woman for trying to
assert herself. You might not even be able to address a negro
without getting shot and killed, let alone assert yourself.
You're in a race war right now.
I'm with Scott
I'm over the black thing where I supported blacks in the past and I
won't support them now because they have killed too many Whites and
others. As he said, "That's a hate group...and I don't
want to have anything to do with them." Well I quit too, Scott!
Grandpa shot dead trying to apologize after
‘minor fender bender’ in Walmart parking lot
A chubby, rather thick violent negro thug bitch about twice a White
teen's size and weight slammed her to the street concrete and
repeatedly bashed her head against the pavement leaving her unconscious
and convulsing in the street while they stepped over her continuing the
This White teen victim was last reported to be in critical condition,
but this post says she died already. This is what I
figure, that she is dead and just like the videos which were pulled
from to protect the alleged negro murderer, the authorities
may be waiting to release a death statement. Yesterday actual videos of
the head slam into the concrete were available on but they
have now required sign ins to view those images, effectively squelching
the criminal act of what may now be a murder.
Scott Adams said he is
tired of seeing blacks beating the shit out of
White people every time he looks on social media and that you cannot
fix this black on white violence problem and to just move away from it.
Head injuries are sometimes very traumatic and if this victim lives she
may be brain damaged forever.
I warned you how violent negroes may beat
you completely to
death. They may stab or shoot you, gang up on you, and they
especially use the ground and concrete as a weapon. This is an
aggravated assault since the concrete was used as a weapon to injure
the victim. If the victim dies or is dead it is plain murder.
I suspect if Trump is re-elected he will continue to do nothing over
these black-on-White assaults like he did before, furnishing blacks
billions more college and university money like a reward for all their
violent behavior.
I predict he will do nothing about it.
UPDATE - Fight victim, Kaylee Gain
is showing improvement. Kaylee Gain Is Engaging in 'Limited Verbal
Conversations' After Brain Injuries from Fight, Family Says.
Reports of over $440,000 raised for her care with the help of
GoFundMe. Kaylee's family says she is breathing on her own and
out of
ICU. I am glad this young lady is alive - the violent negro could
have killed her.
Teens charged with 1st-degree reckless homicide after man dies from
One of four violent negroes was reportedly not charged with murder and
three teens were reportedly charged with reckless homicide for the
murder of a White homeless man.
Shooting of May 4, 2024 Posted today, May 10, 2024
Houston police identify man wanted for killing attorney at McDonald's
According to this article, "Anthony Martin Landry, 57, is wanted for
murder in the shooting death of 46-year-old Jeffrey Limmer".
Landry appears to be a black man - another black on White violent negro
murder suspect.
warned you not to tangle with negroes
in public because it could cost
you your life. In this case an attorney, Jeffrey Limmer, in the
prime of life was shot multiple times by a suspect because he
reportedly tried to
de-escalate an argument over Landry's McDonald's order. How
pitiful is this?! It appears that negroes resent general input
from Whites so when this White guy intervened in hopes of calming
things down it evidently triggered the (negro?) shooter. It's
like, "ef I wanna heah from yo White ass ah wooda ax ya". Get the
Suspects are presumed innocent until convicted in court. This may
be another black on White violent negro murder which happened in broad
daylight right in front of McDonald's and probably witnessed by
persons. As I've shown you above this carnage is happening all
across what's left of America. If it is true that this black
suspect killed this man then you can book it that if he killed the man
right in front of McDonald's they may kill you anywhere, a
fender bender, a gas station, an argument over a
parking space, whatever.
Suspect who killed attorney killed at
McDonald's identified, have you seen him?
Bionca Ellis, a 32 year old fat, ugly ass black woman is charged with
fatally stabbing Julian Wood, 3 years of
age, in a grocery store parking lot. This appears to have been
completely at random. Ellis reportedly went to a nearby store to
get the kitchen knife and immediately went after Margot
Wood and her son sitting in a shopping cart in the parking lot of Giant
Eagle supermarket in North Olmsted, Ohio Monday, June 3, 2024.
This hate crime has got to be the most disgusting black on White
attacks of all. Is someone ordering or encouraging negroes to
attack Whites? Who?
In one video I viewed the judge upped her bond to $5 Million from $1
Million. The question is: where was Margot Wood's gun when the
negro approached with that big knife out of a holster or sheath?
I would recommend that no one go to public stores and retaurants unless
accompanied by an armed person. You cannot safely go to the
supermarket without your husband or fiance, etc., and even
that doesn't guarantee you'll live through it. Like so many
other women, this woman was alone with her son who never had a
chance. This is just so pitiful.
This ugly ass negro, Ellis, was grinning and smirking while being
charged with aggravated murder and attempted murder so she is like a
demon possessed, and, you may face more of these demons who don't want
you to raise your White family, don't want you to live. Just
pitiful!!! Upon conviction this alleged murderess should get the
death penalty for killing such an innocent victim.
- If they do start this kind of murder will you then be convinced that
VIOLENT NEGROES are murdering White people?!! Where will you be if it
happens?!! Just take a look at the above list which may look like
gradual murder, but, I haven't even listed nearly all of them.
Negroes do not belong in a society with Whites. If this happens
only you, the armed citizen can stop them. You aren't going to pay
enough so-called reparations to stop
these attacks - they will always want more, like a ransom.
The fatal stabbing
of 3-year-old outside an Ohio supermarket took just seconds, police say
Surveillance footage shows moments before deadly stabbing in
North Olmsted
Just after frame 1:24 a man enters the isle from the left and
apparently nods to Ellis at the victim's side and Ellis seems to do a
slight nod, a confirmation that these are the targets. This man
appears to be a handler-director for the murder of Julian and attempted
murder of Mrs. Wood, and, he evidently did not buy anything and check out as he had 'other business' to do.
He then takes the lead and leads the target victims out of the
store with Bianca Ellis close behind. Ellis then attacks the
victims when they are close to vehicle.
If this man is the murder-handler-director he has likely been tracking
the victims throughout the store and exits with them. This
tracking method is an F.B.I. method. His face was not
blurred out in the original video but his face in most or all videos of this event
has now been blurred out.
Wood Video Surveillance
footage shows moments before deadly stabbing in North Olmsted
Can you imagine walking outside of a Barnes & Noble bookstore with
those wonderful books in mind, only to be accosted at gunpoint by
violent robber thugs? Well this poor 68-69 lady from New Zealand was walking with her husband in
Fashion Island Mall in Newport
Beach, California when they were
reportedly robbed at gunpoint and Patricia McKay went the rounds with
the robbers, was run over with the vehicle and lost her life. I
think at least one or more of these suspect thugs is a negro male, and,
negro males are tearing the U.S. apart, as I've said before.
How tragic this 69 year old lady from New Zealand could not even shop
at the famous Barnes & Nobles bookstore without getting
killed! The things we took for granted are disappearing
fast. It's nice to browse all the books at the bookstore but you
can probably order them online without the risk of traveling today.
Cops used to walk the beats instead of staying in air conditioned
cruisers and things were a lot safer then. They should have had
armed security and police walking around like that when this incident
So I suggest to be armed at all times with a fairly
powerful handgun
and do not go anyplace you cannot legally carry a firearm. Yes,
stay home often!
VIDEO Suspected robbers
kill woman in Newport, run away to South Gate
CALIFORNIA NEWS Tourist killed in
Newport Beach shopping mall robbery identified
by: Marc Sternfield - Posted: Jul 3, 2024 / 10:25 AM PDT
Updated: Jul 3, 2024 / 10:25 AM PDT
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